Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 203 Warm stickers

Chapter 203 Warm stickers
"Yuzu, stay at home and listen to Aunt Umezawa. We'll be back tomorrow, understand?" Qingan Hanyu poked his head out of the car window, and instructed Yuzu who was being held in Miyano Akemi's arms.

"Well, Yuzu knows, Yuzu will be very good~"

Yuzu said so, but she could still tell that she was a little depressed. Children are like this, even if they are only separated from someone close to them for a day, they will be very sad.

Umezawa Masami rubbed Yuzu's head, a look of affection appeared on her face, Haibara Ai, who was hiding in Mori's house, watched this scene secretly from the balcony on the third floor.

She wears Conan's glasses on her face, which can zoom in on distant images, night vision and tracking, etc. There are many functions, which are left by Conan for her, and Conan himself uses a pair of ordinary glasses as a cover .

In addition, small props including bowknot voice changer, anesthesia needle watch, elastic strap, earring phone, bug, loudspeaker and tracker were all left for her to avoid accidents.

Conan himself only wears power-enhancing shoes and a football belt. Anyway, he is with Hanyu Kiyoan, whether he is solving a case or in an emergency, he has the tall Onmyoji on his back, and he doesn't need so many props.

"Bon Voyage."

Haibara Ai's faint words came from the earphones, Conan froze for a moment, covered his mouth and replied in a low voice: "Be careful."

"President, have a good journey." Toru Amuro led a group of employees and bowed to see him off.

Hanyu Qing'an waved his hand, "There's no need to be so grand, Amuro, take care of the new office building. I hope I can go there to interview new employees smoothly when I come back."

The corners of Toru Amuro's eyes twitched slightly, but he still kept smiling, nodded and replied, "President, don't worry, I will definitely manage it."

"That's good, I'll go first, and you all go to work quickly."

Mori Kogoro started the car and left slowly under the gaze of everyone. Only when the car disappeared into the undulating terrain in the distance did Amuro turn his head and clap his hands, saying:

"Okay, today's work is not finished yet, everyone has to continue to work hard. Kazami went to verify the purchased items, Kamel took other people to move and resettle, Umezawa, you don't have to go for these two days, take care of it Grapefruit will do."

"That's it, let's all move."

"Hi!" Everyone responded in unison, Miyano Akemi also nodded, and then... everyone looked at each other, like strangers, silently dispersed and walked towards the parking lot, ready to start working.

Looking at the backs of these people, Miyano Akemi sighed deeply in her heart, it's so weird... It's interesting to take care of Yuzu, and getting along with these people is really not a good experience.

Although Toru Amuro had a smile on his face, he felt the same in his heart. He withdrew his mind and calculated the president's "stingy construction period".

He strode away, intending to supervise the work, but at this moment, the phone vibrated a few times in his pocket near his chest.

Amuro narrowed his eyes slightly, but his movements did not stop at all. He didn't look down at the email until he got into his car in the parking lot and watched the employees of the funeral home leave one by one.

The content is short but encrypted. After the translation, there is a time and place, and the final signature is - Belmode.

"What a coincidence?" A cold light flashed in Amuro Toru's eyes.


"Why is it so cold in the car? Is the heater not turned on?" Suzuki Sonoko wrapped her clothes tightly and hugged Mao Lilan tightly, but she still couldn't help complaining.

When mentioning this Mori Kogoro, he looked sad and angry, "It has been driven to the maximum, who knows what happened, it was fine before, but it didn't seem right when I drove it today."

"I don't know if the guy who sold the car lied to me. No wonder there is such a luxurious lottery when buying a car. It turns out that there is something wrong with the car!"

"There are warm stickers in my bag, you can take them out and use them with Xiaolan, so you don't get cold." Hanyu Qingan turned around and said.

"Oh, let me take a look." Suzuki Sonoko let go of Mao Lilan, turned around, picked up the bag beside him, and opened it to search.

"That's great, Hanyu-kun even thought of this for you, it's really affectionate~" Mao Lilan jokingly touched her with his shoulder.

Suzuki Sonoko said stiffly: "What, I bought this thing before, but I didn't know he brought it out."

"Doesn't that mean that he is caring?" Mao Lilan couldn't help sighing when she thought of her own wooden lumps, and she didn't know how Xinyi's novel was going.

"I found it, here you are, Xiaolan, but why did you bring three? Not enough points."

Suzuki Sonoko took out three hot posts, distributed one to Xiaolan, kept one for herself, looked at the remaining one and said strangely.

Hanyu Qing'an replied: "It's good for you two to use what you have. Detective Mori and I don't need it, and Conan has enough firepower, so he doesn't need it either."

"Well, let's leave one as a spare, whoever gets cold will use it later." Suzuki Sonoko put the remaining one back.

Mori Kogoro, Conan: ...

"Huh? Qing'an-jun, why did you even bring this out?" Suzuki Sonoko picked up the Black Dharma from the bag, shook it, and asked.

Hanyu Qingan glanced back, and explained (made up): "This is a kind of prop used in Yin-Yang art, and it needs to be warmed with spiritual power. It will be more effective when used this way."

"Oh, is it prepared for that ghost king?" Suzuki Sonoko asked in a low voice.

Hanyu Qingan nodded, "Well, but after returning, I need to go to your house first, and discuss it with your father."

"Conan, are you cold?" Mao Lilan put the warm sticker on the lower abdomen, then turned to look at Conan.

Conan shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, sister Xiaolan, I'm not cold."

"That's good..." Mao Lilan reached out and hugged him on his lap, wrapped the two together in a coat, and said with a smile, "Such a warm patch will keep us both warm."

"Sister Xiaolan..." Conan looked back at Mao Lilan in a daze. The latter smiled softly, and he was a little lost for a while.

"How is it? Is it warm? I feel my stomach is starting to heat up." Mao Lilan blinked and asked.

"Hmm..." Conan nodded with a blushing face.

"My face is flushed, it looks like it's hot." Mao Lilan felt relieved.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the two of them, and then looked down at himself, as if he couldn't learn it, why couldn't he let Qing'an-jun sit in his arms?

On the other hand, it's almost the same... Well, the remaining one will be used by Xiaolan later, so if it gets colder, Qing'an-jun can only... hehehe...

"Why are you smirking?" Hanyu Qingan asked.

"Who is smirking?" Suzuki Sonoko glared at him, then looked out of the car window, and muttered, "It's a pity, it would be nice to go to the beach in this weather, if only it were summer."

(End of this chapter)

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