Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 217 The Witch and the Onmyoji

Chapter 217 The Witch and the Onmyoji
"What is the probability that President Hanyu will choose to directly fight the federal garrison?" Director Hakuba asked several psychologists.

These few people are not talking nonsense, and they are also very disgusted with the noisy politicians around them. They replied directly:

"According to the analysis of Onmyoji's past behavior, there is a 40% probability that he will choose direct force to solve the problem; there is a 30% probability that he will temporarily endure it, and then use force to deter him after his strength is further improved; there is a 15% probability that he will choose to fight with us. Cooperation; there is a 15% probability of choosing to give up."

Director Baima shook his head helplessly. This result was not expected. Hanyu Qingan was indeed a bit more reckless, of course, he could also be more assertive and direct, otherwise he would not choose to expose his ability, and even deliberately showed his strength several times to intimidate him.

But with his ability, he does have this kind of confidence. Probably the strong don't care so much.

But now when encountering such a problem, Hanyu Qingan's character is more difficult to deal with. According to the past rules of action, he will probably go directly to suppress the federal garrison by force as the psychologist analyzed.

In case something goes wrong...

They were more concerned about his safety than the Onmyoji himself, and they were heartbroken.

Director Baima thought for a while, and finally made up his mind. He got up and walked outside the meeting room. Among the people who were still arguing, someone noticed that he was going to leave, and hurriedly shouted:
"Director Baima, what are you planning to do? Don't be impulsive!"

As the No.1 of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the intermediary who has been in charge of negotiating with Hanyu Qingan, Director Hakuba has a certain degree of autonomy. If the negotiation fails, he can indeed decide how to proceed.

"Don't worry, you continue to discuss. I just went to ask that person if there is a new ghost king coming recently. If there is, you don't have to worry about it."

Director Baima dropped these words and left without looking back, leaving a group of people looking at each other in blank dismay.


"What are you looking at me like that for?" Kaito Kuroba was sleeping on the desk, but was picked up by Aoko Nakamori, pulling his head and looking left and right.

"What's wrong with your face? Are you injured?" Aoko Nakamori frowned, closely observed a black mark on Kaito Kuroba's cheek, and touched it with his hand to see if it was drawn with a marker.

"Hiss—" Kuroba Kaito gasped, and slapped her hand away in disgust, "Don't move around, it hurts a lot, hey."

"Ah, sorry." Aoko Nakamori said embarrassedly, "How did you get hurt? It looks like a burn."

Kuroba Kaito's expression suddenly turned ugly, despicable onmyoji...

"Ah, Kuroba-san, your face is ugly." A somewhat exaggerated voice sounded, Koizumi Hongko walked over surrounded by a large group of boys.

Hei Yu's face turned even darker. He is a witch and an onmyoji. When will the magician stand up!

Aoko Nakamori blocked half of Kaito Kuroba with her body vigilantly. This Koizumi classmate is so attractive that all the boys in the class are fascinated by her. Only Kaito has not fallen, but Kaito cannot be poisoned .

"You came just in time, I have something I want to talk to you about." Kaito Kuroba said seriously.

Koizumi Hongzi raised her eyebrows and looked at him with some surprise. This guy has been refusing to admit that he is Kaitou Kidd. Is he finally going to confess?
After waving away the admirers around her, Koizumi Hongzi smiled, "Okay, Kuroba-san is finally going to confess."

"What?" Aoko Nakamori was startled, Kaito wanted to confess!
There was severe pain in his arm, and Kaito Kuroba looked down at Aoko Nakamori's hand tightly clutching his arm, with black lines all over his head.

"Qingzi, the color of your underwear today is blue, right?"

"Ah? How do you know?" Aoko Nakamori subconsciously covered her skirt and clamped her legs, "You peeked again! Pervert! Pervert! H!"

Kaito Kuroba smiled and successfully escaped from Aoko Nakamori's clutches. He said to Hongko Koizumi: "I just want to ask you some questions. There are too many people here. Let's go outside."

Koizumi Hongzi held his arm with a bright smile, "Of course, this kind of thing should be done in a place with few people."

Aoko Nakamori didn't care about pursuing Kuroba Kaito's peeping at her underwear, so she quickly grabbed Kuroba Kaito's other arm and insisted, "I'm going too!"

"What are you going to do? I just asked something." Kuroba Kaito said speechlessly.

"I have something to ask you too."

Seeing Aoko Nakamori's determination, Kui Yu Kaito said helplessly, "I don't care, I just don't know if Koizumi is willing or not."

Koizumi Koko looked at Nakamori Aoko's hand holding Kuroba Kaito's arm, and smiled meaningfully, "You don't have to worry about her knowing, I have no objection."

So, Kaito Kuroba was held (caught) by two girls, and under the wailing of all the boys in the class, he left the class and came to the special place for talking - the rooftop.

"Okay, let's start quickly." Hongko Koizumi was still a little curious about the expression Aoko Nakamori would have when she learned that Kaito Kuroba was the Kaito Kid her father had always wanted to catch.

Kaito Kuroba thought about his words, and then asked: "I remember you said that your magic can make all the men in the world fall in love with you, right?"

Aoko Nakamori suddenly became nervous, she didn't know if it was all the men in the world, but Hongko Koizumi did make all the boys in the class fall in love with her except Kaito.

"It was indeed possible in the past, but now there are exceptions, and you know it well. The only exceptions are you, Kuroba, and...Kaitou Kidd." Koizumi Hongko questioned several times, but Kuroba Kaito refused. Admit that he is Kaitou Kidd.

Kaito Kuroba glanced at Aoko Nakamori. Fortunately, this idiot was so stupid that he didn't understand Hongko Koizumi, "You haven't tried it on men all over the world, how can you be sure?"

Koizumi Hongzi took out a mirror from her chest, "Just ask the magic mirror to find out."

"Then ask again now to see if there are any exceptions." Kaito Kuroba said.

Koizumi Hongzi was a little surprised, but seeing his serious face, he agreed, activated the magic, and asked about the magic mirror.

Unexpectedly, after asking this question, one more person was actually discovered, besides the original Kaitou Kidd, there was another one more.

However, this does not clearly state that it cannot be captured like Kaitou Kidd, but that there is a probability that it cannot be captured, which is very strange.

"Who is this so-called onmyoji? There is a chance that he won't be captured by me." Koizumi Koko frowned and asked Kaito Kuroba. Since Kaito Kuroba suggested it, he must know something.

Kuroba Kaito didn't reply, but instead pondered, "There is a probability of not being is there a probability of being captured?"

"Oh? You want me to help you capture him?" Koizumi Hongzi said in surprise.

Kuroba Kaito smiled confidently, "No, I just want to make sure that he is invincible. Since you can do it, then I have no reason not to."

"It's not in my character to seek help when encountering a strong enemy." Kaito Kuroba pulled the bewildered Aoko Nakamori away and said while waving.

Koizumi Hongzi was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "That's right, he is indeed the man I like."

(End of this chapter)

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