Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 205 Werewolf Killing

Chapter 205 Werewolf Killing
"Uncle Xiao Wulang is too fussy, he will be frightened by the movie and scream, and even pull you to say that you should leave quickly."

After clarifying the misunderstanding, everyone left the study room, Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help complaining to Hanyu Qingan.

Hanyu Qingan thought for a while, probably because his "premonition" in the car earlier frightened him.

"It's snowing outside!" Mao Lilan suddenly shouted, "Conan, come and take a look."

Conan was covering his earphones to communicate with Huiyuan Ai remotely, but he didn't hear it at all. Mao Lilan walked up to him strangely and squatted down, asking: "Conan, what have you been listening to? I think you haven't heard anything since you left. Take it down."

Conan was taken aback, and quickly smiled perfunctorily, "It's nothing, it's nothing, sister Xiaolan."

"Oh?" Mao Lilan looked at him suspiciously, and then snickered, "Could it be that you're in a relationship?"

"?!!" Conan was startled, and quickly explained with a blushing face, "No, absolutely not!"

Mao Lilan patted his head knowingly, and said in understanding: "It's okay, I understand, I won't make fun of you."

Conan's face suddenly turned from red to white, no, you don't understand, if you really think so, I will die.

Time passed in the chat, Mao Lilan chatted happily with the horror novel editor and Hu Cang's apprentice, later Hu Cang and Mao Li Kogoro chatted about the commission, and also chatted with her about some writing skills and experience Well, she has gained a lot from this trip.

After dinner, there was still peace, until Hu Cang got up and went to the study, and asked his apprentice to bring him an old-fashioned movie film.

"Sorry, excuse me. Teacher, he always likes to watch vampire-related movies in his study to capture inspiration. Besides, would Miss Mori and Conan want to go and see the teacher's collection together?" Hucang's apprentice Tian Suo suggested.

"Favorite?" Mao Lilan asked puzzled.

"All kinds of items and materials about vampires are the reason why I often come here to bother. Mr. Hucang's collection is rarely seen outside." The folklorist explained while flipping through the book in his hand.

"Is that so... Do you want to see it? Conan?" Mao Lilan lowered his head and asked Conan.

Conan was also a little bored. Nothing happened to Haibara Ai so far, and it was uncomfortable to wait, so he nodded in agreement.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the back of Mao Lilan and Conan leaving, and she was a little bored. She drank her lipstick tea and asked the folklorist: "Mr. Hamura, since you are an expert in vampires, do you believe in the existence of vampires?"

The scholar surnamed folklore scholar pushed down his small glasses, smiled elegantly, and explained:
"The origin of the legend of blood-sucking creatures can be traced back thousands of years ago. In the myths and legends of early Mesopotamian civilization, ancient Hebrew civilization, ancient Roman civilization, etc., there are demons that suck human essence."

"But the establishment of the image of a vampire in a truly modern sense..."

The folklorist who studies vampires explained without haste, a bit like a teacher, and told Suzuki Sonoko the origin of vampires.

"...As for Baron Dracula, it came out in 1897, the Gothic horror novel "Dracula" by the Irish writer Bram Stoker, which had a huge influence on the vampire culture of later generations."

"So...the development trajectories of vampires and other legendary gods and monsters are basically the same. They are all based on people's lack of modern knowledge, plus later literary and artistic processing."

Suzuki Sonoko nodded as if in amazement, and then asked with a strange expression: "What about onmyojis and shikigami like Abe Seimei?"

"Broadly similar." The folklorist affirmed.

Hanyu Qingan looked at Suzuki Sonoko winking at him in a funny way, really childish, so boring?It has to be amusing.

After a while, Mao Lilan and Conan came back, and Suzuki Sonoko asked, "How is it? Interesting?"

Mao Lilan nodded, "It's still very interesting. There are many things I haven't seen before, so they can be accumulated as material."

Sonoko Suzuki curled her lips. Ever since Xiaolan started writing mystery novels, what she talked about every day was that this seemed to be used as a material, and that seemed to be used as a material. She took a small notebook and wrote it down non-stop, just like Kudo Shinichi. Dazed.

After a while, Hucang's apprentice passed by the living room and suggested: "If you are bored, here are playing cards for entertainment."

However, after he finished speaking, Suzuki Sonoko and the others refused with weird faces. With Xiaolan around, playing cards is no fun at all.

Suzuki Sonoko pushed Hanyu Qing'an, and said coquettishly: "I'm bored, you should think of a way."

Hanyu Kiyoan rubbed her head fondly, and thought for a while, "Then let's play Werewolf Killing, it seems to fit the atmosphere here."

"Werewolf?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Well, this is a social board game, and the rules are like this..."

Hanyu Qing'an briefly introduced the rules, then looked around and said: "We have nine people here, I will be the judge, and then the remaining eight people will be divided into two camps, which can happen to have three werewolves, three priests and two civilian."

"It sounds very interesting, and it seems to be a game that requires a little reasoning ability. If Shinichi is here, he must like it very much." Mao Lilan couldn't help but said.

Conan nodded in agreement, this game is indeed much more interesting than poker.

"Ha, then I'll show you the strength of Miss Sonoko, the reasoning queen."

Sonoko Suzuki spoke out loudly, and Kogoro Mori on the opposite side had a serious face, showing momentum in front of Mrs. Torakura.

"It's just for you to see what a detective is, Mrs. Hucang, please sit down too."

After Mori Kogoro said this to Mrs. Torakura at the bar, the eyelids of the folklorist on the side twitched, and the books in his hands were clenched tightly, but he still held back his attacks.

Everyone sat around, and after drawing their identities with playing cards, Hanyu Qingan began to issue orders, "Please close your eyes when it's dark, please open your eyes for werewolves."

"Werewolf, please kill..."

The folklorist, Mrs. Hu Cang, and the novel editor all opened their eyes.

"Werewolves, please use your hands to designate who you want to kill."

The complexions of several people changed for a while, and some people secretly glanced at Hucang's study room, and after a brief discussion with hand gestures, they all pointed at one person.

After going through the process one by one, it was dawn, and everyone opened their eyes. Mori Kogoro was about to speak excitedly, but Hanyu Qingan stopped him and said to him:
"Detective Maori was dead last night and cannot speak."

Mori Kogoro was stunned, pointed at his nose, and shouted unwillingly: "Why kill me? I'm a hunter, and I haven't started using my abilities yet! And why can't I speak when I'm dead?"

The folklorist said indifferently: "Werewolves really can't, but if they are vampires, they can speak after death..."

(End of this chapter)

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