Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 208 The Night When Onmyoji Is Not At Home

Chapter 208 The Night When Onmyoji Is Not At Home

Hanyu Qingan looked at the little book Conan was holding, and said after a moment of deep thought: "The resurrection of the dead is just to find out the truth. Since you are willing to plead guilty, let's stop here and tell the story of the murder."

"Hi, thank you very much." Tian Suo kowtowed again, and then explained in detail.

His murder method this time has been planned for a long time, but it needs to wait for a heavy snow day before it can be implemented, so that he can use the snow to obtain an alibi.

Tian Suo first used Mao Lilan and Conan to help him confirm that the wooden nail nailed to the chest of the deceased had been kept intact in the storage room, and then asked Mao Lilan to help check the doors and windows of the storage room, further proving that no one could steal it from the window. dowel.

But in fact he used tree branches to clip the window, leaving room to maneuver, and then took the opportunity to steal the wooden peg from the storage room.

As for the method of killing people in the secret room, he directly entered the room to kill, and used the sound of the movie to cover up the screams. In addition, the study room and the living room are separated by a long corridor bridge, and there is a soundproof sealing strip under the door, so no one outside can find out. abnormal.

Then he used the movie film of the old-fashioned player, glued one end to the lock inside the door, passed around the curtain rod, and rewound all the film when the movie finished playing automatically.

"It's true, sister Xiaolan, there is scotch tape on it." Conan pointed to the top of the curtain and said.

"Hey, it really is."

Mao Lilan also saw it along his fingers, and told Xinyi when he went back, he should be able to use this to imagine a reasonable reasoning process, right?
Conan was just pretending to be a child, but suddenly his face changed, and he ran out of the room and went straight to the toilet.

On the other side of the phone, Hui Yuanai said in a low voice: "There has been movement. Looking at the location of the room, it should be Kusuda Ludao who came out. His residence is closest to the exit on the first floor. The others were not disturbed."

Conan covered his earphones, rushed into the bathroom, locked the door, and hurriedly asked, "Where did he go? Was he meeting someone or investigating the funeral home?"

"He's downstairs in the funeral home, and he's looking around."

After Hui Yuanai finished speaking, he saw Ludao Kuotian look up, but she was hiding behind the curtain, only her eyes were exposed, and the sky was still covered by clouds at this moment, so it was impossible for the other party to find her.

"He entered the stairs of the funeral home, and I can't observe it here." Hui Yuanai looked worriedly at the third floor of the funeral home next door, Yuzu was there, and there was that strange Umezawa Masami...

Conan looked serious, and said, "Huihara, go and observe the apartment next door to see if the other people have any reaction. They shouldn't be so quiet. Besides, hasn't Amuro Toru been back?"

"No." Hui Yuanai whispered back as she walked towards the kitchen in the dark. She stepped on the small stool, then climbed onto the kitchen stove, and looked upstairs through the one-way film.

The glasses turned on the night vision and magnification functions. In an instant, her pupils shrank. From the side window on the fourth floor, there was clearly a telescope poking out between the curtains!

Hui Yuanai stepped down from the stove lightly, and after leaving the kitchen, she said in a serious tone: "Edogawa, Kamel is watching from the window."

The corner of Conan's mouth curled up, "That's right, they must be wary of each other, my guess is right, they are definitely not in the same group."

Hui Yuanai didn't make a sound, she walked to the bathroom, stepped on the toilet and looked out from the small ventilation window above, the one-way film is also used here, so there is no need to worry about being seen by the outside.

In order to replace this kind of film that is convenient for observation, Conan had to die several times. When he was reprimanded by Mao Lilan, he took the initiative to ask Dr. A Li to get it again.

Stepping on the toilet is not too high enough, at least you can't see the ground behind the street, so Hui Yuanai can only go to the bathroom and move a small stool over and put it on the toilet.

"No abnormalities were found downstairs on the back street... Wait, I saw Amuro is too strong!" Hui Yuan Ai zoomed in on the distant picture and confirmed it again.

"He's heading for the funeral home!"


"He's walking toward the funeral home."

Kamel's reminder came from Shuichi Akai's earphones. He pointed the scope of the sniper rifle at the downstairs on the back street side of the funeral home. Sure enough, it was easy to spot Toru Amuro.

"As keen as ever, he seems to have sensed an abnormality." Shuichi Akai leaned on the top of the building, whispered back, and then brought the apartment building into view again with the scope.

"The remaining two people on your side have not made any movement for the time being, and remain hidden."

"Understood." Kamel replied in a low voice.


Toru Amuro climbed up the steps without making any sound, and the little trick at the entrance used as an early warning did not hinder him in any way. After calmly removing these small traps that made noise, he came to the door easily.

"Huh?" Amuro narrowed his eyes, the lock seemed to have been pried a little, someone broke into the empty door?


A thin iron wire appeared out of nowhere in Toru Amuro's hand, and he gently put it into the keyhole, and the door was opened within half a second without making any noise. The whole person was like a cat stepping on a meat pad, quietly approaching and making a sound cabin.

"What are you doing?" Toru Amuro suddenly took out a flashlight, and the beam hit Kusuda Rikudao directly on the face.

Kusuda Ludao's heart stopped suddenly, and then he trembled violently. He tried to calm down, covered the glare with one hand, squinted his eyes and looked in the opposite direction, only to see his nominal boss - Bourbon.


Nantian Ludao hesitated to speak, he was originally assigned by Gin Jiu, and it is not a secret that Gin Jiu and Bourbon did not deal with it, so even if he is an accomplice, it does not mean that he will be fine if he is found out.

It is not impossible for the opponent to be dissatisfied with his reckless actions, and even execute himself on the grounds of sabotaging the organization's mission.

Kusuda Rikudao turned around slowly, moving as slowly as possible to avoid misunderstanding by Amuro Toru, and then gently put the things in his hand on the bed, and the whole person took a seat on the spot.

Sweat poured out of his forehead, Kusuda Ludao said in a low voice: "I'm just a small person who obeys orders, and an elite like you probably won't care about me."

To obey orders naturally refers to Gin Jiu's orders.

Toru Amuro, or Kaitou Kidd, had a calm face, but actually had a question mark on his forehead.

What the hell, isn't this person an employee of the funeral director Toru Amuro, an employee of Onmyoji?Whose orders do you follow?Onmyoji's subordinates were undercover?
In this way, it seems that Yin Yang Art is nothing special, and I don't even know that I have such employees...

With a bunch of messy thoughts in his head, Kaito Kidd squinted his eyes, imitating Amuro Toru's appearance, without any emotion, and said lightly: "Get out."

Kusuda Ludao quickly got up, lowered his head, passed him, and left the funeral home.

After confirming that he had left, Kaitou Kidd looked at the things on the bed—two boxes, one big and one small, made of wood, which seemed to be quite delicate and high-end.

He reached out to pick up the small box, opened it, and there was a diamond inside. The Kaitou Kidd took two steps forward and walked to the window. The moonlight seemed to be summoned by him. Check the diamonds.

"Tsk, artificially synthesized."

Kaitou Kidd shook his head, put it back in disgust, then reached out to pick up another larger box, leaned against the window, and opened it...

(End of this chapter)

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