Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 207 Hanyu: Am I the villain?

Chapter 207 Hanyu: Am I the villain?
Mori Kogoro turned his head after finishing his arrogance, only to realize that Hanyu Kiyosuke was gone, and immediately went around in a guilty conscience to look for him.

After turning around twice, I finally found that Hanyu Qingan was in the corner of the study, studying something with Suzuki Sonoko, and didn't listen to their chat about the case at all.

"President Hanyu?" Mori Kogoro approached, "What are you doing?"

Hanyu Qingan just took away the bat-winged token from the deceased Torakura, and he was drawing a charm to draw a card. Thinking about vampires with wings, there are already three flying shikigami. There are only four people who can carry the sedan chair by one.

But it's not accurate to use flying to describe it. Xue Nu and Qing Xingdeng don't have wings, they float, and those with wings like Vampire Ji and Yijin Zhentian are called flying.

"Mr. Qing'an, do you think we will get a sleigh like Santa Claus in the future? Then wait until Christmas and pretend to be Santa Claus?" Suzuki Sonoko was thinking again.

Hanyu Qingan laughed and said: "Then you can have someone prepare it. Anyway, as long as you have a suitable lasso or something that can be carried by Shikigami to fly in the sky conveniently and safely, you can use sedan chairs, cars, sleds, etc. It doesn’t take much to prepare a few.”

"In the future, we can also prepare a larger building ship. After there are enough flying shikigami, we can travel around in the spaceship."

As he was talking, Hanyu Qing'an began to think wildly. If there is really no upper limit to the load of the shikigami, but it only affects the flying speed, then he might be able to build a floating city, which is simply a man-made plateau.

Or you can build a floating shrine, that is, Shikigami cannot appear during the day, and you may need to keep migrating...

"Master Hanyu!" Mori Kogoro urged from the side, scratching his ears.

"Okay, the drawing is finished." Kiyoan Hanyu looked at the completed graffiti, which was almost exactly the same as the bat wings on the keepsake, and it was convenient to follow the drawing.

The Vampire Princess is also an SR, so there is no problem. Hanyu Qingan switched to the Onmyoji state, and summoned it directly with a wave of his hand.

"Ah, fresh blood!"

As soon as the vampire girl appeared on the stage, she made a strange speech, which made everyone present feel a chill down their spines.

Mrs. Torakura, who didn't know the truth, and others got in touch with Kogoro Mori's words just now, and secretly guessed whether some kind of first embrace ceremony was going to be carried out, resurrected the dead Torakura, and then spoke.

The little paper man before had just turned into a magic onmyoji, and the shikigami summoned now, combined with the terrifying atmosphere here, made people have to believe in the authenticity of onmyoji.

"Hamura..." Mrs. Torakura worriedly grabbed the sleeve of the folklorist, fearing that the dead would become an immortal vampire after resurrection. They managed to get rid of this villain.

Hu Cang's apprentices and the editor beside him all had ugly expressions on their faces. The editor tentatively said, "This... Master Hanyu, what are you doing? Do you want to revive Hu Cang?"

Hanyu Qing'an watched the ball of light sink into the body of the vampire girl, and then the vampire girl gradually solidified, without turning her head, she replied lightly: "That's right, I'm not a detective, I don't know much about reasoning, the best way to know the truth Isn’t it just asking the deceased himself?”

"Judging from the death of the deceased, at least he should have been killed in a conscious state. In this case, he must know who killed him."

"No!" Hucang's apprentice suddenly yelled, his whole body trembling, he gritted his teeth and said, "This guy must never be brought back to life again."

Hanyu Qingan glanced at him thoughtfully. This group of people seemed to have misunderstood that after being resurrected, they would really be immortal like vampires. He calmly said in a cold voice:
"Are you telling me what to do?"

Apprentice Hucang quickly bowed and apologized: "No, I definitely didn't mean that."

Hanyu Qingan was noncommittal, "Just now someone threw suspicion on me, it's not surprising that you have such thoughts."

The folklorist froze for a moment, and finally bit his lip in a gaffe. He knew that his words would give Hu Cang a chance to be resurrected, so he might as well not defend himself, even if he was wronged, it would be better than letting Hu Cang come back to life!

Hucang's apprentice, a young man surnamed Tian Suo, clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, his nails even pierced his palm, struggled for a while, and finally knelt on the ground with a plop.

"I admit, I killed him, please, don't resurrect this demon!"

Mori Kogoro was taken aback. Why did this guy kill him? Wasn't that Mrs. Torakura's cheating partner?

"Why did you kill him? How did you do it? This room is a secret room?" Conan asked curiously, taking out a small notebook and starting to record.

Tian Suo has completely let go. Now that he has admitted that he killed Hu Cang, he no longer hides it and tells the truth about the reason for the killing.

It turned out that the reason why he became Hucang's apprentice was because his sister was seriously ill and needed high medical expenses. Hucang promised to help his sister pay the expenses in exchange for him writing novels for Hucang.

Speaking of this, the editor on the side also admitted that he was the one who helped contact the two parties in the middle, because Hu Cang had exhausted his talents many years ago.

Tian Suo also added that before him, the editor even blocked newcomers' manuscripts and published them under Hu Cang's name.

"So, after Hucang's works changed from horror novels to hero novels, is it because you are good at hero novels?" Mao Lilan asked.

She thought it was a bit strange before. When she asked Hu Cang for advice, and asked about some things in his latest works, Hu Cang was always flashing his words and asked his apprentice Tian Suo to help him answer.

"Yes, I created all the heroic novels in Hu Cang's works." Tian Suo said with his head down.

"But what reason do you have to kill him in this case? Who will pay your sister's medical expenses after he dies? Or do you have reached an agreement with this editor and plan to abandon the tiger warehouse order and do it?" Mori Kogoro questioned.

Tian Suo laughed bitterly at himself, "My sister... died a year ago, and that bastard Hu Cang kept it from me until last month. I, I just know."

"She also told me that Hu Cang bribed the doctor and only gave my sister the lowest level of treatment so as to delay it as much as possible. Unexpectedly, my sister's condition deteriorated rapidly and she died directly..."

"And this demon keeps telling me that my sister is doing well in the hospital, so I can create here with peace of mind!!!" Tian Suo roared in a low voice.

After shouting, he sat down towards Hanyu Seiyasudo, kowtowed and prayed: "So, please, please, please don't let this demon come back to life again."

Etsuko and Hamura on the side looked at each other and knelt beside him, Dogeza begged: "I said something wrong just now, and I apologize to you here, please don't resurrect this demon again."


Hanyu Qing'an looked blank, why did he act like a big villain.

(End of this chapter)

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