Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 160 There Are Really Wild Wolves

Chapter 160 There Are Really Wild Wolves

"Huh? You mean there is a shady scene?" Mori Kogoro's eyes widened, no wonder he had never been hit before!

Hanyu Qing'an didn't go deep on this topic, after all, it is very likely to cause accidents, and even with his ability, he can't stop the accidents - the beasts from the high-dimensional dimension.

"Compared to lottery tickets, horse betting has a higher probability of winning. After all, there are only a fixed number of horses in a horse race. The champion will always be drawn from these horses. It is impossible for no one to win."

Mori Kogoro was delighted when he heard this, "That's right, that's the reason why I love horse betting so much. I didn't expect Hanyu-kun to be so knowledgeable. Someday we will go together?"

Hanyu Qing'an smiled, although he didn't have any expectations for making money from horse racing, after all, the bonus was not enough for him to earn an hour, but it was not bad to experience something new.

"Father! Don't bring Hanyu-kun into trouble!" Mao Lilan said dissatisfied.

"Hmph, why is my own daughter refusing to help me? She is exhausted every day, catching cats and dogs to follow my mistress. There is an easy way to make money. My daughter would rather see her father suffer than use it..."

Kogoro Maoli was rambling, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, he just wanted Mao Lilan to accompany him to bet on horses or something.

Mao Lilan was aggrieved and angry at the same time, and she was about to cry. Hanyu Qingan hurriedly asked aside, "If you can be financially free, what will Detective Maoli plan to do?"

Moori Kogoro, who was distracted, thought about it for a while, and replied happily: "Of course it's beer betting on horses! And you can often go to Towako's place to play..."

Hanyu Qing'an's question was very effective, Mao Lilan immediately felt relieved, and tears could not be brewed, "If that's the case, then I would rather never win the big prize for the rest of my life! In this way, Dad, you can still do some serious business! "

"That's it." Hanyu Qing'an smiled, "For Xiaolan, winning a lottery or other big prizes will immediately make her financially free. That's not good luck, and the result is not what she wants. So she can't be hit."

"..." Mori Kogoro was stunned, he thought that Hanyu Qingan was with him, but he didn't expect that he was a traitor!
But the logic of what Hanyu Qingan said is very self-consistent. The real good luck should be the expected result.

Mori Kogoro also understood, and was a little depressed for a while, but now it's all right, even if he drags his daughter to bet on horses or buy lottery tickets, it's useless.

After resolving the conflict between Moori's father and daughter, Hanyu Qingan turned his head to look at Suzuki Sonoko, only to realize that at some point, she had fallen asleep lying on Moorilan's lap, with a little bit of crystal light hanging from the corner of her mouth. saliva.

"Why is it the same as Yuzu..." Hanyu Qingan shook his head and laughed, feeling that the days to come are more like raising two daughters.

"What did you just say?" Mao Lilan asked without hearing clearly.


Hanyu Qing'an hadn't finished speaking when Mori Kogoro suddenly stopped the car and said with a serious face, "There is something ahead, you all be careful!"

Hanyu Qing'an and Mao Lilan hurriedly looked outside through the front windshield, only to see pairs of dark green eyes wandering around in the darkness outside the range illuminated by the headlights.

It's a wolf!
"I didn't expect to meet a wild wolf."

Mori Kogoro looked serious. Although he was in the car, there were too many wild wolves, and this was a dirt road in the mountains. The speed of the car could not be increased, so it was unlikely to rush over.

If the car is surrounded by wolves, with the attack power of wild wolves, it is possible to break the car window and get in.

"Yonzi, don't sleep, wake up! We have encountered wild wolves!" Mao Lilan shook Suzuki Yuanzi vigorously, and then woke her up.

"Ah? Wild wolf? Where is it?" Suzuki Sonoko became excited when he heard the wolf.

"Can you take a look at the atmosphere, you are happy to be surrounded by wild wolves!" Mao Lilan almost laughed out of anger, this guy is really out of tune.

Suzuki Sonoko waved his hands nonchalantly, "What does it matter, Mr. Qing'an is here anyway."

Then she impatiently said to Hanyu Qing'an: "Quick, Qing'an-kun, call out your dragon and strike all those wild wolves to death with lightning!"

"If you're struck by lightning, the fur won't be worth much, right?" Maori Kogoro rubbed his chin and objected, the wolf's fur is a treasure.

Mao Lilan instantly turned into peas eyes, looking at the two guys who had no sense of tension at all, she felt as if she was the strange one.

Hanyu Qingan observed the situation around, and when he heard Suzuki Sonoko's words, he said helplessly: "If you summon Qinglong, you don't need this car. This is only half of the way. Do you have to go back in the second half?"

"It seems to be the same..." Suzuki Sonoko scratched her head, feeling that what he said made sense, but in the next second, her eyes suddenly lit up again.

"Can I go back on your dragon?"

This time Mori Kogoro disagreed, he was seriously afraid of heights, "No, let's use other methods, I don't want to ride a dragon and fly back!"

Hanyu Kiyoshi said that it was a good idea, and he hadn't ridden it yet. The dragon seemed to have self-awareness, but the actual behavior was still following the set procedures, and he couldn't ride it at all.

Thinking of this, Hanyu Qing'an couldn't help looking forward to it, wondering if there would be a day when he could ride a dragon after Gold Finger was upgraded a little bit...

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's deal with the wolves outside first, if you don't do anything else, they will surround you."

Hanyu Qingan stopped talking nonsense, changed into the onmyoji costume, lowered the car window a little bit, and then activated [Spell · Destroyer]. In an instant, a large number of spells came out of the gap in the car window and stuck to the window automatically. On the wolf.

In just a split second, the human eye could only see a dragon made of blue spells, nimbly getting out of the car.

In the next second, following Hanyu Qingan's command in a low voice [Yanling · Yishi], there was no explosion, only the shattered blue light spots, and the confused howls of the wolves outside.

Hanyu Qingan didn't give the wolves time to calm down, and continued to connect the [Amulet·Destroyer], and then detonated it. Ten times before and after, the wolves all swayed and fell down without a sound.

"What, it's not pretty at all."

Suzuki Sonoko was disappointed, thinking that he could see some cool fighting scene, but it ended quietly, except for some afterimages of spells flying out of the car, there was nothing.

Master Yin Yang Hanyu replied indifferently: "If you want to see something good, come to my house to see it after you get back."

"Huh? What's so good-looking?" Sonoko Suzuki asked very curiously before he could react.


 "When Gin Comes Knocking"

  Conan fan, reverse wear

  [What does it feel like to be held in the head with a gun suddenly in the middle of the night?
  It was also found that the person was Gin.
  Ming Jue expressed that he was very scared, and hit 110 with a backhand.

  Hello, is it 110?Someone broke into a private house and robbed it.]

(End of this chapter)

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