Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 152 The president wants to kill us? !

Chapter 152 The president wants to kill us? !

On the second day of the concert, Hanyu Qingan went to Dr. Ali’s house to pick up a custom-made mobile phone. In the end, he only got an engineering prototype. He said that he wanted to use it. If he thought it was okay, he would make the real phone.

This thing is much larger than expected, bigger than a big brother, and even has wires exposed outside, which is unbelievably crude.

"Dr. A Li, why did you add a full-key keyboard to your phone?"

Hanyu Kiyoan looked at this "mobile phone" that could slide out the keyboard on the side and put the screen up at a certain angle. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that it was a shrunken version of the computer.

Dr. Ali really has an idea. Although the engineering machine looks like a black brick, but from the final concept design drawn by Dr. Ali, it can’t be said that it looks similar to the Nokia n97. carved out of a mold.

However, this Ali version of the mobile phone is much larger than the Nokia n97, and the screen is not touch-sensitive, but it has a satellite calling function, and it is 11 years earlier!
"Hmm...Doctor, do you have any misunderstanding about what I said about being able to surf the Internet?"

Hanyu Qingan wondered if there was a problem with his Japanese expression ability, which made Dr. Ali misunderstand, thinking that he asked him to combine the computer and the mobile phone.

Dr. A Li scratched his head in confusion, "Ah? Doesn't this meet your requirements? As long as you slide out the keyboard, you can surf the Internet on this phone, and look..."

Dr. A Li took the engineering phone and pulled out the long satellite receiving antenna from the top of the phone. "Just pull out the antenna, and it will automatically switch to satellite phone mode. You don't have to worry about no signal in the deep mountains."

"As for the size...hehe, it's just an engineering machine right now, and it will definitely be much smaller when the finished product comes out."

Hanyu Qingan looked at the stupid, big, black and thick construction machine, and then looked at Dr. A Li's concept drawing. No matter how you look at it, they are two completely unrelated varieties, but he can't be too impressed with Dr. A Li's magical technology. Suspect.

When I watched Conan when I was a child, I was very greedy for his series of equipment, and I even fantasized about having a neighbor like Dr. Ali.

Detective badges, electric skateboards, anesthesia needle watches, multifunction glasses, voice-changing bows, and button trackers...

wait!Hanyu Qingan suddenly had a new idea.

"Dr. A Li, I wonder if you can do the transmitter and receiver?"

Dr. A Li didn't know why the topic came here, but he still nodded, "Yes, this is not difficult, what are the specific requirements?"

Hanyu Qingan described: "The transmitter does not need to be used frequently, the volume is as small as possible, and there is no need to transmit complicated information, as long as it is pressed, the receiver can recognize its preset number."

"The receiver needs to receive signals from multiple transmitters at the same time, and be able to display the preset numbers of the transmitters. It must be received as far away as possible, and it is best to cover the whole of Japan. Of course, it would be better if it has a wider range. "

After hearing this, Dr. A Li was in a cold sweat. This is really not a high request, is it?
Ok?No, Dr. Ali suddenly felt that there was a problem with his understanding, and he confirmed to Hanyu Qingan: "Do I need to receive it in the deep mountains or underground?"

Hanyu Qingan thought about the occasions in which he lived and worked, and shook his head, "This is not a rigid need, but if it is possible, of course it would be better."

"Actually, it is used to put it in the guard, so as to save the trouble of calling, just press the transmitter, and I can know which number of guard sent the signal by holding the receiver."

"If that's all it is, it will be ready soon, and it will be ready for you in two days, together with the mobile phone, and the prosthetic limb you want by the way." Dr. A Li breathed a sigh of relief, and finally understood his needs.

Hanyu Qingan also gave him this item of royal guard, and he also knew what was going on, but he only experienced the "blessing" once, and he didn't buy any more charms later, the main reason was that it was too expensive, so he might as well invest all the money to new inventions.

When he heard the transmitter, Dr. Ali subconsciously thought that what Hanyu Qingan wanted was the same as Conan's, which was used for tracking, and it was really not easy to expand the communication distance.

Since it is not needed, it is completely possible to use the existing communication operator, and just change the earring phone that Conan made for Conan before.

As long as it is not in the deep mountains and old forests and needs satellite relay signals, this single function is really not difficult at all.

"The prosthesis Yuzu wants?"

Hanyu Qingan didn't know about the prosthetic limbs yet. After Dr. Ali explained, he understood. It seems that Yuzu really cares about the two rabbits.

But the lifespan of a rabbit is not long, and it can live for ten years at most. By then, Yuzu will only be 13 years old, so I'm afraid it will be very sad.

But ten years later... Hanyu Qingan himself is a bit confused...

After talking about the matter, Hanyu Kiyoan ordered two sets of senders and receivers. One set is a large quantity. After the shrine is completed, it will be distributed to customers, and a small quantity will be given to acquaintances.

Looking back, as long as the other party prepares the spell and presses the transmitter, he can sit in the shrine and follow the signal to activate the spell, saving even the effort of holding the microphone, and by the way, maintains harmony with the overall style of the shrine.

Mysterious charms, miraculous guards (as long as you don't take them apart to see), and amazing "blessings", proper living gods!
Replacing the signal with the power of belief of believers, as the connection between gods and believers, there is no sense of disobedience.

Hanyu Qingan left an excess advance payment, and by the way, he also sent a stack of charms to help Dr. A Li improve his work efficiency, and left satisfied.

When I returned to the funeral home, all the employees were waiting. The last funeral was all busy with the Fujiwara family, and they haven’t had much work recently. It just so happened that Hanyu Qing’an planned to set foot in the low-end market of the funeral industry. Everyone called over to "encourage" a few words.

It was true that Hanyu Qing'an had planned to say a few words on a whim, but the others didn't think so.

Especially Kamel and Kusuda Rikumichi, both of them sneaked out to deliver information to the people behind them last night while Hanyu Seiyasu and Amuro Toru were busy.

Being called suddenly at this moment, the two of them, who knew Hanyu Qing'an's unpredictable ability, felt somewhat uneasy.

"There is nothing special about calling you here, it's just that I plan to recruit a new batch of employees recently..."

While talking, Hanyu Qingan took out the engineering machine made by Dr. Ali from his bag and put it on the table.

Dark squares, intricate wires, protruding antennas...

It looks like a plastic bomb!

The moment they saw this thing, all the employees present, including Akemi Miyano, subconsciously wanted to lie down and find a cover.

However, those who were able to come undercover were not mediocre at any rate. They all forcibly maintained their composure, but they were not vigilant enough and were ready to escape at any time.

New hires... plastic bombs...

President, is this going to kill us?Change batch?The employees of the funeral club couldn't help but think, but as the president of the onmyoji, he should use onmyoji to kill people, the bomb is...

In an instant, everyone came to a conclusion...


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(End of this chapter)

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