Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 180 1 Reasons for Submission Rejection

Chapter 180 Ten Thousand Reasons for Submission Rejection
There are only four episodes of this new series of magazines published by Detective Zuomoji so far. Hanyu Kiyosuke flipped through the next three magazines, and found out all the lines of the new name Ren Taro's own character bit by bit.

Thanks to the fact that he watched the literacy program on TV with Yuzu when he was free, otherwise he would really have to work hard on this Japanese word splitting game.

The first episode seems to be an introduction to the readers, so the difficulty is not that great. The H is not pronounced, and the translation is [please save me quickly].

In the second episode, after solving the anagrams, you need to use the rule of not pronouncing the H. Remove the HA, HI, HU, HE, and HO in Japanese, and the result is [where I am currently].

The clue I got in the third episode was 【Kido City Hotel】. Hanyu Kiyoan was stunned for a moment after explaining it, and then suddenly realized that this refers to the Kabado City Hotel next door.

There seems to be another rule here, but it doesn't matter, anyway, the closest name is the Kubado City Hotel, he knows the conclusion and then pushes forward, so don't worry too much about the details, it's generally correct.

The clue of the fourth episode is [Room [-]]...

Hanyu Qingan feels that this is really obvious. If the author is really kidnapped, and he has the level and leeway to design crossword puzzles, how can he write a letter of help in four episodes, just explain it clearly in the first episode and finish the job up.

Hanyu Kiyoan and Conan were playing crossword puzzles here, and the editor over there had also finished reading Mao Lilan's manuscript, and he said with some hesitation: "I've finished reading it, please wait."

"No, no, it should." Mao Lilan said quickly.

"How about it?"

"Is it possible to serialize?"

Mori Kogoro and Suzuki Sonoko were more anxious than Mao Lilan himself, they leaned forward together and asked questions one after another.

The editor was so frightened by the two of them that he leaned back on the chair back, took out a handkerchief and wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and stammered:

"This... I have to say that the cases you have experienced, Maori detective, are really bizarre, and your reasoning is also wonderful."

Mori Kogoro raised his head triumphantly and laughed, attracting other people in the hall to look at him. Mori Lan hurriedly tugged his sleeves to tell him to sit still.

Suzuki Sonoko frowned. The words of this editor were too familiar. Recently, when someone came to ask his father for a guard, he chatted in the same way. After the chat, he began to refuse.

After the editor praised Mori Kogoro, he began to praise Mori Ran.

"Miss Mao Li's writing is also very delicate. The most rare thing is that the description of the reasoning is very organized, the logic is very clear, and the process is rigorous enough. It is rare for a girl to be able to do this in both aspects at the same time. .”

The corners of Mouri Kogoro's mouth were pulled up to the ears, and it was obvious that he was happier than when the editor praised himself.


Sure enough, the editor began to turn around, Suzuki Sonoko narrowed his eyes.

"Just what?" Mori Kogoro stretched out his head to listen in a daze.

The editor quietly avoided him, "It's just that the problem is also here. In the narration of the background of the case, the progress of the case, and the final emotional and sublimation part, it is obvious that there is a unique female perspective and delicate emotions. describe."

"I'm not saying it's not good to write like this, it's just that this kind of writing style and the ruthless and absolutely rational logical deduction style of the most exciting reasoning part seem a little disconnected."

"The other is the end of each case. It can be seen that the author wants to use the case to expose some social phenomena and arouse readers' sympathy, but the writing is too direct and a bit too didactic."

The editor is embarrassed to say it directly, it is a bit like a student writing a composition.

"Where are you talking about?" Suzuki Sonoko suddenly asked, "Can you give me an example?"

Mao Lilan also nodded quickly, but she was not discouraged. It is also a rare opportunity to get guidance from professional editors like this.

And what the other party said was very accurate. The reasoning part was indeed not written by her. Although she re-described it in her own language, the pure rationality of that part is still obvious, and the sense of separation still exists.

The editor rummaged through it, found the most impressive passage, and pointed it to the few people on the opposite side.

"This paragraph, the speech of the deceased's grandmother - no one in this world deserves to die. I say this not to mean that I forgive the mistakes made by the lady, but no matter who dies, there must be someone who is sad Ah, it’s enough for me to suffer this kind of suffering alone, I don’t want to hurt others..."

"This kind of preaching is too obvious. If it was a few years ago, it might be okay, but recent readers may not be able to accept it."

Mao Lilan explained in a low voice, "But this is true. It was said by the person in that case. Although I have changed the names and backgrounds of the characters in it, I have not changed this sentence at all. .”

"Is that so..." the editor coughed uncomfortably, and then explained:
"This...the thing about novels is different from reality. There are various possibilities in reality, but certain rules must be followed in novels, so that your novels can be more attractive to read."

Suzuki Sonoko and Mori Kogoro both leaned forward to stare at them with uneasy expressions, and the editor quickly changed to the next topic.

"In addition, as I said just now, I would like to declare that this is a fixed process in our industry. Every author has to verify and confirm it. There is no special meaning."

"That is, you have to ensure that you own the complete copyright of your own work, and that you cannot plagiarize other people's works. Is this understandable?"

Seeing Mao Lilan nodding, the editor relaxed a bit and continued to explain:
"This work of yours... because this place is too obvious, so I need to confirm with you more. Did you complete the reasoning part that is obviously different from the overall style of writing? Miss Maori?"

"If not..."

The editor looked at Kogoro Mori next to him, and wanted to say that this part was probably perfected by this famous detective for his daughter, so it would be best to sign the name of two people.

Although the gimmick of a beautiful girl high school student reasoning writer is very useful, but afterward it was found out that the father who is a detective co-wrote it. How hot it was before will be difficult to explain later. After working in this line for a long time, he still reads Clearly.

Mao Lilan suddenly realized that she had said before that she would add Xinyi's name, but she was too concerned about the editor's evaluation just now, and even forgot to mention such an important thing.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot to say, the reasoning part was written by the new team."



Both the editor and Mori Kogoro were very puzzled, and the latter was even more furious. Why did the daughter write a book for herself, and there was such a thing about that brat?
"It's my...friend. I don't know if you've heard of him. Before that, he was often reported by newspapers and TV. High school student detective Kudo Shinichi."

Mao Lilan explained with a little embarrassment that although she did not ignore this matter on purpose, from the perspective of outsiders, it might seem that she was deliberately concealing it and wanted to sign only one person's name on the book.

"Oh? You mean Kudo Shinichi?"

The editor's eyes flashed instantly, which is very interesting. The father and friends of the beautiful girl writer are both well-known detectives, which is a bit of publicity.

(End of this chapter)

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