Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 165 Black and White Dharma!

Chapter 165 Black and White Dharma!

"Kun is soft but moves yet rigid, and when it is quiet, it is virtuous. When it is mastered, it has permanence. It contains all things and turns into light. The way of Kun is smooth, and it is in line with the sky. There must be celebrations in the house of goodness, and there will be celebrations in the house of bad There must be disasters left..."

There are shadows in the mountains and forests, and crows cry.

In Sijing's manor, black-clothed condolence guests crowded the courtyard. These people were very surprised by Sijing Lihua's sudden death, and at the same time, they all understood the "danger" of President Sijing at this time.

Some of them are affiliated companies that depend on the Sijing Consortium for their survival, or they themselves are senior executives of the Sijing Consortium. In order not to attract the attention of Chairman Sijing, they all bowed their heads in silence for Lihua Sijing like quails.

In addition to this group of people, there are also some confidantes sent by other chaebol families to express their condolences, but in fact they heard some rumors to inquire about the gods.

A lot more shikigami appeared at this funeral than last time. Including N-card goblins, there were a total of 36 shikigami, occupying a large space.

Before coming here, Hanyu Qingan drew a wave of cards. This time, he did not blindly pursue SSR, but focused on the current needs and the popularity of Shikigami in Japan-this is very important.

A few days ago, when I saw "Yuki Girl's Love", Hanyu Qingan guessed that shikigami materialized, and it might be necessary to find the location of the shikigami related legends. If this guess is true, then some shikigami with no legends will be summoned. I'm afraid there is no chance to become an entity.

Even if the guess is wrong, the more famous shikigami can bluff people more, even if it is only illusory, it will not lose.

Hanyu Qingan got a total of twelve talismans for the funeral of the Fujiwara family last time, and used one to draw Ebisu the day before yesterday—this shikigami now occupies the main position among the shikigami appearing at the funeral.

Because her daughter is likely to become a god in the same camp as Ebisu in the future, Chairman Sijing also arranged an exclusive small platform for Ebisu as a show of respect.

For the rest of the spells, Hanyu Qingan used the "drawing orientation" method and the method of taking advantage of Xiaolan's luck to draw Guishibai first - paired with Guishihei.

Then I looked up some famous youkai in Japan on the Internet, and pulled out some shikigami.

Including Ibaraki Doji (the ghost of Rashomon, the mascot of Osaka Prefecture), Qingxingdeng (a monster who likes to talk about ghosts), Yuyatsu (Inari God), and the folklore is quite extensive, and at the same time relatively powerful Prajna, Inugami , Network Bride, Two Women, Domeki.

A total of ten spells were used, and two were left as spares.

The funeral was busy for more than an hour, and the will-o'-the-wisp finally emerged from Sii Lihua's body.

Hanyu Qing'an's eyes narrowed slightly, here it is, what has changed, it's finally time to reveal.

The will-o'-the-wisp flew to Hanyu Qing'an's hand, and before he could react, he "dismissed" on the spot, the blue light of the will-o'-the-wisp didn't dissipate, but seeped into his hand as if it had melted.

Hanyu Qingan frowned, closed his eyes and felt his body, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. After thinking for a moment, he summoned the interface of the Onmyoji system in his mind.

When I flipped through the skill page, I found something new—there was an extra level next to my character image, and it was now level one.

So, this is still going to be gone forever on the road of Weili returning to himself?Hanyu Qing'an thought silently, and clenched his fists, as if he had gained a little more strength, but it didn't feel particularly obvious.

Withdrawing his attention, he looked down at the harvest in his hand. This time, there were only three purple charms that were the same as before.

The Gouyu who lit up the skill is gone, and the little paper figurine is gone, but replaced by two Bodhidharma, one black and one white.Unable to figure out the purpose of the black and white Dharma, Hanyu Qingan put them away first.

In the following time, as usual, Hanyu Qingan sat there drinking tea and chatting with Suzuki Sonoko, dealt with President Yoshii for a while in the middle, and then stayed up until dawn without any twists and turns.


In the early morning, the two "off work" together.

"Ah~ I'm finally back~" Sonoko Suzuki was so tired that she slumped down on the sofa as soon as she arrived at Hanyu's house.

Hanyu Qingan put away his things and went to the bathroom to prepare the bath water. Only then did he have free time. He walked to the sofa, sat beside her, patted her on the back, and urged:
"Go take a shower first, and then go to bed after washing."

Suzuki Sonoko turned sideways lazily, as if she didn't want to move.

"What? Do you still want me to carry you to the bathroom?" Hanyu Qingan laughed.

Suzuki Sonoko was moved, "It's not impossible..."

"Do you still want me to wash it for you?"

"Forget it!" Suzuki Sonoko got up and ran to the bathroom.

Hanyu Qingan laughed, and turned on the TV casually. The grapefruit was delivered to Mori's next door last night, and the share for Mori Kogoro this time was also delivered to him - 300 million yen.

There are no interesting programs at this time, only a morning drama about ama stories is not bad, Hanyu Qingan is distracted after watching it, the rare time for the two of them to be alone, should we do something?
The sound of splashing water in the bathroom sounded next to his ears, and Hanyu Kiyoan felt a little restless in his heart.

Time flew by, and Suzuki Sonoko came out with wet hair, wrapped in a pink bath towel, and her white shoulders and thighs were exposed.

Hanyu Qingan's scorching gaze made Suzuki Sonoko feel a little hot on his face, "You...don't hurry to take a bath?"

"Well, take a shower." Hanyu Qingan recovered his senses and walked to the bathroom.

Before he closed the door, Suzuki Sonoko said suddenly, "Blow my hair for a while."

Hanyu Kiyoan paused when he closed the door, thoughtfully, "Okay."

Suzuki Sonoko sat on the sofa, grabbed the pillow beside her and hugged her in her arms, feeling her heart beating a little faster. He should be able to understand such hints, right?
Is it not reserved enough?No, he said before that he hoped that I would be more straightforward, so that should be fine, right?
Thinking wildly in my mind, I unconsciously pressed the channel change button on the remote control, and the TV screen changed frequently...

After a while, Hanyu Qing'an came out, wearing only shorts, with his upper body exposed.

"Why don't you wear clothes?" Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but glance at the smooth muscles on his body, but didn't want to admit it.

Hanyu Kiyoan patted his abdominal muscles, "Help me see, is there a little more muscle? I feel like I have become stronger."

"Bah, how did I know how many muscles you had before!" Sonoko Suzuki spat, and then couldn't help asking curiously, "Have you exercised recently?"

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "How is it possible? I haven't exercised at all recently, but I have made new progress in the practice of Yin Yang, so my physical fitness is improving."

Suzuki Sonoko looked strange, "Onmyoji also has the function of exercising the body? I remember that Abe Seimei and those onmyojis all look like thin and weak scholars?"

Hanyu Qing'an himself didn't understand it, but it didn't prevent him from continuing to make up, "The way of yin and yang, there are thousands of ways, everyone's practice is different, and the natural effect is also different."

"Okay, let's blow your hair first, or you'll catch a cold easily in this weather even if the room is warm."

"Oh..." Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became quiet and sat down silently.

(End of this chapter)

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