Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 158 Can You Really Make The Dead Live?

Chapter 158 Can You Really Make the Dead Live?

Hattori Heiji's eyes were already glued to Yoshii Reika's body, and he subconsciously wanted to get closer to observe carefully whether it was some kind of magic trick.

Conan quickly grabbed his trousers and reminded: "You will be beaten if you go up now."

Hattori Heiji came back to his senses, and felt that what Kudo Shinichi said made sense. He turned his head and carried Conan to a corner, and asked:
"What's going on? Who is that guy? What's going on with Shikigami? What's going on with the resurrection of the dead?"

With a happy expression on Conan's face, he replied casually: "What else can happen, President Hanyu is just an ordinary onmyoji, there's nothing to make a fuss about."

Being ridiculed by Conan for not seeing the world, Hattori Heiji laughed angrily. He pinched Conan's ear and reminded jokingly:
"The young lady surnamed Mori is still thinking about a certain guy surnamed Kudou. Should I do something good and help her find her boyfriend?"

Conan's smile froze, and then he remembered that he was in the hands of others, and he was not qualified to taunt, so he quickly apologized and said with a smile:

"Hahaha, Brother Hattori, what did you ask just now? What's the matter with Onmyoji, right? He's actually like this..."

As soon as the words came to his lips, Conan didn't know what to say. He didn't know what an onmyoji was.
"That's it..."

"What is it?" Hattori Heiji folded his arms, pointing his toes on the ground, impatiently, as if he might pull out his legs at any time to find Mao Lilan to inform him.

Conan scratched his head aggrievedly, "Things are as you can see. Onmyoji exists, resurrects the dead, summons shikigami, etc. By the way, President Hanyu can also drive shikigami to create illusions, and there is even a huge The dragon obeys his orders!"

Hattori Heiji saw that Conan didn't seem to be perfunctory to himself, but the deep-rooted scientific outlook established by the nine-year compulsory education did not allow him to believe in such unscientific existence, and his face was tangled.

He looked at Conan in front of him, and suddenly realized that it is also unscientific for a good high school student to become a child. What happened to this world?
Over there, Police Officer Megure looked like a hard-working old farmer, bowing his fat body with difficulty, bending over to pick up the peach blossom petals that Hanyu Kiyosuke dropped when he summoned the Peach Blossom Demon. His whole person looked like a giant brown worm.

Although these petals have not been studied so far, they still need to continue to study.

Hattori Heiji noticed his behavior, and hurried up to grab two slices.

Police officer Meguro suddenly said seriously with dissatisfaction: "I said, although your father is the police inspector of Osaka Prefecture, you can't mess around at the scene of the crime. Return the evidence to me!"

Hattori Heiji will not be frightened, he said indifferently:

"This thing has nothing to do with the case. Don't forget that the case was solved by me and the... uh... Maori detective. I know very well what is the evidence related to the case."

Police Officer Mumu saw that the young man was not easy to fool, and suddenly looked a little resentful. This is all right, Kansai must know, although it is a matter of time, but this time it was leaked from his own hands, turn around Definitely be blindsided.

However, he can't point fingers at Hanyu Qing'an's behavior, let alone express the meaning of "monopolizing" Hanyu Qing'an, these are prohibited items, so as not to offend Master Hanyu.

I can't stop Hanyu Qing'an, but...

"Hey, since we are talking about the case, please come with me, after all, you are also a person involved in the case."

"Huh?" Hattori Heiji looked confused.

Not allowing him to talk nonsense, Police Officer Megure took him back to make notes, so that he would not continue to get information about Hanyu Qingan here, and he could hide a little bit from Kansai.

Hanyu Kiyoan found Toru Amuro after he left the house. Officer Megure was worried about what he would continue to do here. In fact, there was no need for it. This trip was just to discuss business, and the funeral was not tonight, so he would talk to Mouri in a while. Goro and others went back together.

Toru Amuro will be left to talk about specific matters, including the date and process of the funeral, matters related to the construction of the shrine, and plans to recruit believers in the future.

"President, can you become a god in this way?"

Toru Amuro had a suspicious expression on his face. When Hanyu Kiyosuke and Chairman Shii talked about this matter before, he had been listening silently, but his heart was full of doubts.

Hanyu Qing'an said lightly: "If you can have enough power of faith, then of course you can."

There is really nothing wrong with this statement. If Lihua Sijing can really have believers until hundreds of years later, then she will naturally become a special god of the island country. There is no problem at all. Isn’t that how the ancient gods were passed down? ?
Toru Amuro smiled knowingly, the key point is the word "enough", how much is enough?Then I don't know.

So, the president is still fooling people...

But this kind of thing is what you want after all. Doesn't Chairman Sijing have any doubts at all?There must be.

But first of all, Hanyu Qingan's identity as an onmyoji has been confirmed many times, and President Shii himself has just witnessed it with his own eyes.

Secondly, Chairman Sijing is just such a precious daughter. Even if she simply builds a shrine for her and spends some "small money" to recruit a group of people to act as believers, it's not a big deal. This can calm down the unspeakable situation a little mood.

"When you are talking to President Sijing, try to find ways to help him attract some believers. Of course, believers must not travel so far to pray for blessings in vain."

Toru Amuro nodded knowingly. The president wants to contribute to the redistribution of social property resources and the reduction of the gap between the rich and the poor. No wonder he specifically mentioned the method of becoming a god.

Seeing Amuro Toru's thoughtful look, Hanyu Qingan was afraid that he might misunderstand, so he said something more.

"I mentioned before that all matters in the world will be settled after going to the underworld, so this is also to accumulate virtue for President Sijing."

"I understand, President, don't worry." Amuro Toru is naturally obliged to do things that are beneficial to society.

Seeing that he seemed to really understand, Hanyu Kiyosuke felt relieved, and turned to look for Suzuki Sonoko.

Taking advantage of the fact that the father and daughter of Sijing inside didn't think about it, it's better to go away, so as not to be entangled again in a while, asking whether they can live for two more days like the Fujiwara family.

This time he really can't help it...Probably...Maybe...Maybe...

Hanyu Qingan suddenly stopped and fell into deep thought. The essence of Peach Blossom Demon's resurrection is to forcibly inject vitality into the dead. Because it comes from the power of Shikigami, it will dissipate when encountering demons at dawn.

Then what if I use my [Charm·Life] and [Word Spirit·One Form] before dawn to inject the resurrected dead with vitality from the power of Onmyoji?
Will the dead return to the state of death after dawn?


(End of this chapter)

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