Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 216 Onmyoji's safety is as heavy as Mount Fuji

Chapter 216 Onmyoji's safety is as heavy as Mount Fuji

The group of people in the conference room, except for a few real elites and professional consultants, and the rest of them are also the spokespersons of various chaebols and families, most of whom are this congressman or that congressman.

They're all a bunch of guys who only talk about positions, only want benefits, don't make sense at all, and don't care about the overall situation. The noisy Director Baima has a headache.

In the past, everyone’s overall opinion was barely consistent, and they all agreed to observe Hanyu Qing’an for a period of time, and obtain enough information before making a prudent decision.

Onmyoji is likely to become the key to the country's revival and the only hope to get rid of the federal restraint.

Now there is only Hanyu Qingan, a "single seedling", if a wrong decision is made and this glimmer of hope is shattered, the person who proposed it will have to apologize, and the party who proposed it will also have to take responsibility.

Director Baima rubbed his temples, dragged his tired body out of the office, next door was the conference room, and the noisy voices inside were overwhelming, penetrating the wall without any hindrance.

He obviously received the blessing today, but Director Baima still lingers on this feeling of exhaustion, because the blessing only restores vitality, works on the body and restores youthful vigor, but it has no effect on mental stress.

He walked to one end of the conference table and knocked on the table twice. A group of people were still noisy and didn't notice his arrival.

"Bang—all gentlemen!" He slapped the table hard, Director Baima yelled, and the scene fell silent for a moment.

Director Baima finally felt a little better, resumed his usual gentle tone, and said:
"Time is limited, and meaningless arguments will only lead to more serious consequences. Even a wrong decision is better than no decision. If you can't give a result of the discussion tonight, then I can only adapt to the situation."

Everyone looked at each other, and one of them asked aloud, "What are you going to do?"

Director Baima casually said tiredly: "Confidentially, let President Hanyu make his own decision."


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"It will stir up conflict."

"In this way, we will be looked down upon, and that onmyoji may think that we are just a bunch of waste, and we are not qualified to negotiate with the Federation."

"Isn't this the truth? When the Federation breaks the rules and doesn't make sense, what can we do?"

"What if the onmyoji abandons us and gets involved with the federal people? All the previous planning will be in vain."

"I think Director Baima is right. Even if he just told the truth, what the Federation has done is enough to make people angry. Even we don't need us to deliberately arouse onmyoji's dislike of the Federation. He can't be with the Federation. Stand together."

"It makes sense, but what if the Onmyoji cannot beat the federal garrison and something happens? Where can we find a real transcendent?"

"How is it possible? Look at his growth rate! It has only been a month since he appeared in Tokyo, and he can already guide the ghost king to come to any place on this earth! Give him some time, he is afraid To become a living god!"

"Not necessarily, he himself said that he guides the ghost king to descend to the position, rather than summoning the ghost king at will. This does not explain the speed of his strength improvement."

"How is the investigation of the spells and secret medicines that are said to be refined from the Witch's Hand? How is the investigation of other mysterious phenomena? As long as the Onmyoji is not the only one, we don't have to be so cautious."

"The progress is not very good. The location of other suspected supernatural beings can't be found, or they are fakes. At present, there are only onmyojis. However, the supernatural power of the witch is beyond doubt. The person we sent to track and investigate her was found She used magic to hypnotize her to fall in love with her."

"If it's just hypnosis, it may not be magic. Psychology can do it, too?"

"Experts have already concluded that it is impossible for ordinary hypnosis to achieve her level, anytime, anywhere, without the need for special circumstances, instantaneous, and the personnel we sent are all determined and will not be easily swayed. There is definitely a problem."

"It's useless to find it. The power of the witch we've investigated so far can't be compared with the onmyoji, and the blessing of the onmyoji is irreplaceable. We can't take risks. If something happens to him, the anger we have to bear , and the responsibilities to be borne, ten harakiri are not enough for everyone.”


Director Baima was sitting on a chair, with the back of his hand resting on his forehead, and he was yelling non-stop, but he was used to it, and it was the same when he first discussed his attitude towards Hanyu Qingan.

Various factions and opinions are flying around the room, some want to be directly arrested for human experimentation, some want to suppress people with the righteousness of the state, some need to observe safely, and some think this is an epic liar and dismiss it.

At that time, it took a lot of effort before he finally persuaded... Well, it wasn't him who persuaded, but the Suzuki Foundation.

In addition, Hanyu Qingan took out the blessing skills, no matter what faction, the core characters are basically old men, at least middle-aged people, this irresistible temptation made everyone reach a consensus.

Now the problem is also here. The federal garrison forcibly occupied the sea area of ​​Yamata no Orochi, claiming to maintain world peace and protect the safety of the Japanese people.

And they refused to approach the fleet of the Self-Defense Forces, so apart from the ten scales of Yamata no Orochi they got on the first day, they couldn't even see the shadow of Yamata no Orochi in the future.

After a few days, this problem can't be solved. When the federation started playing hooligans, no matter how hard this group of people tried, it would be futile, so some people began to consider asking Onmyoji to take action.

But another group of people resolutely opposed it. Everyone had high hopes for Onmyoji, and tried to use it to turn the country around again, without having to act on the face of the Federation.

For this reason, they have been working hard to make friends with Hanyu Qingan, Director Baima is also working hard to cultivate a relationship, and even tried every means to help cover up Hanyu Qingan's information.

Even the funeral has been changed from the initial review and continuous monitoring of the guests present to the current one that takes the initiative to send commissions to the door.

When they learned that Onmyoji was able to designate the place where the Ghost King would descend, they all felt that their hard work had paid off. This ability was no less effective than a nuclear bomb, so they wouldn't have to depend on the Federation for everything in the future.

They have already planned to promote the King of Ghosts as a biological weapon they developed, referring to the kind that hits wherever, and try to use it to be on an equal footing with nuclear players. Moreover, this biological weapon is environmentally friendly, regenerated and pollution-free. Where did it go.

Therefore, if the Onmyoji were to be exposed because of such a trivial matter, and even fight with the federal garrison, it would be too much of a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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