Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 184 The patient is cured, but the doctor is dying 【Happy New Year's Eve】

Chapter 184 The patient is cured, but the doctor is dying 【Happy New Year's Eve】

Seeing that there was something wrong with the new name Ren Taro, the attending doctor hurriedly went to the medicine box, Hanyu Qingan was a little confused, how powerful were his three words just now?what happened?

"Dad, Dad, what's wrong with you?" Nina Kabori hurried forward to support Nina Rentaro.

The expression on Mrs. Xinming's face was not too anxious, but more sad. She choked up and said:
"Your father was diagnosed with cancer last month. The doctor said he didn't have much time, so he came here, saying that he wanted to make up for his regrets before he died."

The new name, Xiang Baoli, was just about to ask what was the regret, when the attending doctor over there spoke.

"Madam, Mr. Xinming's current condition is not due to cancer, but because he is too emotional, his blood pressure rises too fast, and his body is too weak."

"Ah?" Mrs. Xinming was confused, isn't it cancer?How come you have high blood pressure again?

The doctor was also anxious. Seeing that Xinming Ren Tailang's condition was getting worse and worse, he could only choose the first aid method of bloodletting from his fingertips.

Although this method has the risk of cerebral infarction and will make the patient more debilitated, the risk is negligible since there are only a few days left of the cancer.

This method worked quickly. With the bright red blood dripping from Xinming Ren Tailang's fingertips, the whole person gradually calmed down, and the unnatural rosiness on his face gradually faded, and his pallor returned.

Xinming Rentaro became like this after Hanyu Qingan finished speaking, so he couldn't ignore it, so he asked, "Doctor, is Mr. Xinming's current condition suitable for supplementing vitality?"

The doctor was a little confused, so he thought he was talking about nutritional supplements, and while preparing the bottle, he replied, "Of course, I'm going to give him intravenous nutrient solution now."

"Let me do it, my method will work faster."

After Hanyu Qing'an finished speaking, he didn't care about the confusion of the doctor who had the same hairstyle as Dr. Ali, and directly changed into an onmyoji costume.

When everyone was in a daze, with the [Tale · Life], a blue spell appeared on everyone.

The needle in the doctor's hand was about to pierce Xinming Ren Tailang's blood vessel, but it felt obviously wrong, and the resistance was greater than usual, causing the prick to crooked.

This is the original injury-free buff of the skill [Tales·Birth], which has been ignored by Hanyu Qingan all this time. Unexpectedly, it will work at this time.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't pay attention to those, and directly detonated all the spells with [Yanling Yishi], and a burst of vitality immediately filled the bodies of everyone present.

Suddenly energetic and refreshed, the doctor looked at Hanyu Seian, who was dressed as an onmyoji, in amazement. What is this thing?
"Feeling better, Mr. Ninam?"

Before the Xinming family and the doctor were full of doubts, they turned their attention to Xinming Rentaro following Hanyu Kiyoan's question.

"Hmm..." The new name Ren Taro just came back to his senses. He grabbed his hand and felt that he had some strength, and he even seemed to be able to write by himself.

"It's much better...but what is this? The spell just now, and your clothes..." Xinming Ren Taro asked blankly.

"It's Onmyoji, Brother Hanyu is a true Onmyoji~"

Conan also got a spell just now, and he is very energetic, and he has come to the link that he suddenly fell in love with recently, watching the collapse of other people's worldviews.

This hobby has not been born for a long time, it started from Hattori Heiji last time.

"Yin-yang technique?" The doctor's eyes widened suddenly, then he frowned and lowered his head in thought, muttering in his mouth, "It shouldn't be, what is the principle, I did feel the obvious effect, but what is its mechanism of action? "

"Is it a hormone? What hormone can directly affect the vitality of the entire body system of the human body, and adrenaline doesn't have such an effect..."

"And just so far away, how did he manage to inject hormones into the body..."

Seeing the doctor muttering words, he gradually became a little dazed, even his hands trembled, Hanyu Kiyosuke had an ominous premonition, could it be that he almost sent Niima Rentaro away just now, and now that he is rescued, he will send the doctor away again?

He couldn't help but doubt Conan, is it because this guy is here that he has to die?
"Uh...Brother Hanyu, why are you looking at me like that?" Conan felt a little uncomfortable being watched by him.

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, walked to the doctor, and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be in a hurry, scientific research is never something that happens overnight, make bold assumptions, verify slowly, don't be in a hurry, just relax and let go of your brain... ..."

In order to avoid killing himself because of himself, Hanyu Qingan, an onmyoji, had to use a scientific research attitude to persuade this razor-sharp doctor who insisted on using his existing knowledge system to explain onmyoji.

"It feels weird..." Mao Lilan bent down and said to Conan in a low voice.

Conan laughed dryly, "It does look weird, but brother Hanyu is right, science is a research method, not the sum of existing technical knowledge."

"As long as human beings continue to exist, sooner or later, new scientific research results will be able to explain Yin Yang."

Conan said this mostly to comfort himself. Although science still exists, his world view has been completely broken, which is irreparable.

Mao Lilan looked at him strangely, "Conan, how do you know so much?"

Conan's back suddenly went cold, he lost his mind for a moment and almost exposed it again, and hurriedly tried to pass the test, "Haha, I saw these on TV~"

"Oh, Yuzu seems to have been learning to read by watching TV, and she looks much smarter than her peers."

Mao Lilan nodded thoughtfully, and began to wonder whether TV education is really so effective.

Suddenly, she realized something was wrong, and turned her head to stare at Conan, her face was so close that Conan could smell the shampoo on her hair, so close that he could hear her own heartbeat.

"What, what's the matter? Sister Xiaolan?"

Mao Lilan asked with a straight face: "Did you secretly watch TV again when I was not at home?"

"Didn't I say that? I told you to watch less TV. You are so short-sighted. Don't you want to be like Dr. Ali, who can't see clearly after taking off his glasses for the rest of his life?"

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, "I know, I will pay attention to it in the future, and I won't dare next time."

Over there, the doctor finally walked out of the blind alley of thinking under the amateur psychological counseling of Hanyu Qingan. He seemed to have a good temper with Shinna Rentaro, and there was a good reason for his good relationship.

"Can this yin and yang technique play a role in the treatment of cancer?" The doctor was still thinking about his new name, Ren Taro, and began to discuss with Hanyu Qingan the medical significance of yin and yang technique to supplement vitality.

Hanyu Qingan: ...


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(End of this chapter)

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