Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 209 Kidd: The Insidious Onmyoji!

Chapter 209 Kidd: The Insidious Onmyoji!
"What's in the corner of the room on the second floor of the funeral home?"

In the cold wind, Akai Hideichi was lying on the top of the building. The howling wind almost overwhelmed the sound in the earphones, so he had to cover his ears with a wool cap and cover the microphone with his collar.

Kamel was in the dark room, watching the funeral home and its surroundings with binoculars, and replied in a low voice: "It should be a safe. I found an opportunity to observe that room before. Apart from the safe, it should be There is nothing more valuable."

"But Kusuda Rikumichi's target is something in the safe? How could he act in such a hurry? President Hanyu will definitely find out if he is so direct? How can he continue to lurk like this?"

Akai Shuichi didn't respond, but just observed intently, "Attention, Bourbon entered the room, he blocked the Kusuda Riku Road..."

After a while, after seeing the situation in the room, Akai Shuichi frowned slightly, "Kusuda Rudao is kneeling, as if begging for mercy..."

Kamel wondered: "Kusuda Rikudo should be the same as Bourbon, he is a talent of the organization, right? Why did Bourbon find out and ask for forgiveness? Could it be that he is not actually a member of the organization?"

Akai Hideichi pondered for a while, watched Kusuda Rikudao walk past Bourbon, left the room, and murmured: "Maybe... Kusuda Rikudao has gone out, pay attention to the front door."



The safe was opened in advance by Ludao Kusuda, which saved a lot of trouble for Kidd, the phantom thief who came to investigate the relationship between Onmyoji and his father, so he checked the two boxes immediately.

The things that can be kept in the safe by the onmyoji should not be ordinary items, right?

However, the diamonds contained in the small box turned out to be only artificial, which greatly disappointed Kaito Kidd.

There was a big one left, Kaitou Kidd picked up the box, and felt something was wrong, it seemed a little empty?He opened it slowly and vigilantly, ready to close it at any time...

"Huh? Paper man?"

The Kaitou Kidd looked at the huge box with a puzzled face, and there was a paper-cut in the shape of a small person in the empty space. This is the paper figure used by Onmyoji to cast spells, right?It's okay to put paper figurines, but just put one in such a big box?
He noticed that the box was supposed to hold other things. Judging from the shape of the cushioning foam inside, it should be a spherical thing, more precisely an ellipsoid.

While Phantom Thief Kidd was thinking, the little paper man rubbed his sleepy eyes - he didn't know where his eyes were, and then stretched himself before getting up.

The light in front of his eyes startled him, he looked up and saw Toru Amuro, scratched his head, a little dazed, he knew this person, and his task was to protect the Black Dharma, but the Black Dharma had already been taken away, so it still what to doAnd is this person in front of him an enemy?
The problem was a bit complicated, so the little paper man gave up thinking and decided to warn this guy first, so he gestured to deter him.

However, these actions on its small body are really not intimidating, they only make people feel funny and cute, Kaitou Kidd watched it with relish.

"Onmyoji is pretty amazing. I don't know who is better, this onmyoji or classmate Koizumi." Kaitou Kidd closed the lid as he thought about it. He didn't intend to waste any more time. Father's relationship.

I hope I can find clues about my father...

However, before the box could be closed, the little paper figurine suddenly turned into a bow and arrow, and a rocket shot out from the gap before the box closed, heading straight for Kaito Kidd.

The Kaitou Kidd shrank his pupils and quickly dodged, but the attack was too unexpected. Although he reached out quickly and dodged the rocket, he sprained his neck with too much force.


After dodging the rocket, Kaitou Kidd was frightened for a while, and the pain in his neck made him gasp involuntarily, which felt like a stiff neck.

Quickly locked the box, Kaitou Kidd secretly slandered, this onmyoji is really despicable, unexpectedly guessed that he came back, and deliberately left a trap, maybe the employee who stole was also a part of the trap.

Moreover, even the little paper man is so despicable, to sneak attack, don't talk about martial arts, fortunately, he has a quick reaction...


As soon as he thought of this, a sense of danger came from the back of his head, Kaitou Kidd was startled, and quickly dodged sideways, but he forgot that he twisted his neck, causing his movements to deform.

It was too late to make any more movements, the rocket brushed across his face, and cut a hole in his disguise mask, and a smell of burnt rubber penetrated into his nostrils.

"Hiss——" Kaito Kidd's real face was burned a little bit, and the burning pain penetrated into the pores of his cheeks, "It's almost disfigured, it's too insidious, this thing can actually track the target!"

The Kaitou Kidd was wary of Dasheng in his heart. I am afraid that there is more than this trap here. He said why there was always a sense of danger downstairs.


Again!Such a dangerous feeling!
Kaitou Kidd tensed his nerves. It seems that the Onmyoji's house is not easy to break into. Let's slip away first. We'll talk about it next time. There is always a feeling that if you stay here, you will die.

I want to run, but I think the paper figurine has already seen me. With the intelligence of this thing, it might be easy for the onmyoji to know that I have been here. Kaitou Kidd thought for a while, and took out a card from his arms , write a message on it with a pen...


"Hey, Huiyuan? How's it going? Why don't you talk anymore?"

Conan's anxious voice sounded in the earphones, but Haibara Ai didn't notice at all, her brain was completely occupied by another matter.

Just when the moon appeared, a light ball suddenly dazzled her eyes, which interrupted her plan to go back to Mao Lilan's room to continue observing the front street, and noticed the abnormality of the building in the distance.

Hui Yuanai held the window, almost sticking to the glass, and the picture in the glasses kept zooming in, unfolding the details in the distance little by little.

A man with a sniper rifle, wearing a wool cap, and an indifferent expression, lying on the roof of the building appeared in front of her eyes.

It's that man! ! !
"Huiyuan? Huiyuan! Damn it, what happened?"

Conan was sitting on pins and needles on the toilet, anxious as if he was constipated. It was he who asked Haibara Ai to stay at Mori's house after he left. If something happened because of this, it would be hard for him not to feel guilty.

Under Conan's constant calls, Hui Yuanai finally came back to his senses, and replied lightly: "I'm fine, it was just a little accident just now, and I was a little distracted."

"What accident? Has anyone found you?" Conan was slightly relieved, but immediately tensed up again.

Hui Yuan Ai suddenly chuckled twice, the thought of throwing aside the surveillance and catching that man had already surged in her heart, but just now Conan's eagerness made her calm down again.

Her tone became more relaxed and relaxed, and she even joked, "Are you caring about me?"

Conan has a black line, when is this, "I came up with the idea of ​​surveillance, so naturally I have the responsibility to care about your safety, what's so strange about that?"

"That's right... I didn't expect you to be quite human." Hui Yuanai murmured, then paused, "At least better than some scum."

"A certain scum? Who are you talking about?" Conan asked curiously.


Haibara Ai directly ended the topic, and looking back, Akai Shuichi's figure in the distance had disappeared on the building.

(End of this chapter)

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