Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 200 Conan Exposed Again

Chapter 200 Conan Exposed Again
There was no signal in the basement, so Kamel could only go up and call the police. After he went out, Hanyu Qingan tapped Conan on the head with a paper fan and asked:

"Is the case clear?"

Although he can also figure out from the conversation between the mother and son that the son killed someone, and then the mother imprisoned the son here to avoid police investigation, he does not know exactly who was killed or where the body is.

But it's not a big problem. It's convenient to carry Conan with you.

Sure enough, Conan nodded, "I have some impressions of this case. About five years ago, the owner of this villa was killed. Then the police investigation turned out to be robbery and murder. The murderer has never been found."

"But judging from today's situation, the murderer is probably the one in the prison—the deceased's own son!" Conan looked at the sloppy prisoner.

Hearing Conan's words, the prisoner trembled all over his body, his madness seemed to have faded a bit, his knees softened, he fell to the ground along the railing, and began to confess with his head down.

"That's right, I killed my father. It was the spring five years ago. I failed the college entrance examination for the third time. When I returned home, my father severely reprimanded me after hearing the news... No, it was humiliation." I said I was a disgrace to the family, a scum, a scum, a waste..."

"At that time, my spirit had sunk to the bottom, and my father's harsh insults made me lose my mind in an instant. I picked up the candlestick on the side and threw it at his head..."

"When I came back to my senses and realized what happened, he was already dead, and my mother also found out the fact that I killed my father..."

The prisoner narrated what happened in pain and tears, but Hanyu Qing'an was full of complaints. He used his mouth to escape before, but he also had to cooperate with body language, create an atmosphere, and gradually break down the murderer's psychological defenses, and finally forced the murderer to confess. .

But what about Conan?He casually said a few words about the result of his own reasoning, and the prisoner couldn't wait to continue talking. The simply.

In addition, this is a case from five years ago, and even the corpse is gone. Hanyu Qingan looked around, but he didn't find any shiny tokens. It seems that the trip was in vain...

Hanyu Qingan felt that the trip was in vain, but Kamel didn't think so. He didn't know when he returned to the room, and stood quietly in the corner, staring at Conan's profile.

When he went out just now, he didn't rush to call the police first, but secretly listened for a while, which made him realize that something was wrong with the kid named Conan.

In the previous few encounters, although the child's performance was a bit exaggerated, he did look childish, but today, with a few other children for comparison, he suddenly found that this child was different.

Not only does he look more mature, smarter, and calmer than several children of the same age, but he also knows a little too much. The most important thing is that his observation and logical thinking skills are far beyond this age... …

Without the comparison of the three children over there, it would be really difficult for Kamel to notice Conan's abnormality. Yes, not only this kid named Conan is not quite right, but also the kid named Haibara Ai is not quite right. .

When we met for the first time, I was scared to cry by myself, but this time, although she seemed a little panicked, she was still too calm. In the end...why didn't she show any fear of the haunted house?
Especially when the other three children were frightened by the old man who suddenly appeared, her reaction was not panic, but vigilance.

Kamel's eyes switched back and forth between Conan and Haibara Ai, and Haibara Ai keenly sensed that something was wrong, she quietly moved towards Hanyu Sei'an, and then winked at Conan.

"What's wrong? Haibara?" Conan didn't know why.

Haibara Ai almost died of anger, but she still had to manage her expression. She stretched out her hand and tugged Hanyu Qingan's trousers, and said weakly: "Brother Hanyu, let's go up, it's too dark in here, and it smells weird of."

Conan looked puzzled, what happened?Suddenly acting coquettish again?You even changed your title to Brother Hanyu?

Wait, why did Haibara say black?It's okay to say that the taste is strange, but it's black... isn't it also a black sky above?At any rate, there are still Qingxing lanterns and that lantern-like shikigami lighting up here...


Conan had a bad premonition, not black, but said black, she was implying that the man named Kamel they had discussed before?
Conan moved his posture quietly, and glanced at the door from the corner of his eye. Sure enough, he found a huge figure in the corner next to the door!

Although I can't see the other party's expression clearly, since Hui Yuan has hinted at himself, it should be that the other party is acting strangely, and the most likely is to observe himself and Hui Yuan secretly...

Thinking of the fact that Conan is in a bad mood, he kept analyzing in his head. Haibara said before that Kamel should not be a member of the Black Organization, but now Kamel is observing the two of them again...

"Well, let's go up first, Kamel, you stay here to avoid any accidents." Qingan Hanyu could see Kamel as soon as he turned his head, and ordered directly after seeing him.

"Yes, President."

Hanyu Kiyoan led a few children up first, Conan and Haibara Ai tried their best to chat with Genta and the others, and walked past him, the eyes of the two sides intersected for a moment, and the children shrank their necks and quickened their pace .

Ao Xingdeng led the way ahead, Hanyu Kiyoan and a few children followed behind, suddenly Ayumi screamed.

"Ah! It's a will-o'-the-wisp!"

"Oh? It's true, there really are will-o'-the-wisps!"

"But why is this will-o'-the-wisp white?"

Hanyu Qingan looked in the direction Ayumi pointed, and saw a small group of blue flames flying out of thin air towards the blue lantern, followed the floating trajectory and looked towards the source, it was a candlestick placed by the roadside.

Hanyu Qing'an suddenly understood that the prisoner's mother usually used it for lighting, probably to avoid being discovered and facilitate things, so she put it outside instead of bringing it into the cell.

"I just said that I saw a fire here, and it will be haunted! You didn't believe me before, this is really a haunted house!" Ayumi finally proved her statement, so excited that she forgot to be afraid for a while.

Conan said in his heart that what you saw should only be the prisoner's mother walking around the villa holding a candlestick. Now this situation is obviously related to Onmyoji, and this light group looks familiar. The one that was taken away seemed to be exactly the same.

The blue flame melted into Qing Xingdeng's body, Hanyu Qing'an watched her body solidify, and at last the trip was not in vain.

But this keepsake is a bit strange. As for Huomiao, besides Qingxing Lantern, can Phoenix Fire also be used?Even if the phoenix fire needs yellow flames, the Shiki Doji can always use the blue will-o'-the-wisp, right?

Subconsciously, Hanyu Qingan began to study bugs habitually, but he was glad that he didn't bring Zashiki Waraji lighting, if it could be sucked away by Zashiki Waraji, it would be a big loss.

He really can't think of a shikigami that can only produce will-o'-the-wisps, which is of great use in reality. Qingxing Deng can attack and fly, and it is not a loss to pair with the little paper doll as a detective.

A little episode, except for a few children discussing whether the ghost fire just now was a ghost, and then whether it was taken away by the shikigami of the onmyoji, it didn't have much impact.

After reaching the ground, Conan pulled Haibara Ai aside...

(End of this chapter)

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