Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 178 Equipment Upgrade

Chapter 178 Equipment Upgrade
Two days passed quickly, and the funeral went very smoothly. Hanyu Qingan locked the newly obtained Heidama in the safe on the second floor of the hut, so as not to be caught by Yuzu and release the King of Ghosts.

After finishing the "blessing" business at night, Hanyu Qingan sat in the study and fiddled with the new mobile phone he had just brought back from Dr. Ali's house the day before yesterday.

The mobile phone promised by Dr. Ali is finally finished. If it is a few days later, Hanyu Qingan thinks that Nokia's n97 may come out.

This is not too much of an exaggeration. It hasn't been long since Toto Amuro bought a mobile phone last night. During the funeral last night, Hanyu Kiyoan discovered that the staff of the funeral club already had a Nokia classic bar phone.

I got it back the day before yesterday, in addition to the mobile phone and the rabbit prosthesis made for Yuzu. Listening to Yuzu's laughter outside the study, I can be sure that Dr. A Li's invention this time is quite normal.

To say that Dr. Ali’s aesthetics are not bad—of course, the premise is that you don’t put his own image into the invention. The new mobile phone has a pure white body and a round and comfortable feel.

When she saw the mobile phone, Sonoko Suzuki also liked it very much. She already planned to let her family cooperate with Dr. A Li to sell this mobile phone, and then she would order a pink one herself.

In addition to the mobile phone and prosthetic limbs, there is also a custom-made Omori. Hanyu Qingan walked out of the room with the new Omori, and said to Suzuki Sonoko who was watching rabbits with Yuzu:
"Put the original guard on your body aside, take the spell in one hand and the guard in the other, press it here and try."

Suzuki Sonoko snorted and took it over, "Is this the new version of the Omoru you mentioned last time?"

"Yes, after the shrine is completed, invite all those who have a guardian to watch the ceremony, and then take the opportunity to replace them with a new version."

"Then will the original version of the omori be issued before the shrine is built?"

Hanyu Qingan asked strangely: "What? Do you need a guard? How much?"

Suzuki Sonoko waved his hand, "It's not that I need it, but I can hear my father say every day, how many people come to the door and want Yushou, but it's nothing, even if there is no matter about Yushou, I talk to my dad about other things every day There are as many of them.”

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, it seems that the old father-in-law has worked hard enough, and he doesn't know how much of the charm he gave him last time is left, and whether it is enough.

"Are you going home tonight?" Hanyu Qingan thought that if Sonoko went back, he could ask her to bring a box of charms to his father-in-law.

"Do you think I should go home?" Suzuki Sonoko raised his face and blinked.

Hanyu Qing'an shook his head resolutely. Since the old father-in-law didn't speak, the spell must be enough, and it will be the same next time.

After the two talked and laughed, they finally remembered the business. Hanyu Qingan returned to the study, and after a while, Suzuki Sonoko pinched the guard in the living room outside, and then he saw the pentagram pattern on the wooden token in his hand emitting a faint blue light .

Hanyu Qingan closed his eyes, and could easily sense Suzuki Sonoko's position, and then activated the spell in her hand with [Yan Ling Yi Shi].

Although Suzuki Sonoko was next door, and could activate the spell in her hand even without the help of a signal, Hanyu Qingan could feel the communication signal between the transmitter in the Omori and the wooden sign in his hand as the receiver, It strengthened his sensitivity to spells and his ability to control them.

Originally, Qingan Hanyu wanted Dr. Ali to add a display screen on this wooden sign, so that he could check the serial number of the activated transmitter, and prevent someone from trying to obtain multiple blessings at the same time, or he Repeat blessings to others.

However, as a professional, Dr. Ali felt that this operation was not simple enough, and it was not difficult, so he set it directly in the program.

Within 24 hours, the receiver will only receive a signal from each transmitter once. Once the person at the transmitter releases the hand holding the switch, reactivation will be invalid.

In addition, it is also directly set that the sender can only successfully send a letter on a fixed day of the week. In order to prevent someone from dismantling the program settings, the receiver side will also block the sender signal that does not match the sequence of the day. dropped.

Although the possibility of directly changing the serial number of the transmitter is still not ruled out, the left and right charms cost 500 million yen each, so if you are willing to spend more, Kiyoan Hanyu doesn't care.

The business-specific set is arranged in this way, and the other set for people around is different.

Although the appearance of Omori is the same, the letter is no longer sent to the transmitter, but directly sent to Hanyu Qingan's newly acquired mobile phone.

At the request of Hanyu Qingan, Dr. Ali added an additional program on the spot. Pressing the transmitter three times is a distress signal. Hanyu Qingan can directly check the serial number of the corresponding transmitter on the mobile phone, so that he can know who is in trouble. In danger.

Hanyu Qing'an is very satisfied with Dr. Ali's treatment. The wooden sign for external use fits well with the onmyoji's outfit, and the mobile phone is very convenient for internal use, so there is no need for an extra thing.

After changing the new guard and changing the phone number, he can calm down. Recently, he has become allergic to the continuous sound of the phone.

"Have you not finished your research yet? It's time to eat." Suzuki Sonoko opened the door and shouted.

"Understood, here we come." Hanyu Qingan put away his things and got up.


【Mao Lilan: Well, let’s leave it at that. Now this is the final draft. I won’t change it. I’ll go to the publishing house of the Literature and Art Times to submit the manuscript tomorrow. 】

[Kudo Shinichi: That's good, after reading the draft all night, my mind is full of your father's reasoning...]

Conan was sitting on the toilet, with a smile on his face that couldn't be put away. He was holding the same mobile phone as Hanyu Kiyoan, but his was blue, while Xiaolan in the bedroom was holding a red one.

Dr. Ali took Hanyu Qingan's customization fee, and prepared two copies for Conan and Mao Lilan after the research and development, so that they would not always go to their own homes to fall in love, and the elderly would not be able to bear it.

[Mao Lilan: ^_^, I was also very distressed when I was writing. I always racked my brains to think about how to shape my father into an image like the detective Zuo Wen, but my mind is full of his unreliability It looks like I have no clue at all, so I changed it again and again.

In fact, I am still very dissatisfied with the current version. It always feels awkward when I look at it. The protagonists in "Maori Detective Case Book" are completely unrelated to my father, but I really can't change it for the better. It's one o'clock.

If the modification is too close to reality, it will feel unpopular with readers, so this is the only way. 】

Conan's face twitched. It was true. When he read "Maori Detective Case Book", it was really difficult to imagine Uncle Maori's serious reasoning.

[Mao Lilan: By the way, where is your mystery novel?You have read what I wrote, it's time for me to read what you wrote. 】

Conan instantly turned into Doudouyan.

[Kudo Shinichi: Uh... this... I've been a little busy recently... I only prepared the outline of the case, can I do it next time? 】

【Maolilan: (︶︿︶)】

(End of this chapter)

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