Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 183 Three words, break through the heart defense [Happy New Year's Eve]

Chapter 183 Three words, break through the defense [Happy New Year's Eve]

"Don't worry too much. If your father was really kidnapped and forced to write novels, but there is still a chance to hide clues in the novel, waiting for readers to find out, then he only needs one or two manuscripts at most, which is enough to say Get out of where you are."

"However, the current situation is that it took him four manuscripts to finish his address. From this point of view, his situation is obviously not very urgent."

"This method of hiding clues in the text, the more times it is used, the easier it is to be exposed. It is a bit too much to divide it into four."

Even if Hanyu Qingan said so, Shinna Kabori was still worried, she asked directly: "You already know where my father is now?"

Qing'an Hanyu nodded, put the rest of the magazines in front of her, and then told her the rule of not pronouncing the H in French, and the new Miss Xiangboli successfully deciphered the remaining clues by herself.

Conan on the side suddenly realized when he heard this rule. The new name Ren Taro set his character as a writer living in France, which turned out to be the meaning.

However, he soon became suspicious, didn't Hanyu Qingan lose his memory?I can't speak Japanese well, but why do I seem to remember French well?
"Ki, Hu, Shi, Li, Da, Fan, Shop..." Shinna Kabori frowned, and she immediately reacted without waiting for Conan and Hanyu Qing'an to remind her.

"This should be marked in Japanese Roman characters, so FU should not be written as HU, so there is no need to remove it, that is... the Kubado City Hotel, is that right, Mr. Hanyu?"

Hanyu Qingan suddenly realized that this is how it was untied here. Although he only knew about it, there was no sign of guilt on his face. He nodded, affirming Xinna Xiangboli's speculation.

Seeing that he affirmed her reasoning, Shinna Kabori breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the last magazine, and soon, she got the specific room number - [-].

"I'm sorry, I'm really in a hurry to confirm the situation of my parents, so I plan to rush to the above location immediately. Please allow me to report your kindness in the future."

Hanyu Kiyoan waved his hand, "Don't worry, it's just a puzzle game for me, you can go now."

It is impossible for Hanyu Qingan to remember every detail clearly, except for the fact that the H is not pronounced at the time, he deliberately looked for it, so the memory is deep.

As for the ending, he only had a slight impression of it. It seems that the new name Ren Taro himself dominated everything, and wanted to play a real-life detective reasoning duel game with readers.

Regardless of whether this move will cause any serious consequences.

Well, the most annoyed one is probably Police Officer Megure, and he will definitely complain about the wasted trip and waste of police force after a while.

"Miss Xinming, why don't you wait a little longer and go together when Mr. Police arrives. If there are really kidnappers, you may be in danger if you go alone."

When Mao Lilan came back from the phone call, she saw that Xinming Xiangbaoli was about to leave, so she quickly persuaded her.

"It doesn't seem to be any use for Officer Megure to come, does it?" Suzuki Sonoko complained, "We might as well go with him. With Mr. Qing'an around, the gangsters are the ones who are in danger."

"What about the grapefruit? You can't take it with you, right?" Mao Lilan reminded.

Sonoko Suzuki scratched her head, Xiaolan would definitely go, she wanted to record the case as material, and she was worried about letting Conan, a kid, take care of Yuzu, so...

"I'll take Yuzu to a nearby shopping mall, you guys go first."

Hanyu Qing'an smiled and patted her on the head, then picked up Yuzu, and pulled her away.

"There won't be any danger in this trip, just go together. It's just at noon to have a meal at the Kubado City Hotel. It seems that I haven't taken Yuzu to such a high-end restaurant for dinner."

As soon as he heard that there was something delicious, grapefruit immediately became energetic.

Xinming Xiangbaoli thanked the few people gratefully, and then a group of people quickly went downstairs, got into a taxi, and went straight to the Kuwano City Hotel.

Ten minutes later, Police Officer Megure arrived at the editorial department and asked the bewildered Kogoro Mouri, "Brother Mouri, where are the victims and suspects?"

"Ah? What kind of victim, what kind of suspect?" Mori Kogoro asked three questions.

Officer Mumu: "..."


"You take the pomelo to order first, and I can finish it soon."

After entering the hotel, Hanyu Kiyosuke talked to Suzuki Sonoko, and headed straight to Room [-] with the new Nakahori who couldn't hold back for a long time and had an anxious expression on his face.

Since there is no police accompanying him, the service staff of the hotel will naturally not open the door, Xinna Xiangbaoli looks at the closed door at a loss.

"Let me come." Hanyu Qingan took out a small paper doll from his pocket, and ordered, "Open the door."

The little paper man nodded, and then Qingan Hanyu stuffed it through the crack of the door, and under the surprised eyes of Xinna Xiangbaoli, the door opened easily from the inside.

"It turns out that the little paper man still has this kind of use..." Conan complained secretly, this thing is really omnipotent.

After the door opened, Hanyu Qingan went straight in, followed by Xinming Xiangbaoli and Mori Ran.

In the room, Mrs. Nina was listening to Nintaro's dictation, and then typing on the computer. A bald man was looking after Nintaro, who was lying on the bed and looked very weak.

"Father, mother!" the new name Xiangbao called out.

"Shambori? How did you find this place?"

Mrs. Xinming looked at this group of people in surprise. She remembered that the door should be closed, so why did so many people come in quietly.

"Why didn't you even leave a message, just disappeared for a month, I was almost worried to death!"

Seeing that both her parents are fine, and her father's doctor in charge is also here, the new name Xiang Baoli felt relieved and couldn't help complaining.

"Ahem..." Xinming Ren Taro forced a smile, his face became even paler, "Don't blame your mother, Xiangboli, it was all my idea... But tell me first, how did you find this place? Has anyone solved my hidden riddle?"

He looked expectantly at Hanyu Qing'an and the three of them. Shinna Kabori endured the grievances and what he wanted to say, nodded and introduced.

"I went to the editorial department of the Literature and Art Times today to inquire about your news, and I happened to meet these guys. Thanks to Mr. Hanyu, he told me the clues hidden in the novel, so I hurried over here."

The new name, Ren Taro, seemed a little excited, his pale face was even more rosy, and he looked at Hanyu Qingan with great interest, "Oh, how is it? Isn't it very rewarding to solve the puzzle before I announce the answer?" feel?"

His biggest regret is that he has not seen the confident smiles of readers who overcome themselves as the author, so he directed this play single-handedly.

Now, he had finally waited for this moment, his cloudy eyes stared at Hanyu Qingan's expression full of expectation.

However, Hanyu Qing'an doesn't have mind reading skills, and he doesn't remember such fine details, so he doesn't know what he is expecting. He solved the puzzle by cheating, and reasoning back from the answer. What sense of accomplishment can this give?

"well enough."

These three words, coupled with Hanyu Qingan's indifferent expression, caused a huge psychological blow to the new name Ren Taro. He couldn't help but doubt himself. Could it be that his puzzle design was too simple, so that the person in front of him There is no sense of accomplishment when you untie it?

The new name Ren Taro became more and more desperate, so that his breathing became short of breath, his heart beat faster, and his body began to shake...

(End of this chapter)

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