Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 151 Kamel's Undercover Report

Chapter 151 Kamel's Undercover Report
"The president of Hanyu Yinyang Funeral Club is named Hanyu Qingan. Both parents have passed away. Currently, there is a daughter named Yuzu, but the real identity of this child is the adopted daughter adopted by Hanyu Qingan's parents when they were alive, so Hanyu Qingan is actually It's the girl's brother."

At the public telephone booth on the corner of the street at midnight, Kamel was vigilant of all parties, and carefully reported the information he had collected during the recent period to Shuichi Akai.

"According to my preliminary observations, it is unlikely that President Hanyu is related to the Black Organization. This is inferred from Bourbon's attitude towards it. Of course, this is just my personal guess. I will give you some kind of reference."

"The most important thing is that President Hanyu seems to have mastered the real Onmyojutsu, which may be the reason why he was targeted by Bourbon."

Akai Shuichi, who had been listening quietly on the phone, finally spoke, "Onmyoji?"

Kamel scratched his head, this matter is really hard to explain, "Uh... that's true, I saw President Hanyu summon all kinds of shikigami with my own eyes, and the shikigami can be released is very shocking Even the divine dragon was summoned, and the blue dragon came out of the dark clouds like lightning and thunder..."

As he spoke, he became a little excited, and realized that he had lost his composure, so he quickly adjusted and focused on the key points.

"Later, I also saw the dead people stand up again, communicate and walk as normal... Uh... I can't say it's completely normal. The movements of the resurrected dead are obviously stiffer, and their faces are not normal."

"I haven't witnessed the resurrection process with my own eyes, but I got scattered news from Bourbon."

"In addition, I also learned from Bourbon that the high-level Japanese police system had personally attended the funeral hosted by President Hanyu, seen his methods, and even touched the dragon with his own hands!"

"Maybe it's because I've been here for a short time, and I'm not qualified to touch some things for the time being, or it may be..."

Kamel recalled Hanyu Qingan's attitude towards his new batch of employees, especially the salary, compared with Bourbon and Miss Umezawa, the gap...

"It may also be that he has guessed the identity of me and the other three new employees, so he doesn't trust me."

Akai Shuichi was silent for a while, digesting the news brought by Kamel, and did not make any comments.

When Kamel was a little worried about whether Mr. Akai felt that he was talking nonsense, Akai Shuichi finally said:

"Are you in danger now?"

Kamel thought for a while, and replied: "It's okay for now. Judging from Bourbon's behavior, he should also hide his identity and lurk in. It seems that he also doesn't want to be discovered by President Hanyu, so he rarely acts aggressively. Act like a normal person."

"Bourbon is now the person in charge of all the affairs of the funeral home, but he doesn't communicate with other employees very much except when he has work matters."

"Just talk a little more with Kazami Nanroku who is in charge of chores. If you don't know his identity in advance, you won't see any flaws."

"In addition, according to the strong murderous and gloomy feeling you mentioned, as well as my observations, the employees in the funeral club are most likely to be members of the organization, Kusuda Rikudo and Remington . Carl."

"They are all very gloomy and mysterious people. Although they have been covered up, they can still find traces or habits left by long-term use of guns in their hands or behaviors, and sometimes they will show ordinary The excessive vigilance that people don't have is very in line with the organization's identity as an undercover agent."

"As for the Kazami male sixth who joined the job together..." Kamel changed his hand to hold the phone, and glanced around by the way. The street was very quiet, and no one noticed him.

"He feels very strange to me. On the surface, he looks like an ordinary white-collar elite in the workplace, a smart and capable civil servant, but I always feel that it is more than that."

"Finally, Umezawa Masami-san..."

"Umezawa Masami?"

Akai Hideichi, who had always been calm, suddenly changed his expression. The name "Yami" seemed a little familiar. No, I probably didn't know someone named Yami, but why was there a sense of familiarity?

"What's the matter, is there a problem?" Out of caution, Kamel and Akai Shuichi didn't call each other on the phone.

Akai Hideichi came back to his senses, "It's okay, you can continue talking."

"Oh." Kamel was a little puzzled but didn't care. "Miss Umezawa has aphasia for some reason, so she can't speak, but judging from the time I've been in contact with, she is a very gentle girl who works hard to be strong."

"She was in charge of encoffining the corpses at the funeral home. Before we arrived, she was even responsible for moving and cleaning the corpses. It's hard to imagine that this is a job that a girl can persist in."

"However, it may be because she cannot speak and is a woman. The employment environment for women in Japan is very bad, and she may not be able to find a better job, so she works very seriously."

When Akai Xiu heard what Kamel said, he frowned slightly, and reminded: "Although it is a bit impolite to say this, I still hope that when you are doing this kind of work, you will not jump to conclusions, otherwise it may put you in danger. Even if it seems okay, even if it's a woman, you shouldn't take it lightly."

Kamel's body froze, and he couldn't help but think of what happened a few years ago. At that time, Mr. Akai had already led the gin to the place where the trap was set up, but because of his own mistake, he ran to try to persuade the old man who broke into the warehouse. Cause the whole layout to fall short.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have made the same mistake."

Akai Shuichi didn't mean to pursue it, but just reminded him, "Don't think too much, undercover work is always in danger, a little negligence will cause dire consequences, no matter what, you must keep in mind that no one can be trusted. "

"I understand." Kamel understood that he was asking himself to pay attention to safety, and he didn't think too much about it, and then asked, "Do you want to report the matter of Yin Yang?"

Akai Shuichi denied: "Without actual evidence, it will not be useful to report, but it will affect the opinion of the higher authorities. Remember, our goal is to organize."

Kamel nodded silently. The previous action against the Black Organization failed. At that time, the boss James Black helped to silence the voice of opposition, so that they could continue to investigate. Otherwise, many people objected to continuing the matter of the Black Organization. "wasting" resources.

Even if there is a video tape as proof, let’s not say whether the higher-ups will believe it easily. If they really believe it, order them to change their current goals, abandon the black organization, and investigate Hanyu Qing’an instead. In that case, all their previous efforts will be worthless All in vain.

Akai Hideichi joined the FBI to investigate the cause of his father's death. Regardless of whether Yin Yang is true or not, his purpose will not change because of this, and he must not allow things that are abandoned halfway...

(End of this chapter)

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