Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 214 Give Conan a Surprise

Chapter 214 Give Conan a Surprise

Amuro walked out of the funeral home, raised his head and squinted his eyes and looked around. It was not dark at night, but the windows of many buildings were dark. These dark rooms, except for the communal animals who had not come home from get off work, were some policemen. The surveillance eyeliner of the TV hall is gone.

They are always paying attention to the situation around the funeral home, but they have no right to intervene in the internal situation of the funeral home. Toru Amuro and Yuya Kazami are responsible for the interior, and the division of labor between the two parties is clear.

Last night, Belmode asked him to hand over the information. If you say it is a routine, judging from the time interval between several meetings, it is more reasonable.

But the timing is too coincidental, just on the night when the president left, and an accident happened, it's hard not to let people think too much.

If it hadn't been confirmed that the person who connected with him was Belmode, Toru Amuro would definitely suspect her of sneaking into the funeral home disguised as himself.

But now Belmode's suspicion has been ruled out at once, Kaitou Kidd has become the biggest suspect, Toru Amuro secretly guessed that it might not be that simple.

Is there any relationship between Kaitou Kidd and Belmode?The same superb disguise technique...

And... Toru Amuro turned his head to look at the second floor of the apartment next door. Apart from Kusuda Rikumichi, there was another character who had never had a sense of presence - Calvados.

Calvados is from Belmode, and he didn't show up when the incident happened last night... Belmode called him away... Kusuda Rikumichi is from Gin... claiming that he was knocked out by Kaitou Kidd last night... Some people pretended to be themselves, and Kusuda Ludao who seemed to be pretending...

Toru Amuro feels that the problem may not be as simple as it seems on the surface. Thinking of Rum's recent anomalies and a lot of suspicious undercover agents who are about to be recruited by the organization, he is very suspicious of the three of Rum, Belmode, and Gin. People are planning something, and they are all hiding it from him.

In addition, Toru Amuro's intuition told him that the goals of these three people seemed to be different.

While thinking about it, Toru Amuro got into the car and drove to the Mihua Hospital mentioned in Kusuda Ludao's email.


Mihua Hospital, advanced single ward.

A slender and outstanding female nurse is helping Kusuda Ludao to check the neck collar.

"I still can't accept it. It's too ugly for a handsome boy like you, Xiuyi, to pretend to be so wretched."

Kudo Yukiko's dislike of Kusuda Rikichi's appearance did not shake Akai Shuichi in any way, but the young aunt's consistent enthusiasm made him really not know how to react.

Since we met, this Aunt Yuxizi, who is only five years older than him, has loved him so much, she can be called a loyal fan of beauty.

Of course, "Aunt Yukiko" disagreed with this title and insisted on calling him sister.

Last night, he took Kusuda Ludao's body to Kudou's house to look for the aunt. He didn't expect that she would not be surprised by seeing the corpse. Instead, she was very resistant to making herself look like Kusuda Ludao, thinking that would be a disservice to him. Handsome buried.

"You should be a little more careful, someone may come to check on my situation at any time." Akai Shuichi reminded.

Yukiko Kudo sighed in disappointment, it seemed that Shuichi really planned to live like this from now on, which made her feel sad for a while.

"What are you going to do when you come back this time?" Akai Hideyoshi couldn't say directly, he could only imply that his tactful appearance probably only appeared in front of Aunt Yukiko.

However, Yukiko Kudo didn't seem to understand at all, clasped his hands together, and said expectantly: "Me and Shinichi's father are going to give him a surprise."

Speaking of her mysterious look, she whispered: "Do you remember Xinjiang? He was only a few years old at the time. He was playing on the beach at that time, and he also cooperated with you to solve a case."

Akai Hideo nodded, that was ten years ago, when he was already 22 years old, he naturally remembered it clearly.

"Then do you know where Xin-chan is now and what he has become?" Kudo Yukiko winked her eyes playfully, not at all like a person who is almost 40 years old.

Akai Shuichi nodded calmly, "I know, he seems to have some problems with his body and turned into a child. Now he lives in the Mori Detective Agency, and his alias is Edogawa Conan. His appearance is exactly the same as the one I first met ten years ago. Same as him."

"How did you know?" Kudo Yukiko was startled, and gently covered her mouth.

Akai Shuichi naturally had doubts about Conan very early on, and when Kamel reported Conan's abnormality to him, he basically confirmed his guess.

But it is related to the organization and Onmyoji, he can't say too much in detail, this kind of thing is too dangerous, it's better not to touch it or not.

Kudo Yukiko didn't care about his silence, and said excitedly, "My father and I are going to give him a surprise, don't tell him in advance~"

Akai Hideo nodded, "I won't, and I have no intention of revealing my identity to let him know."


There was a coughing sound at the door, and it was Yusaku Kudo, pretending to be a doctor, reminding him.

"Okay, someone may be here, I'll go first, take care of everything~" Kudo Yukiko waved and left the room.

Akai Hideo nodded, and touched the neck collar, which contained the neck voice changer given by Dr. Ali, which had already been adjusted to Kusuda Rikichi's voice.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Shuichi Akai responded in Kusuda Rikumichi's voice.

An Shitou opened the door and entered, glanced at him, then scanned the room, then put the fruit basket in his hand on the bedside, sat on the chair beside the bed and asked:

"The president asked me to come and see you, how is the situation?"

Akai Shuichi nodded with "difficulty", pointed to the neck brace with an ugly face, and said in Kusuda Rikudao's voice:
"The cervical spine is dislocated, and I need to wear this thing for a while, but there is no big problem, and I don't need to be hospitalized. I only stay here today because I need a comprehensive examination and traction reset. I can leave tomorrow."

"It's fine." Amuro nodded, noncommittal, and then asked, "What's going on?"

Akai Shuichi's complexion darkened again, and he said gloomyly: "After working overtime last night, I went to a nearby convenience store to buy supper. When I returned to the apartment, I saw that it was too late and the weather was too cold, so I took a shortcut and ended up in While walking around a corner in an alley, he was suddenly hit in the neck by someone, and immediately lost consciousness."

"When I woke up, I found myself in a trash can, covered tightly by all kinds of garbage bags full of garbage, all the clothes on my body were gone, and then I felt severe pain in my neck when I moved a little."

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then how do you know Kaitou Kidd did it?"

 Happy Lantern Festival~

(End of this chapter)

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