Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 215 The Scales of the Eight Qi Orochi

Chapter 215 The Scales of Yamata no Orochi

Akai Hideichi pulled out the omori hanging around his neck from the button gap of the hospital gown, and said calmly:

"Although I don't have the agility and extraordinary reflexes of your famous elites, I won't pass out without even knowing the attacker."

Toru Amuro was noncommittal. A role in the organization that can be sent out to perform tasks alone should not be underestimated even without a code name. Therefore, if Kusuda Rikichi was knocked out without knowing anything, it would seem strange.

"Just wearing Kaitou Kidd's clothes, can you be sure it's him?"

Akai Shuichi calmly explained: "I only stun people, take away my clothes, don't move my wallet, don't even touch my mobile phone and my guard, and I'm afraid that I will freeze to death in the cold, so I put me in the trash can on purpose, and use them one by one. Cover the garbage bag."

"This kind of behavior, except for the Kaitou Kidd who had conflicts with the president, I really can't think of anyone who would do such a strange thing."

Toru Amuro stared into his eyes without saying a word, and Shuichi Akai did not hide at all.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Akai Hideichi took the initiative to ask:

"No big incident happened at the funeral club last night, right? Since Kaito Kidd stole my clothes, he will definitely pretend to be me, but with the president here, I think Kaito Kidd shouldn't be able to make any waves."

Toru Amuro nodded slowly, "It's true that nothing serious happened, but Kaitou Kidd left a card..."

Akai Shuichi's expression changed, he really didn't know about the card, because Kaitou Kidd didn't write it by the window, but crouched next to the safe.

Toru Amuro paid attention to his expression and didn't say what the card was about. Instead, he said, "In addition to the card, Kaito Kidd also pretended to be me, and was found by the president's little paper man and shot him in the face."

"So... who was the Kaitou Kid who pretended to be me and appeared at the funeral parlor at the same time as Kusuda Rikudo last night?"

With a meaningful smile on the corner of Amuro Toru's mouth, he stared at Akai Shuichi intently.

"Are you suspicious of Belmode?" Akai Hideichi pretended to be surprised, frowned, and asked in a hoarse voice, "I'm doesn't make sense?"

"Although there are different voices in the organization, Rum, Belmode, and Gin are the backbone of the organization. I have never heard of any conflicts between them."

"Our mission was given by Rum himself. Belmode has no reason to act alone without notifying you, and even knocked me out."

Naturally, Toru Amuro would not express some opinions on Rum and others here, he did not continue to entangle on this topic, and planned to end this trial.

"I didn't doubt Belmode. In fact, Belmode was with me last night, so the person who pretended to be you last night is probably an accomplice of Kaitou Kidd."

"Phantom Thief Kidd disappeared for eight years. Judging from his methods after his comeback, he should not be fighting alone, and there is a high probability that he is not the same person as Phantom Thief Kidd eight years ago, so it is not surprising that he has accomplices." things."

"Maybe the accomplice pretended to be you last night just to divert attention when escaping."

Akai Hideo nodded, "The truth of the matter should be like this, Kaitou Kidd is really daring."

Toru Amuro stopped entanglement, and Shuichi Akai did not insist on dragging the matter on Belmode, but he just showed his doubts about Toru Amuro's words—who knows if the two of you are planning secretly, so you deliberately gave Belle Mord testified.

Akai Shuichi thought, this matter can be put to good use, the alibi of Belmode and Bourbon last night, I am afraid that only the two of them can prove each other.

Then who can say that Belmode must not have pretended to be Kusuda Rikudo, and then sneaked into the funeral home with Bourbon?
As for Toru Amuro's face being injured by the little paper figurine, it could be because Belmode and Bourbon exchanged identities, or it could be that Toru Amuro wore a disguise mask with the same face as himself to confuse the public. the goal of.

As for why he sneaked into the funeral parlor, knocked out Kusuda Rikichi, and blamed Kaitou Kidd...

Belmode and Bourbon have the same attitude towards Gin Jiu's involvement in Onmyoji. As Gin Jiu's subordinate, Kusuda Rikichi is naturally an abandoned son, so it's not surprising that they did so.

The two of them had their own concerns, and they were silent for a while, and Toru Amuro said goodbye and left.

Out of the hospital, Toru Amuro looked up at the cold moonlight, and exhaled a mouthful of mist. He didn't sleep all night last night, and he didn't have time to rest today. His brain was still thinking. If this continues, he may die suddenly sooner or later.


"You'd better take a rest first, if you continue like this, your body won't be able to bear it." Director Baima's secretary cared.

Director Baima sighed, he hadn't had time to take a good rest in the past few days, and he stayed up all night last night. At this time, his face was full of sadness, not at all the relaxed look he had when chatting with Hanyu Qing'an.

The jet-black hair, which was originally well maintained, also had a few silver lines visible to the naked eye, which looked particularly glaring under the early morning sun.

"Haven't they reached a conclusion yet?"

The secretary paid attention to his expression, and nodded cautiously, "Yes."


Director Baima opened the box in front of him, and there were ten purple-black scale-like things inside. If it wasn't for the amazing texture, it would be doubtful if it was some plastic toy for cosplay.

"Only the first day I harvested ten big snake scales, and the sea area behind is not allowed to approach, huh..." He laughed helplessly at himself.

The Metropolitan Police Department is only found in Tokyo. It is the earliest police organization in Japan. In other regions, it is called the police headquarters. The Metropolitan Police Department is a symbol of Tokyo and can guide the work of the local police headquarters.

As the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, the only police director with the highest police rank, Director Baima stands at the pinnacle of the police profession.

However, such an identity does not mean that he does not have to be restrained in doing things. After all, there is a police department above the police department. The police department belongs to the government department. Although it cannot interfere with police affairs, it has a supervisory function.

In addition, the Public Security Investigation Agency under the Ministry of Justice, which is the department Toru Amuro belongs to, can intervene in the affairs he is responsible for—as long as the affairs go beyond the scope of public security incidents and involve national security.

After the matters of Onmyoji and Onmyoji were gradually taken seriously by the higher-ups, there was a group of long-term consultants stationed here outside Director Baima's office. They came from various sources, and they were all from the mother-in-law department above. They were responsible for discussing various countermeasures together. .

It sounds like a gathering of heroes, but in fact it is a proper carrot meeting...

(End of this chapter)

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