Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 204 Shikigami Pulls a Cart

Chapter 204 Shikigami Pulls a Cart
All the way to the north, the car drove for several hours, until the sun set, Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan in the back seat fell asleep sleepily, and finally saw the so-called Dracula's villa.

The seaside, cliffs, towering buildings, and medieval shapes make it look like the castle of the devil.

"It's not auspicious..."

Hanyu Qingan murmured subconsciously, this looks like the Blizzard Villa, at most there is no suspension bridge, but as long as there is a blizzard and the road down the mountain is blocked, it will be exactly the same.


There was a strange sound, and the car lay down not far from the villa. Mori Kogoro was silent for a while, then turned his head to look at Hanyu Kiyoan, feeling apprehensive.

"How about, let's go back? Your car broke down as soon as your Yin-Yang master said it was unlucky. Maybe what will happen later..."

Hanyu Qing'an had no choice but to comfort him: "Without a car, how do we go back? Let's go in and have a look. With me here, there is no danger."

Mori Kogoro nodded subconsciously, only to hear Hanyu Kiyoan continue: "Even if something happens, I will resurrect Detective Mori, and I won't let the prisoner go."


Mori Kogoro's eyes widened immediately. Just as he was about to say something, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko asked in a daze, "Why did you stop the car? Are you already there?"

"The car broke down, but we're almost there." Hanyu Kiyoan pointed outside, "We still need to walk about 500 meters up the mountain."

"Ah, I still have to climb such a long mountain road, it's so cold just thinking about it." Suzuki Sonoko complained, while looking forward to Hanyu Qingan's expression, so he should understand, right?
"Yeah, that's right..." Kiyoan Hanyu nodded, then turned to Kogoro Mori and asked, "Detective Mori, do you have the rope for the trailer?"

"I brought it with me, but it's only a few hundred meters. It's not good to ask the customer to drive it? And this kind of snow, there is no way for an ordinary car to tow one up the mountain." Mori Kogoro shook his head.

"It's okay, there's no need to call someone." Hanyu Qingan said confidently.

A few minutes later, the little paper man fixed the rope of the trailer, one end was in front of the car and the other end was on Xue Nu, and then the little paper man commanded Xue Nu to float in front and pull the car up the mountain.

It's a pity that the conditions are limited. If there are two shikigami, it is not convenient to control the balance, otherwise the car will be directly pulled and flew over. Now this is really a bit detrimental to the style.

"What's wrong with you? The speed is a bit slow, but at least you don't have to suffer from the cold, right?" Hanyu Qingya asked seeing Suzuki Sonoko's anger.

"It's nothing." Suzuki Sonoko said listlessly, she didn't say anything, and let people guess, even Mao Lilan, who had always understood her mind, didn't know what happened to her.

Finally, when the car reached the entrance of the villa, Hanyu Qingan retracted the shikigami, and everyone got out of the car and walked towards the villa.

Conan fell behind, pressed the earphones and whispered: "Is there still nothing wrong with you?"

Hui Yuan's voice came from the earphones, "No, they all went to work and haven't come back yet, it seems that they will wait until midnight."

"Don't be careless, those employees can't sneak back before the end of work, but Amuro Toru has no one to care about him."

"Hmph, you'd better take care of yourself, isn't it comfortable in the arms of that Maori lady? Big pervert."

"Uh..." Conan was at a loss for words. The phone was always connected to China Unicom, so the conversation here was naturally overheard.

"I just……"

"Conan! What are you still doing there? It's cold outside, come here quickly, we're going in!" Mao Lilan's call interrupted Conan's explanation.

"Go, otherwise people will be in a hurry, what's the use of you explaining to me."

Conan: "..."


As soon as they entered the courtyard, they met the apprentice of the horror writer Hu Cang and his wife.

His wife is only 30 years old, young and beautiful, and has a charm that girls don't have. Kogoro Mori's eyes are straight when he sees it.

Entering the house, there were two people sitting by the window, drinking coffee and chatting. When they saw a few people, one of them got up and greeted them.

"Mr. Mori Kogoro, right? And this is the newly promoted excellent mystery novelist Ms. Mori, right?"

The father and daughter were surprised and said: "Do you know us?"

The other party handed over his business card with a smile, "My lord, Fumio Doi, works in the publishing house where Ms. Mori contributed novels, but I'm in charge of the horror novel section, and I met a few of them in the editorial department before."

"Ah, I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance, hahaha." Mori Kogoro warmly took the editor's hand.

Another person also got up and came to say hello. This person was much younger, wearing very small round glasses, and his clothes were very bookish. He claimed to be a folklorist, specializing in vampires.

Suzuki Sonoko poked Hanyu Kiyoan in the waist, "He is a folklorist who studies vampires, and you are an onmyoji who studies shikigami. They should have a common language, right?"

Hanyu Qing reassured that if he died, they probably have a common language, and they can talk about the funeral, and maybe they can get a token of the vampire princess.

But it seems that although this person has arrogance inside, his attitude is very gentle. This behavior does not seem to be short-lived.

"Well, where is Mr. Torakura?" Mori Kogoro asked aloud after exchanging pleasantries for a while, at least he came to accept the commission, and he always wanted to have a chat with the client.

Torakura's apprentice led Mori Kogoro towards Torakura's study, and the rest of them had nothing to do. Hanyu Kiyosuke and Suzuki Sonoko went to the window.

The weather outside the window was gloomy, and the sea water slapped on the cliff non-stop. It is said that the cliff is not too high, at most 30 meters.

However, the most distinctive feature is that the location of the study is on a lonely cliff, and only the covered bridge is connected to the main body of the villa.

"This villa is very interesting." Qingan Hanyu thinks that this place is quite artistic, but it is not suitable for long-term living, because it is humid, and the waves are frequent.

"Then I'll buy this place later? Let's bring Yuzu to live here for a while when we're free?" Suzuki Sonoko asked for his opinion.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't really care about who pays the money. Now that he has become a humanoid money printing machine, he doesn't care much about money.

"Forget it, it is estimated that something will happen tonight, when the time comes, this villa..."

Suzuki Sonoko understood, it was the same as his Suspension Bridge Villa, but the difference was that although his family had died, it still had special commemorative significance.


Halfway through the conversation, the two of them suddenly heard Kogoro Mori's scream, looked at each other, and hurriedly followed behind Mao Lilan and Conan who ran to check.

Could it be that he was about to die when he first arrived?so suddenly?
 Push book: "Ke Xue: Fake Wine Mixed with Crayon Shin-Chan" Introduction: If you can absorb the life value of a person by backstabbing, how would you choose?

  The formula for absorbing life value: the remaining life value of the target*favorability%*injury degree%
  Comprehensive comics are funny everyday.

  Keywords: Conan, ReLIFE Return to 17, Crayon Shin-chan, Blue Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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