Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 173 The Man Is Dead

Chapter 173 The Man Is Dead

Director Baima was silent. If this happens, the whole world will probably enter the permanent period of ghost kings. This topic is too heavy. He didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only mention another matter.

"Master Hanyu, I don't know what is on the treasure ship that Shiju is occupying? We only found out that every time I kill Shiju, I can get something, but I don't know exactly what it is."

Hanyu Qing'an didn't know whether the old fox was telling the truth or a lie, so he recalled carefully, the deepest impression of Shiju's drop was gold coins and imperial souls, but these things may also change in reality.

After thinking for a while, he replied like a panacea: "There is a chance to get some gold coins contaminated with Yin Qi, as well as treasures left by ancient practitioners."

Director Baima was a little moved for a moment, the treasure left by the practitioner!

"However, ordinary people shouldn't be able to use it." Qing'an Hanyu immediately shattered his illusions. The Yuhun should be regarded as his own thing, and it shouldn't be like the Black Dharma who sealed the stone distance. Everyone can use it .

The two talked for a while, and Hanyu Qing'an was finally able to fool him. Holding the big black brick invented by Dr. Ali was really tiring. After chatting for more than half an hour, his hands were sore.

Hanyu Qingan returned to the room lightly, seeing Suzuki Sonoko and Yuzu were still sleeping soundly, he knelt down and poked Yuzu's already fleshy little face.

I thought it was a kind little angel, but it turned out to be a world-destroying demon king. Just playing with a toy, he airdropped a stone distance to the Federation.

Seemingly feeling itching on her face, Yuzu's little hand scratched her face twice. Seeing that it was not too late, Hanyu Kiyosuke didn't wake her up.

Turning his head to look at Sonoko Suzuki, the sleeping position is quite casual, where the pajamas are all torn, and a large piece of fair skin on the chest is exposed, and it is not known whether it is cold or not.

Hanyu Qingan stretched out his hand to test her body temperature (definitely not remembering the feel of the hot spring water last night).


Unexpectedly, the person involved woke up long ago, Hanyu Kiyoan just stretched out his hand, and was grabbed by the wrist on the spot, but fortunately, he never panicked.

"Are you awake? You don't know how to put the quilt on when you sleep."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at him suspiciously, and asked sleepily, "What time is it?"

"It's more than seven o'clock, and I can sleep for a while."

"Oh..." Suzuki Sonoko reacted for a while, "Forget it, I won't be able to sleep for a few minutes."

"That's fine, it's rare to come out, and you can play a little longer when you get up early." Hanyu Qingan handed Suzuki Sonoko's clothes to her side while changing clothes.

After the two packed up, they woke Yuzu up again. After washing up, they came to the restaurant. After a while, the Maoli family also came out. After eating, everyone set off to go skiing on the mountain.

Hanyu Qing'an played with them all morning, and had a meal at the restaurant of the ski resort together at noon. In the afternoon, under the introduction of the proprietress of the hotel, he found several local elderly people to learn about the legend of the snow girl.

There are many versions of the legend of the Snow Girls, but they have been spread repeatedly in a small local area, and they basically tend to be consistent. When asked about the birthplace or residence of the Snow Girls, the tellers tend to place the Snow Girls in remote mountains that are inaccessible.

Perhaps because of modern development, some previously inaccessible places have become lively, but with a patch that the snow girls are forced to move, the snow girls can move deeper.

After chatting all afternoon, there was no real progress, and it started snowing again on the mountain, so Hanyu Kiyoan had to go back to the hotel first.

"Then what are you going to do next? Do you want to stay for a few more days to investigate?" After dinner, Suzuki Sonoko leaned against him and asked in a low voice, "But I have to go to school the day after tomorrow, so I can stay with you for another day at most."

Kiyoshi Hanyu said at ease that he would go to school for a day at most and then go on vacation again...

"Let's take a look first, I have other ways." Qingan Hanyu shook his head, feeling that the idea of ​​finding the legend of the snow girl was becoming more and more unreliable.

It is said that this kind of thing will be completely changed after being passed on a few times. Although he doesn't care if it is true or not, but there is not even a definite location. If you have to go directly to the mountains to find it, then you are really lucky.

Well, if you are lucky, you should bring Mao Lilan.

Compared to this speculation about looking for legends, the later guesses are more reliable. That Akiko Kinoshita who plays the role of Yuki, will she become Yuki after she dies?
"By the way, where's Miss Kinoshita?" Hanyu Kiyoan asked suddenly, and the three of them turned their attention from the TV.

Suzuki Sonoko felt dissatisfied immediately, and reached out to touch his waist, "Why do you ask him?"

"I saw her face turned black before, and I told you that something might happen. Have you forgotten?"

Suzuki Sonoko was startled, and recalled it carefully, she seemed to have said it, but at the time she thought it was just an excuse for Hanyu Qingan.

Hanyu Qing'an said this in front of everyone, and Suzuki Sonoko's little tricks were immediately exposed, making her cheeks blush.

"The Yintang is black?" Mori Kogoro was shocked, "You mean Miss Kinoshita will die?"

"No way?" Mao Lilan covered her mouth in fright.

Hanyu Qing Anxin said that he was not so sure, he only said that something would happen, but Mori Kogoro directly said that he was dead, fearing that Akiko Kinoshita would really die...

Conan on the side suddenly said: "Maybe something has happened, sister Xiaolan, do you remember that when we went skiing this morning, Ms. Kinoshita and Ms. Asanuma both covered their faces with anti-ultraviolet masks?"

Mao Lilan nodded, and Conan continued: "Then we can't confirm whether the two people who came back one after the other at night are really two people..."

Mori Kogoro punched Conan on the head, "Idiot, when I came back at night, Miss Kinoshita and Miss Asanuma both spoke, of course it was two people."

A big red envelope suddenly appeared on Conan's head, he let out a cry of pain, and argued, "But Ms. Asanuma was originally Ms. Kinoshita's substitute. They are about the same size, and their voices are so similar. If you don't identify them carefully, you can't tell the difference."


Mori Kogoro and the others were all stunned. It was indeed the case. The two people just spoke in different tones and styles, which made people ignore it subconsciously...

"Also, Ms. Kinoshita hasn't shown up since she came back, even Ms. Asanuma went to the kitchen to get the dinner."

Mori Kogoro scratched his head, "That's because Ms. Kinoshita is not feeling well. Her lungs are not very good. Didn't Miss Asanuma say everything..."

"That's right, Uncle, you also said it, Miss Asanuma said it."

Mori Kogoro gave Conan a fierce look, and Mao Lilan hurriedly stopped him, "Father, why don't we go to their room and have a look?"

Mori Kogoro finally nodded, got up, went to Kinoshita Akiko's room together with Hanyu Kiyosuke and others, leaving only Suzuki Sonoko with Yuzu.

However, as soon as they left the room, they met the proprietress in the middle of the walk.

"Guests want to soak in the hot spring? I'm afraid I'll ask you to wait a while. The women's soup has already been reserved by two other guests. If you want to soak in the hot springs, you need to wait until after eight o'clock, but the men's soup can be soaked now. "

While the proprietress was talking, she secretly glanced at Hanyu Qing'an again, her eyes seemed to be asking for something, and also seemed to be hinting at something.

Hanyu Qingan: ...

(End of this chapter)

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