Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 202 Flying sedan chair

Chapter 202 Flying sedan chair
"Ayumi, don't you want that big sister to take you to fly? Why don't you ask Brother Hanyu to ask? What are you looking at here?" Motota asked Ayumi.

Ayumi withdrew her gaze from Conan and Haibara Ai, the two of them didn't know what they were talking about, they seemed to be very involved in the chat...

"Could it be bad? That brother Hanyu felt cold from the moment he put on that clothes, and he didn't seem to be able to talk." Ayumi hesitated, but looked forward to flying again.

"You have to give it a try. You'll know if it works after you ask. At worst, you'll be scolded." Yuan Tai said indifferently.

Mitsuhiko interjected, "Then Genta, you can ask for Ayumi."

"Uh..." Yuantai was at a loss for words. To be honest, he was also a little scared, not because he was afraid of Hanyu Qing'an, but because he was afraid of that giant guy.

"You give in to Ayumi to do things that Yuantai you dare not do yourself?" Seeing Yuantai's rare cowardice, Guangyan teased.

"That's right." Ayumi puffed her cheeks, hugged her arms, and nodded in agreement.

Yuan Tai was so excited, she immediately jumped up, raised her chest, and patted her chest, "Who says I dare not, just wait and see!"

After speaking, he ran to Hanyu Qingan, but Hanyu Qingan gave him a cold look, and flinched a little.

Yuanta scratched his head, and faltered about his idea of ​​letting Shikigami take them flying in the sky.

Hanyu Qingan stared at him for a while, and Motota felt chills down his spine.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't directly refuse, he also thought about riding a dragon before, and the dream of flying is almost universal for human beings, so he can understand the expectations of these children.

It's just that Yuanta came to say that he wanted Shikigami to take them flying in the sky at this moment, which gave him a little more idea.

It's really ugly to let the shikigami carry or pull me to fly, but now I have two physical shikigami who can fly, can I make a sedan chair and let the two of them carry me?

In the future, when you go to a funeral, you can fly in a sedan chair from a high altitude at night, and drop directly from the sky to the funeral scene. Isn't this style!

That's... I suddenly thought of Mr. Kongkong...

Genta was still waiting eagerly, Hanyu Qingan thought it was just right, he could test a few of them first to see how the shikigami's load was, the little fat man in front of him was no lighter than an adult.

And if they hadn't pulled me to the haunted house this time, I might have missed the opportunity to let Qing Xingdeng get the entity, which is a little reward.


"Great!" Motota waved his fist, and excitedly went back to call Ayumi and Mitsuhiko. Hanyu Kiyosuke was very pleased to see these three active testers.

Xue Nu is not suitable, because as soon as she gets close to her, she feels cold. This time, it is not a psychological effect. After Xue Nu has a body, she has become really cold.

So, after a while, Ayumi slipped into Qingxing Deng's arms, and Genta and Mitsuhiko grabbed both ends of Qingxing Deng's lamp stick, hung on it, and flew back and forth in mid-air, the three little devils were excited Shouts echoed throughout the villa.

Hanyu Kiyoan made a silent visual inspection. The combined weight of the three children should exceed his own weight. One Qingxing lantern can carry it. It seems that there is no problem, but it seems that the speed is a bit slower than when it is empty. ?
So, the load is not a problem, but does the load affect the flight speed?It seems that it is better to get more physical shikigami that can fly.

"Conan, Haibara-san, come over and try it too! It's flying~" Seeing that the two were still chatting, Ayumi hurriedly shouted.

Conan and Huiyuan Ai were called, and they couldn't talk anymore, so they could only walk over, watching the scene, and whispered to Huiyuan Ai beside him:
"This is also called flying? What's the difference between this and the low-altitude zip line in the amusement park, where you hold the ring with both hands and slide all the way from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, or flying a plane is more exciting, don't you think so, Hui Yuan?"

Conan turned his head and saw the faint expectation on Haibara Ai's face, and he was suddenly a little dazed.

"Huihara, you don't think this kind of thing is interesting, do you? Even if you haven't played the zip line, you've always been on the carousel in the amusement park, right? Isn't Ayumi the same as riding a merry-go-round?"

Hui Yuanai glanced at him, and suddenly felt that the difference in the life experiences of the two people was indeed too great.

"I'm sorry, I've never been to an amusement park, nor have I ever flown a plane. There are so many people in an amusement park and flying a plane is so dangerous, how could they let me go..."

"Uh..." Conan was at a loss for words. It seemed that Haibara had indeed lived a confined life in the past. No wonder she said that she envied her sister's ordinary life.

"Then let's play together, I don't know why President Hanyu has the leisure to play with Genta and the others today." Conan shook his head.


"Why are you free to coax the children during working hours today?"

Officer Mugure looked at Conan hanging on Qingxing Deng's lamp stick, and Haibara Ai sitting in Qingxing Deng's arms, rubbed his head, and got up from the ground.

As soon as he opened the door of the villa, he was knocked down by this strange combination.

Hanyu Qing'an said calmly: "Balance of yin and yang, equal exchange, these children brought me here today, I got some gains, naturally I have to give something in return."

Officer Megure nodded. This was like the style of Hanyu Qingan in the state of Onmyoji. He lowered his voice and asked mysteriously:
"So, it's probably ghosts and gods who committed the crime this time, right? The ghost kings have come out, are some little ghosts also..."

Hanyu Qing'an shook his head slightly, "The ghost king is the ghost king, and the rules are in place, so he has the ability to break through to the Yang world. How can the kid do it? The original ghosts, gods, and monsters in the Yang world have already been dealt with cleanly, and the new ones still need a long time. It’s not something that should be considered right now.”

"Oh..." Police officer Mumu nodded in confusion. Anyway, he didn't quite understand those things, so he just went back and reported what he heard and it was over.

Then Police Officer Mumu was taken to the basement by Conan, only then did he realize that it was an old case from five years ago, before he could inquire, the murderer couldn't wait to plead guilty and begged him to take him away, the private prison couldn't last longer up...


The return journey would not be so crowded, Takagi Tsutomu sent the three little devils back one by one, and Kamel drove Hui Yuan Ai back to Dr. Ari’s house first, and then sent Conan and Hanyu Qing’an to the funeral home Downstairs, it's the end of the day's work.

He drove the car to a nearby parking lot, and then walked back to the apartment building next door to the Maori Detective Agency. Whether the house in this apartment building is bought or rented, naturally it depends on whether it is sold or not, and whether it is vacant.

So this led to several funeral home employees not being next to each other in this four-story apartment building as neighbors, and even the floors were scattered.

Kamel was very lucky. He was assigned to the edge of the fourth floor near the Maori Detective Agency. There happened to be a side window in the house, and it would not be blocked by the Maori house on the third floor next door. He could observe the funeral at home. The situation of the instrument society.

Others were not so lucky. Rikumichi Kusuda and Calvados were on the second floor, Toru Amuro and Yuya Kazami were on the third floor, and Akemi Miyano was on the fourth floor, but the room was in the middle without a side window.

Kamel arrived on the fourth floor, passed by Miyano Akemi's house from the verandah, and then walked to the door of his own rented room at the end, looked at the hair stuck on the top of the door, he was relieved, and opened the door...

 Finally, the foreshadowing is almost done, and the next step is the main event.

(End of this chapter)

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