Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 201 Surveillance

Chapter 201 Surveillance
Conan looked around and asked in a low voice, "What did you find? Is that person watching us?"

"Yeah." Hui Yuanai's complexion was a little bad.

Conan noticed it, and asked suspiciously: "Didn't you say that he is not a member of the Black Organization?"

Hui Yuanai said as a matter of course: "I just think he shouldn't be, but it doesn't mean he really isn't."

"..." Conan went numb, "You..."

Conan didn't know what to say for a while. He had sworn before that the other party didn't have the unique smell of the black-clothed organization, but now he said he wasn't sure. What was this woman thinking?

Hui Yuanai saw his dissatisfaction, but didn't react too much, just explained lightly:

"I feel that people who have an organizational atmosphere must be involved with the organization, but it doesn't mean that people who don't feel the organizational atmosphere must not be members of the organization. This is not contradictory at all."

"Simple sufficient and unnecessary conditions, haven't you, a famous detective, even learned basic logic?"

Conan suddenly turned into Doudouyan, which seems to make sense...

"Wait, now is not the time to talk about this. Since that guy has noticed us, and he may be involved with the black organization, should we take this opportunity to do something?"

Hui Yuanai's expression suddenly became serious, looked at Conan and said solemnly: "Edogawa, you have to know that what you are facing is not a street gangster, the horror of the organization is beyond your imagination, don't think that there are onmyojis Shelter is absolutely safe!"

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, and he said to himself: "Of course I know the horror of the black organization, and I don't completely pin my hopes on President Hanyu. However, although it is not suitable for taking the initiative to attack, it does not mean that we have to sit and wait for death."

"What are you going to do?" Hui Yuanai asked with a frown.

"It's not what I'm going to do, it's you."

Conan's words stunned Haibara, "Me?"

"That's right." Conan nodded, "When you asked President Hanyu about Shi Ju today, that person was also there. You said that since he knows, will he tell the people behind him?"

"Even if he is not a member of the Black Organization, he is definitely not a simple person. It is also very important for us to figure out his identity, at least we can see the situation clearly."

"Even if Kamel didn't take any action, what about the others? It didn't take long for Shiju to happen, and President Hanyu will go out with us again tomorrow, and he won't be able to come back at night. Such an opportunity, if everyone doesn't take any action Strange isn't it?"

Hui Yuanai understood what he meant, "You mean to monitor them next? See what these people will do, and who will they contact?"

Conan smiled, "Not next, but continue to monitor. In fact, I have been monitoring them for a while."

"It just so happened that President Hanyu placed all his employees in the apartment next door to Xiaolan's house. I can observe some of the situation in the apartment next door as long as I am on the balcony of Uncle Mori's bedroom and through the ventilation windows in the bathroom and bathroom."

Haibara sighed, and didn't know what to say for a while, Conan's behavior was very dangerous, but those people lived next door to him, even if he didn't observe each other, he wouldn't be safe anywhere.

"What did you observe?"

Conan spread his hands, "There is not much to gain at the moment, these people are too cautious, almost everyone is busy until late at night before returning to the apartment, and when they go back, they mostly draw the curtains, and there is little light in the room." , you can’t even tell if anyone is inside.”


Seeing that Hui Yuan Ai was a little speechless, Conan added: "But it's not without any gains, at least I can confirm two things, one is that those people should have backgrounds, not ordinary people; People, it is likely that they all come from different forces.”

"How to say?" Hui Yuanai regained his spirit.

"During my observation period, except for Toru Amuro, the manager, who would occasionally knock on other people's doors, even if the rest of the people happened to meet downstairs or at the door of the apartment, there would be no verbal communication. I don’t know how to say hello, at most I nod, let alone go to other people’s rooms.”

"Ms. Umezawa is unable to speak, but the remaining four are too strange. Don't they communicate at all at work?"

Hui Yuanai questioned: "Maybe they are deliberately making gestures to hide their identities, so as not to be suspected by the onmyoji? It may not necessarily be because they are not in the same group."

Conan shook his head slightly, and said firmly: "That's why it's strange, think about it, if you really want to avoid being suspected by President Hanyu, they shouldn't be so obvious, but should get along like ordinary club employees. "

"The deliberate performance now is obviously that they can't even put on a show, and they maintain a high degree of vigilance with each other."

Conan stroked his chin and said while thinking, "So, I still prefer that there are other unknown forces among them besides the black organization, or..."

"Different factions of the same faction?" Huiyuan Ai continued his words, "For example, they are both members of the Black Organization, but because they do not belong to the same faction, they restrict each other, so that even their own Be on guard!"

Conan heard Hui Yuanai say this, and smiled, "Since you have said so, it seems that my guess should be correct. It seems that the black organization is not monolithic."

Hui Yuan Ai laughed, "There is no organization in this world that is monolithic internally. As long as it is an organization composed of people, it will definitely have factions. How can the black organization be an exception."

"As for forces other than the Black Organization, it is likely to include the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department." Conan continued, "The Metropolitan Police Department is the first force to know the existence of Onmyoji, and in any case, it is impossible for them not to attack President Hanyu. monitor."

"It's not necessarily among the employees, is it? They may use other people to monitor, such as that Miss Suzuki." Hui Yuanai said, crossing his arms.

"Huh?" Conan almost stumbled when he heard this, "You mean Sonoko? Absolutely impossible!"

"Xiaolan and I grew up with her. I don't know who she is? She can't even hide her own thoughts, and she can't do this kind of thing at all."

"That's it..." Hui Yuanai frowned slightly, "It might be the boss waiter of a nearby shop, or even a tenant in a building opposite, it's all possible."

Conan smiled, "There should be some of those people, but there must be people from the Metropolitan Police Department among the employees."

Hui Yuanai asked strangely: "How can you be so sure?"

"Because only by becoming an employee, will you have the opportunity to get more information from President Hanyu, as well as... such things as cultivation secrets!"

Conan is close to the water, so he naturally knows much more information than Haibara Ai.

"I have seen some ancient Chinese books in the funeral club, and I have checked the information. Those books are indeed somewhat mysterious, and they may be related to President Hanyu's Yin Yang technique."

"Whether the Metropolitan Police Department wants to get the secret book of Onmyoji by itself, or prevent others from getting it, or even just monitor who gets it, they must have someone who is close enough to President Hanyu to do it." Conan said firmly.

After hearing this, Hui Yuanai nodded, that's right.

Conan saw that she agreed with his point of view, and finally said: "This opportunity is rare, so do you have time to come to the detective agency tomorrow night?"

(End of this chapter)

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