Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 172

Chapter 172

But when it comes to Hawaii, Hanyu Qingan can't help but think of Conan's mantra - when I was in Hawaii, my father taught me ****.

In this way, the behavior of Conan's parents is also very strange...

Hanyu Qing'an lowered his head in thought. After Conan became smaller, his parents were not surprised and didn't say anything, and they were not even in a hurry to come back to protect their son. They ran around every day without seeing anyone. No matter how you looked at it, it seemed a little abnormal.

So, what are they busy with?More important things than a son...


Hanyu Qingan suddenly thought of a possibility. Combined with his previous guess that the mysterious organization was behind the Federation, could Conan's parents be undercover agents sent by Japan to the Federation?

And it is very likely that he has known about the mysterious organization and the shrinking medicine for a long time.

When Kudo Shinichi was young, he taught him so many things in Hawaii... After Kudo Shinichi became Conan, he was still busy with the Federation all year round...

Conan went to Hawaii for further study, organized to come to Japan to deploy... this is... all tactics switchers?

The more Qingan Hanyu thinks about it, the more he thinks it makes sense, especially now that it is the 90s, the heyday of Japan clamoring to buy the entire federation, just a few years have passed, many people are still obsessed with the previous power, and cannot accept the current situation .

The white horse director over there is still explaining the situation, "The ghost king monster you call Shiju first appeared, because of its huge size, it attracted the attention of the protection forces on the island of Hawaii."

"Because of the sudden incident, the Federation was a little caught off guard, mainly because they didn't know the ability of this mysterious monster, so they organized several probing attacks, but several frigates and destroyers were overturned..."

Hanyu Qing'an frowned and felt strange, the overturning of ships mentioned by director Baima should be one of Shiju's skills, it seems to be called... water burial?
It should be the name. As a result, he remembered that it was almost like extending its tentacles to the bottom of the sea, and then fountaining from bottom to top.

But this skill can overturn the ship?
Hanyu Qing'an interrupted him, and asked: "Could it be that the news is wrong? Shi Ju is only the weakest of the ghost kings, and it has just broken through the seal, and its strength has not fully recovered, so it is so difficult to fight?"

Director Baima felt a little numb when he heard that Shi Ju was the weakest ghost king, and hurriedly asked: "Master Hanyu, is there a stronger ghost king who can break through the seal?"

Hanyu Qingan replied quietly: "Probably... the seal of thousands of years ago, it is normal that the ghost king cannot be suppressed until now..."

Director Baima's heart sank, this is troublesome, even though luck is better this time, Shi Ju appeared in Hawaii, what should he do if he appears in China next time?
At that time, the loss will be huge, and...

"Master Hanyu, there is another problem. The first time the federation met Shiju Ghost King, it didn't do much effective damage, but Shiju Ghost King disappeared by himself before dawn."

"During the daytime, no matter how hard the Federation searched, they couldn't find any trace of it. Until midnight the next day, the Shiju Ghost King suddenly appeared out of nowhere."

"This time they figured out some of the attack methods of the Shiju Ghost King. After increasing their firepower, they finally killed it. But on the third night, the Shiju Ghost King appeared again... It seems that they can't be killed..."

"You kept talking about the seal just now. Could it be that the ghost king Shiju couldn't be killed, so you can only seal it?"

Director Baima's tone was a little excited, but Hanyu Qing'an was full of random thoughts, he was not in a hurry, he was resurrected after killing...

Oh, it's a fixed point to spawn monsters, so the map Yuzu saw that day was to choose the location to spawn monsters, and the selected time is the time to spawn monsters.

However, Director Baima and the others were able to inquire about such detailed information so quickly. Hanyu Qingan felt that his previous guess should be confirmed. The Japanese side definitely has undercover agents in the Federation.

"That's right, ghost kings can't be killed, they can recover on their own, so after defeating them thousands of years ago, the onmyojis had no choice but to seal them up." Hanyu Qing'an followed the other party's guess.

Director Baima frowned even deeper, and he suddenly thought of something.

"You just said that the Onmyoji defeated them and sealed them. How much strength would it take? They must have gathered all the Onmyojis from all over the country, right? Why didn't the authorities clearly record the relevant history?"

Hanyu Qing'an explained: "It is not necessary to gather all the onmyoji. Shiju is very weak and has little attack power. For example, if it is me, I can defeat it with five complete shikigami."

"Or you can spend some time, accumulate a few boxes of spells, and surrender at once."

Director Baima finally had the same stunned power as when he saw Qinglong before, the power of Onmyoji... Could it be so scary?Or is this the onmyoji's restraint against monsters?
"In that you have a way to seal them again?" Although they don't plan to take care of the stone distance on the federation side, they always have to plan for the ghost king who may appear in the country in the future.

Hanyu Qing'an pondered for a moment, fixed-point spawning is a system mechanism, unless he can crack or even kill the system, there is no way, forget it, let's continue fooling around.

"The time for the seal has not yet come. Forced actions will only cause more serious consequences. Do you know why such a thing as the ghost king exists?" Hanyu Qing'an was persuasive and persuasive.

"Why?" Director Baima came to his senses, and it was time for secret information again.

"Because the yin and yang are out of balance..."

Hanyu Qingan suddenly remembered what he had told Conan, unless the balance of yin and yang was out of balance, and monsters were rampant, the shikigami could be fully summoned and become real.

It's strange, Shikigami...should come too, right?

Hanyu Qing'an's head was spinning quickly, thinking of words, "The yang world keeps giving birth to life, and then dies, and the ghost goes to the yin world, and the yin energy in the yin world becomes stronger day by day. After a long time, the yin world will breed by itself Ghost King."

"Ordinary monsters can be cultivated spontaneously with the help of aura and yin qi, but ghost kings have never been. They are the carriers chosen by the will of the underworld to deal with the accumulated yin qi, so as long as the underworld is not destroyed, they will not really die. "

"And how can the Yin world be destroyed? If there is a day, the Yang world will also perish together. Therefore, the cause and effect of the formation of ghost kings dooms them to immortality. At most, they can be sealed."

Director Baima's world view has completely collapsed. It turns out that there are still such indestructible monsters. It is really not easy for human beings to develop to the current prosperity.

Thanks to practitioners like Onmyoji, I don't know how many ghost kings there are in this world...

"The Ghost King came to the Yang Realm, originally it was part of the operation rules of the Yin and Yang Realms, because even the Ghost King can carry a limited amount of excess Yin Qi, and there is a need to further eliminate the Yin Qi, that is, the harmony of Yin and Yang..."

"Sealing is something that people do against the sky. After thousands of years, not only the power of the seal has been exhausted, but also the amount of yin energy accumulated on the ghost king's body is even more terrifying. Therefore, it is necessary to let them be released in the Yang world. Drop some to seal it again."

Director Baima understood, it is better to block than to block, and then asked: "How long does it take for them to be released before they can be sealed again?"

"It's not clear yet, maybe one or two years, maybe ten years, or... decades."

 Chapter 83 Foreshadowing Recovery

(End of this chapter)

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