Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 179 I finally have a case I remember

Chapter 179 I finally have a case I remember

"Hurry up, hurry up, put on your clothes and follow me!" Suzuki Sonoko rushed into the funeral parlor in a hurry, pulling Hanyu Kiyoan up from the chair without saying a word.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't know why, but there was nothing to do today, let her make trouble.

"Yuzu, come here, let's go!" Suzuki Sonoko shouted at the curious Yuzu on the sofa, who happily ran over.

Suzuki Sonoko pulled the two of them and ran straight downstairs to the side of the road before stopping.

"What exactly are you going to do?" Seeing her dragging him downstairs and standing there stupidly, Hanyu Qingan wondered.

Suzuki Sonoko said mysteriously: "Today is a great day for Xiaolan!"

"Huh? She's getting married?" Hanyu Qingan blurted out.

Suzuki Sonoko turned her head and was taken aback, "What marriage? I mean today Xiaolan finally made up her mind to submit a manuscript to the publishing house, which is the "Maori Detective Case Book" that you reminded her to write."

"Ah, that's the thing." Hanyu Qingan nodded, "Then why did you call us down?"

Suzuki Sonoko put her waist in, and said as a matter of course: "We are going to cheer for Xiaolan! Of course we have to support her on such an important matter. If Xiaolan can succeed, she will become a beautiful girl high school student writer in the future!"

"Are you right, Yuzu, are we going to cheer for your sister Xiaolan?"

Yuzu smirked and nodded, not knowing what she understood.

Hanyu Qing'an said helplessly: "It's up to the editor to decide whether it can be done, no matter how many people go..."

Halfway through, Hanyu Qingan felt that he should not be so arbitrary. If there are many people, the editor should still give in. If the people who go are from Suzuki's family, then there will be no problem.

"Sonoko, why did you call Hanyu-kun and Yuzu here?" Mao Lilan's face flushed red, she was too embarrassed, writing a book was already very embarrassing, and so many people followed to contribute.

"Believe in yourself, you can do it, Xiaolan!" Suzuki Sonoko pressed Mao Lilan's shoulder and encouraged firmly.

"Sister Xiaolan, come on~" Youzi also shouted childishly.

Mao Lilan accepted the status quo dumbfoundedly, she could never drive people back.

While talking, Mori Kogoro drove the car over, and went to Hokkaido for a trip before he got the new car. In the past two days, he always wanted to drive around and touch the new car.

In the car, Sonoko Suzuki chattered and asked Mao Lilan about writing a book.

"The reasoning part of the case was completed by your family, and you wrote it yourself. It's really good, a work completed by the couple~" Suzuki Sonoko joked with an exaggerated expression on his face.

"Keep your voice down, don't let my father hear it, he will be angry." Mao Lilan tugged at Suzuki Sonoko's sleeve, and Conan nodded in agreement. If this was heard, Uncle Mao Li might beat someone .

"By the way, which publishing house are we going to?" Suzuki Sonoko asked after playing around.

"It's the publisher of the magazine of the literary era, that is, the magazine that serialized detective Zuo's writing." Mao Lilan explained.

Suzuki Sonoko nodded, "Oh, I seem to have a little impression. I remember that guy Shinichi took a peek at school back then, and was caught by the teacher on the spot."

Mao Lilan chuckled, "That is to say, he looked so embarrassing at that time."

Conan put on a pair of dead fish eyes, why didn't I remember this?
Soon, the car drove to the downstairs of the publishing house, and a group of people found the editor of the literary era.

"Ah, so it's Maori detective!" After Maori Kogoro reported himself, the editor seemed very enthusiastic.

"This is the "Maori Detective Casebook" created by Ms. Maoli?" The editor asked with a smile while holding Maolilan's manuscript.

Mao Lilan nodded cautiously, "Yes, I adapted this based on a case my father participated in."

"Can I have a look?" The editor took the manuscript and asked for his opinion.

"Of course, please."

The clattering sound of flipping through the manuscript made Mao Lilan fidget and clenched her fingers tightly. Suzuki Sonoko patted her hand to comfort her, and Yuzu on the side imitated her and reached out to pat her hand.

Hanyu Qing'an looked around boredly. The editorial office is an open office hall, with people coming and going, and various documents are piled up on every desk.

He walked to the bookshelf on the side, on which were the finished products of previous magazines published by the literary era, which looked like they were for display.

I reached out and picked up a recently released one. It happens that there are too few entertainment activities in normal times. If this magazine is good, you can subscribe to it by the way.

On the cover of the magazine, there are a few big words——Detective Zuo's words are revived again!

Qing'an Hanyu didn't remember the name, so he opened it directly to look at the mystery novel that was on the cover. Detective Zuo Wenwen is a series of novels, and the new series that is currently being serialized is called "1/2's Apex".

When he saw this title, his eyes froze. The name was so familiar. He seemed to have seen this episode of Conan. He quickly found the first serialized episode of this series on the bookshelf.

I saw that at the beginning it read:

[Attention all detectives, big and small, if you want to be above my mind, just try to solve the mystery of this incident! 】

Hanyu Qingan immediately remembered which case this was, because he had French classes when he was in college, and everyone was very interested in learning a new foreign language for the first time.

At that time, I happened to talk about an episode of Conan that was designed to take advantage of the silent feature of the H in French, so he went to find this episode and re-watched it to strengthen his memory.

I didn't expect to use it today. Hanyu Qing'an, who had never enjoyed the benefits of the time traveler's foresight, suddenly felt an inexplicable move in his heart.

"One-half of the vertices...the H is silent..."

Hanyu Qing'an tried his best to recall the reasoning techniques, trying to solve the puzzle set by the author of this novel—Nishina Rentaro from the novel.

"What are you doing? Brother Hanyu?" Conan noticed Hanyu Kiyoan's abnormality, and asked over.

Hanyu Kiyoan looked up, saw Conan's big head, and patted it with his hand, "Just in time, you have learned the reasoning skills from Detective Mori for so long, it's time to test the results."

Conan:? ? ?I learn reasoning from that confused detective?
"There is a mystery hidden in this novel, you can use it to study and play."

Hanyu Qing'an said that he stuffed Conan with the part of the first volume of the novel that had already been used up in his hand, and reached for the second volume from the bookshelf.

In this novel, the author added a role for himself, a writer living in France, whose positioning is similar to that of Watson.

In the lines of this character in the first episode, the first characters in two adjacent lines can be combined to become another character.

So the answer came out - please save me quickly.

Hanyu Qingan knew that this was the performance art of Shinna Rentaro before his death, so he didn't take it seriously, but Conan on the side was racking his brains.

Hanyu Qingan inexplicably stuffed him with a magazine, and said it was a puzzle?What's the meaning?Is he implying something?
(End of this chapter)

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