Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 218 Shrine Progress

Chapter 218 Shrine Progress
"How is it? Does your father have time?" Hanyu Qingan asked.

"Well, he said that we have time, let's go directly to the Suspension Bridge Villa to see the progress of the shrine." Suzuki Sonoko hung up the phone, walked behind the sofa, and put his hand on Hanyu Kiyoan's shoulder and replied.

"Okay, I'll ask Amuro to drive us there."

After Hanyu Qingan finished speaking, Yuzu looked at her eagerly, and the little paper figurine beside her who was practicing handwriting with her all stopped, and they all looked at this side expectantly.

"You don't need to be delusional. You all learn to read at home honestly. When you can express yourself fluently in words, it will be over."

A group of little paper people suddenly became dejected. If they had mouths, they would probably start cursing at this moment.

But the master's order is absolute, and they must obey anyway.

"What about Yuzu?" Yuzu said with a pitiful look, "You didn't take Yuzu out to play last time..."

"Bring the grapefruit." Suzuki Sonoko leaned into Hanyu Kiyoan's ear to help intercede.

Hanyu Qingan originally planned to take Yuzu there, but just now he was only targeting the little paper figurine, so he nodded.

"The weather is good today. It's good to have more outdoor activities, which is good for physical development. In addition, you can get familiar with the shrine first. Maybe we will live there often in the future."

"Oh oh~"

Yuzu got up very happily and rushed to the bedroom. She was going to change into beautiful new clothes and go out. The child knew how to dress up now, and it was probably influenced by Sonoko Suzuki.

"I will check your homework when I come back tonight." Hanyu Qingan left these words to the little paper people, and went out with Sonoko and Yuzu.

The eighteen little paper figurines looked at each other in blank dismay, most of them sighed, and then began to scribble on the paper with a pen in various weird postures.

Some of the little paper figurines are quite happy. Doodling on the body of their kind—white paper—makes them feel very interesting.

After the three of Hanyu Qing'an got into the car, they suddenly realized that they seemed to be hasty again. It's fine to let Amuro To drive in the urban area, and go to the suburbs and mountainous areas...

Thinking about the experience last time, one's eyelids twitched, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

But all the words have been said, Amuro, the veteran employee, is also very tired recently, and he can't drive him back, that would be too depressing to the enthusiasm of the employees, so Hanyu Kiyoan had no choice but to pretend to be calm and pretend nothing happened.

The car quickly arrived at the foot of the mountain, Hanyu Qingan was relieved, his father-in-law was reliable, he repaired the road, and finally came to the Suspension Bridge Villa smoothly all the way.

However, the car did not stop, but continued to drive forward. The suspension bridge that used to be wobbly has been rebuilt into a spacious stone bridge by Suzuki's family, which still looks quite old-fashioned.

The car was parked at the entrance of the original villa, which has been expanded into a hostel, but it has not been built in a modern style, but an ancient building with a unique charm according to the terrain.

The original western-style villa is used as the front door, and after entering, it is the receptionist, and there is a traditional Japanese-style part behind it. The overall layout is in the shape of a back, and a Japanese-style courtyard is surrounded in the middle, with ponds, streams, mountains, stones, and trees inside. Flowers, flowers, bridges, etc. are all available.

The frightened deer in the courtyard made a rattling sound to disperse the birds. Not only did it not make people feel noisy, but it seemed a little quiet.

"It's really a big change. Your home decoration team is really good." Hanyu Qing'an sighed, he found that every detail has been considered and can stand scrutiny.

Suzuki Sonoko didn't think there was anything new, but she kept looking at the room she lived in before, wondering if she had kept it properly.

"Miss, don't worry, no one has touched that room, and guests are not allowed to go up after the second floor."

Secretary Nishino appeared at some point, and approached Sonoko Suzuki with a wink to explain.

Suzuki Sonoko heaved a sigh of relief, but felt embarrassed to be seen through. Fortunately, her father was walking over while talking and chatting with Director Baima with a smile, attracting everyone's attention.

"Greetings from Jiushu, President Hanyu."

With the signature politeness, Hanyu Qingan could almost hear calluses in his ears, and he didn't know why the old fox was here today.

"Uncle Suzuki, Director Hakuba." Qingan Hanyu nodded, and then asked Director Hakuba, "Why is Director Hakuba here free today?"

The smile on Director Baima's face faded visibly, and he said with a bit of distress in his tone: "To tell the truth, President Hanyu, I have some embarrassing things today, so I came to discuss with President Suzuki."

Yuanzi's father nodded and didn't say anything more. As the top chaebol at the helm, he is naturally one of the advisors of Director Baima, so he knows everything.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't mean to ask, he was not a curious baby like Conan, who wanted to ask everything clearly.

"President Hanyu has improved in practice recently?" Mr. Baiba asked casually, but he also kept some expectations. If he has the ability to change the situation like blessing, then the problem can be easily solved.

Hanyu Qing'an didn't know why, but he had nothing to hide, nodded and said: "A little bit of progress, what's wrong?"

Little progress... Director Baima was a little disappointed, but he was afraid that this would not work, and it seemed that he still had to pin his hopes on the ghost king.

He glanced at Suzuki Sonoko and the pomelo she was pulling. If they were there, it seemed that it was not easy to discuss such a serious matter, so let's talk about it privately later.

Director Baima immediately recovered his relaxed look, and smiled, "It's nothing, President Hanyu is really admirable. Even though he has far surpassed ordinary people, he still practiced hard and made continuous progress."

Hanyu Qingan felt that the old fox might have something to do today, and he didn't know what he wanted to do, but he could hold his breath and didn't rush to ask, and turned to Sonoko's father to talk about the construction period of the shrine.

"If you are in a hurry to move in, you can actually do it now. The main body of the shrine and the residence have already been built, and now some ancillary buildings and landscapes are being built." Suzuki Shiro introduced patiently, "I will take you to visit together. .”

A group of people walked up the mountain at the back, Amuro Toru walked at the end, paying attention to Director Baima's expression, and he knew what was embarrassing him, but he always felt that Director Baima was a little impatient today.

That's right, it's impatience. Although Director Baima doesn't seem to be in a hurry to talk about things, the anxiety that is different from the previous ease can't be hidden from him.

The shrine is built on the mountain, leaving from the back door of the hostel, passing through a small forest, a huge building complex comes into view.

Qing'an Hanyu was slightly taken aback. With this scale and shape, why does it look a bit like... an "architectural spectacle" that burned 400 billion yuan and almost bankrupted the local government-the world's largest water building?
Good guy, the charm I gave is probably not a fraction of the construction cost, and the Suzuki family doesn't know how much they paid.

(End of this chapter)

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