Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 159 Buying lottery tickets?

Chapter 159 Buying lottery tickets?
Infuse the resurrected dead with life force from the power of the onmyoji, will she return to the dead state after dawn?

This question made Hanyu Qing'an cheer up. If it is really feasible, although it may be necessary to inject vitality into the dead every day, in order to maintain this "living dead" state.

But this is a completely different concept than being able to wake up for one night!
Thinking of this, Hanyu Qingan was even more anxious to leave, and planned to go back and try it out as soon as possible. If this idea is feasible, he will have the ability to create a new race, and it will be the kind whose life and death are completely in his hands.

But no matter what, he would not use this ability on Yoshii Reika. Although he was very moved by the old lady Nanaozi's words, people always have to pay the price for their actions.

It is entirely due to karma that Lihua Yoshii killed Yaeko who saved her life and ended up like this. Hanyu Qingan has no sympathy for her.

Similarly, Hanyu Qingan did not have the slightest sympathy for Takashi Ichie. It is understandable that he avenged his girlfriend. After all, it is useless to call the police for a behemoth like the Shii Consortium, and the law cannot punish Lihua Shii.

However, he not only tried to escape the price after taking revenge, but also hurt the innocent Xiaolan. As Xiaolan's friend and boyfriend of Xiaolan's best friend, Hanyu Qingan naturally would not have any good feelings for him.

While thinking, Hanyu Qingan looked for Suzuki Sonoko, she and Xiaolan were still near the fountain just before leaving, and they disappeared after just a while.

"Detective Mori, where are Sonoko and Xiao Ran?" Hanyu Qingyasu asked Mori Kogoro, who was standing there smoking, looking lonely in his life.

To say that Yuanzi really looks like Kogoro Mori's own daughter, when the two of them are quiet and silent, they look very bluffing.

"The two of them have gone to the woods over there." Mori Kogoro frowned as if thinking about something serious, and pointed to the woods on one side.

It was around seven o’clock when Hanyu Qing’an arrived here today—his “blessing” business today was completed in the car when he came, and he used Dr. Ali’s engineering machine, and the effect was not bad.

It is now almost eight o'clock in the evening, the sky is dark, and the lights are lit in front of the villa, so the woods look more and more dark and terrifying.

This made Hanyu Qing'an feel strange, neither Sonoko nor Xiaolan are brave people, even if they often see monsters here and have been trained, their fear of the dark attribute should not How much has changed.

Then what are the two of them doing in the woods?
It was very easy to find someone, both of them had charms on them, and they knew their location after a little induction. Hanyu Qingan walked towards the woods with doubts.

"So, you're in an online relationship with that idiot? It's a strange habit to have an online relationship in a different place, even though you can have a real relationship."

Hanyu Qingan didn't go too far into the woods, when he heard Suzuki Sonoko's voice, it turned out that the two of them were having a girl's private conversation.

"Stop talking nonsense, I didn't date him online, it was just chatting..." Mao Lilan retorted shyly.

Hanyu Qingan didn't intend to eavesdrop on anything, respecting other people's privacy is a good habit, he coughed twice to remind the two girls that he was coming.

"Who?" Suzuki Sonoko asked warily.

"it's me."

Hanyu Qingan showed his figure, which relieved the two who thought they had encountered a ghost.

"How did you find it?" Suzuki Sonoko asked strangely.

"It's getting late, I'll call you back."

Hanyu Qingan looked at the two of them with a strange expression, Suzuki Sonoko was maintaining a "wall-dong" posture at this time, and surrounded Mao Lilan by the tree trunk.

It seems that Suzuki Sonoko took advantage of Mao Lilan's weakness and came here to "press" the progress of the other party's relationship.

"Huh? Are you leaving now?" Suzuki Sonoko was full of gossip at this time, and when he heard that he was leaving, he immediately looked regretful.

Mao Lilan hurriedly said, "It's really getting late, let's go back quickly."

Suzuki Sonoko still wanted to struggle, and asked unwillingly: "Is your business done?"

Hanyu Qingan nodded, "Amuro will be in charge of specific matters later, let's go back first, Yuzu is still waiting at home."

"Oh, well..." Mentioning grapefruit, Suzuki Sonoko reluctantly let go of Mao Lilan in his arms, and the two of them walked out behind Hanyu Qingan, arm in arm.

The three called Kogoro Mori, and then drove away together. Because Toru Amuro was left behind, Kogoro Mori was responsible for driving.

"Dad, what are you thinking?"

On the way, Mao Lilan, who sat in the backseat with Suzuki Sonoko and continued to chat, finally discovered the abnormality of her father.

"Hmm..." Mori Kogoro frowned, "I'm thinking, what kind of lottery ticket should I buy? "JUMBO" is very popular recently, "LOTO 6", "LOTO 7" and "MINILOTO" are classics, "NUMBERS 3", "NUMBERS 4" and "BINGO 5" are also good..."


Mao Lilan was silent, knowing that her father was unreliable, why did she always have unrealistic fantasies?

"Dad, you don't have to think about it, I won't buy it." Mao Lilan interrupted Mo Li Xiaogoro's fantasy.

Mori Kogoro was startled, stepped on the brakes, stopped the car, turned around and asked:
"Why? Master Hanyu said that you are very lucky, why don't you buy lottery tickets? Isn't this a waste of your talent?"

Mao Lilan folded his arms and said in a bad mood: "No matter how lucky you are, it should be limited. I don't want to waste it on this kind of thing!"

Mori Kogoro looked angrily, "How can this be called a waste? With money, you don't have to be careful all the time. We can also drive a good car, and we don't have to rent a car every time to go out...Ah! The car I rented !"

Mori Kogoro felt heartbroken when he thought of this. The prisoner punctured the tire of the car he just rented yesterday. Later, he would ask a tow truck to tow it back and return it, and he would have to pay an extra sum of money.


"Hmph, if my luck is really that good, I hope to save it for restoring your relationship with Mom."

Mao Lilan has a stubborn face, money is not money, although she is very careful, she really doesn't care much, and hopes to have a normal family environment.

There is still nothing to say, if she can choose, her luck will be reserved for Xinyi. Xinyi always runs around outside, often encounters murder cases, and is a big fool who doesn't know the danger...

Mori Kogoro was choked immediately, he turned his head resentfully, lit a cigarette silently, "Children don't worry about adults' affairs."

Hanyu Qingan in the passenger seat and Suzuki Sonoko in the back seat looked at each other, and then the former eased the atmosphere and said: "In fact, even Xiaolan may not be able to win the lottery ticket. After all, it is not all about luck. common stuff."

(End of this chapter)

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