Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 166

Chapter 166
The hair dryer made a whirring sound, Suzuki Sonoko's fingers were knotted on her white thighs, and her nimble toes were wriggling in the slippers restlessly.

Hanyu Kiyoan's fingers brushed against her scalp, it was numb and comfortable.

Suddenly, the sound of the hair dryer disappeared, and a voice rang in my ear, "It smells good, light, I like this smell."

"Really?" Suzuki Sonoko was taken aback by her own voice, and her tone was distorted severely.

"Well, very tempting." Hanyu Qingan put his hands on her bare shoulders, then slowly lowered his head to her neck...

"Hmm..." Suzuki Sonoko forced himself to be calm, his voice was so soft that he couldn't hear clearly, "Let's say it first, we can't go to the last step..."

"Hmm..." Hanyu Qing'an had no time to respond with words, his fingers slid down his shoulders...


When he woke up, he stretched first, and then Hanyu Qingan slowly opened his eyes. The bedroom with the curtains drawn was very dimly lit.

His arm was still pressed under the body of Suzuki Sonoko who was facing away from him. He moved his fingers, and he felt a slippery feeling, "It's time to get up, it's getting dark."

"Um... um..."

Suzuki Sonoko gave an inexplicable response, Hanyu Seiyasu's hand moved restlessly again.

"Why... let me sleep..."

"It's time to get up, it's getting dark, it's time to eat." Hanyu Qingan laughed and turned on the bedside lamp with the other hand, and was startled.

"Yuzu, why are you here?"

Hanyu Qing'an's sound scared Suzuki Sonoko to wake up immediately. When he opened his eyes, Yuzu poked his head out from the side of the bed, opened a pair of pure big eyes, and looked at the two of them curiously.

Suzuki Sonoko hurriedly pushed Hanyu Qingan's hand out of her arms, then wrapped herself in a quilt, sat up and leaned against the head of the bed, and gave him a supercilious look by the way.

"Are you giving birth?" Yuzu asked in a childish voice.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Hanyu Kiyoan, the meaning was obvious, please explain quickly!
Hanyu Qingan coughed lightly, and said, "No, Dad and Sister Sonoko are just sleepy because of sleepiness, and giving birth to a baby requires a very complicated process, and there is not enough time."

Coupled with the title, these words sound a bit strange, but it doesn't matter, after all, they are telling the truth.

The two of them did not have a baby last night, but the quilt was a little hot when they slept, so they wore less.

Since there was only one quilt, it was inevitable that there would be some skin-to-skin contact, which was not surprising.

"Yuzi will take good care of my younger siblings." Youzi blinked her eyes, her little head didn't know what came to her mind, and she suddenly said this.

The two were taken aback, looking at Yuzu's sincere and worried little face, they immediately understood what she meant.

This little guy is really frighteningly sensitive. She hasn't done much yet, but she has even considered this.

"Really, Yuzu is very good at taking care of people."

Hanyu Qingan stretched out his hand to silence her little head, and said with a smile: "Well, Dad knows, but your sister Sonoko is not yet old enough to have children, so you can just wait for Yuzu to grow up, and then there will be brothers and sisters who need Yuzu. take care of."

The child couldn't express clearly, but Hanyu Qing'an understood that she was not competing for favor and preventing the two from having children, but wanted to show her "existence value", or in other words, "usefulness" to the family.

"Yeah, Yuzu will definitely take good care of them." Yuzu smiled happily.

"Okay, let your sister Yuanzi give you a pair of younger brothers and sisters later."

Suzuki Sonoko gave him a sideways look, who will have a couple with you, but because Yuzu was there, he had to hold back.

Both of them were still hiding under the quilt and before they had time to put on their clothes, they were blocked by Yuzu. Hanyu Qingan and Suzuki Sonoko exchanged glances, neither of them would go out first.

After thinking for a long time, Qingan Hanyu saw the black and white Bodhidharma on the bedside table, his eyes lit up.

When he was resting before going to bed, he studied it a little bit. According to the mechanism of the original Onmyoji game, Baidama is fed to shikigami to provide experience for upgrading, and black dharma is used to upgrade skills of shikigami. of.

However, Hanyu Qing'an tried to hand the two Bodhidharma to the mouth of the Peach Blossom Demon, but the latter did not respond, and it was the same with the non-physical Yuki.

You can't eat it by yourself, right?After studying the two Bodhidharma for a while, he gave up temporarily. It's a good time, it's better to go back to the bed to study the garden.

Hanyu Qingan handed the black and white Dharma to Yuzu, and said, "Yuzu, take these two tumblers to play in the living room first, and your sister Sonoko and I will clean up and get up to cook for you."

"Oh, good~"

Yuzu was very happy to see the black and white Bodhidharma, and took them one by one, then climbed out of bed on elbows and knees, and left the bedroom happily with short legs.

The child left, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. The two of them had experienced the feeling of fighting a guerrilla with the child in advance.

For this kind of thing, Hanyu Qingan does not place his hopes on the forgetfulness of children. He still remembers the scene of helping his father "blowing balloons" when he was a child, but it should be when he was six or seven years old.

"You go out first." Suzuki Sonoko still hid in the bed and did not move, the clothes were not at hand, and he still had to get out of bed to get them.

"What's the matter? I've seen it all." Hanyu Qing'an had a narrow smile on his face.

Suzuki Sonoko kicked him under the bed.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, maybe Yuzu will come back in a while, can't I just turn off the light?" Hanyu Qingan said and turned off the bedside lamp, and the room fell into darkness again.

Only then did Suzuki Sonoko get out of bed with confidence.

"It's hazy, it seems to have more feeling." Hanyu Qing'an's voice sounded in the darkness.

"If you do this again, I won't come next time." Suzuki Sonoko threatened while getting dressed.

"Then I'll go to your house to look for you. I haven't seen my uncles and aunts for a while. I think they will welcome me very much. Maybe they will wash you up and put you on the bed to wait for me."


Suzuki Sonoko wanted to say it was impossible, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it might not be possible. The attitude of her parents who wanted to get married quickly was simply unreasonable.

Hanyu Kiyosuke stopped talking nonsense, got out of bed, got dressed before Sonoko Suzuki, and walked out of the bedroom.

Then, he was taken aback by Yuzu again.

Yuzu was sitting on the carpet at this time, in front of her was a world map with a faint blue light, and she was holding something in her hand, looking at all this blankly.

"Yuzu, this is..."

Hanyu Qing'an suddenly made a sound, which startled Yuzu again, she trembled visibly, and then the thing she was clutching fell off, landed on the map, and then disappeared.

Similarly, the map also disappeared...

Hanyu Qing'an didn't have time to react, he barely noticed where it fell, which seemed to be the Pacific Ocean on the map.

"Yuzu, grapefruit didn't do it on purpose..."

Yuzu looks like she has done something wrong and is afraid of being blamed. The toy she just got is broken. For children, it can be a bolt from the blue.

"It's okay, I didn't mean to blame you, I just asked how you made that map just now."

Hanyu Qingan was also a little strange. It stands to reason that this thing should be like a charm, and only he can use "spiritual power" to activate it, so he safely gave Yuzu the two Bodhidharma as toys.

But now grapefruit can use it!Could it be that onmyoji can really be practiced by ordinary people?
(End of this chapter)

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