Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 219 The Amazing Shrine

Chapter 219 The Amazing Shrine

"Is Hanyu-kun still satisfied?" Suzuki Shiro asked with a smile.

Hanyu Qingan pondered for a while, "Is it a bit extravagant? I thought it was a shrine with a small area but a good view, suitable for seclusion."

Suzuki Shiro didn't take it seriously, "It's not extravagant at all. The landmark building of our Suzuki family has never cared about the cost."

"Of course, I also know that Hanyu-kun likes quietness, so most of these you see are just supporting buildings. The real main body of the shrine is on the top of the mountain, and the residence for living is the kind of quietness you like, Hanyu-kun. environment of."

The father-in-law is so considerate, Hanyu Qingan has nothing to say, the supporting buildings are so luxurious, it is worthy of being a top chaebol.

While speaking, Suzuki Shiro led the crowd into the car, first turned half a circle around the front of this spectacle, and after coming to the side, a transparent sightseeing elevator appeared in front of everyone.

Several people got off the car and took the elevator, and went straight to the highest point of this spectacle. Looking out of the elevator, the lush forest gradually fell under their feet.

The hill was not too high, but it was more than [-] meters. The buildings built on the hill were naturally so tall. Soon the elevator came to the top of the hill.

Everyone got out of the elevator, stood by the fence and looked into the distance. The sea in the distance, the hills and woods nearby, and the magnificent buildings below were all in sight.

The sun is shining brightly and the mood is refreshing.

"I heard something about Hanyu-kun's shikigami from Sonoko earlier, such as Tamamo-mae, Shuten-douji, and Daitengu. Such daemons and gods can be used by you, so there is this Architectural ideas."

Suzuki Shiro introduced as he walked, "The layers of palaces below are used to place the statues of your shikigami. I don't know how many shikigami you have, so use the terrain as much as possible and build more buildings." some."

"The building on the ground floor used to place the shikigami statue has a total of 24 floors, with a total height of 99.9 meters. Above this is the point where we step on our feet. This is the real location of the shrine. If believers want to visit, they need to climb up on foot. 24 floors, to show piety."

"If you pay homage to all the shikigami below, and then go up here to worship, it can be said to be the most pious."

Hanyu Qing'an's eyelids twitched when he heard it, this is going to give himself a god position directly, although he occasionally thought about it, but when he really wanted to do this, his mentality couldn't be changed for a while.

Before Suzuki Shiro finished his introduction, he led the crowd along the fence to the front of the building, and a large torii gate appeared on the steps in front of him.

After passing the torii, the inside is the habitat of the gods, which is used to remind visitors to pay attention to their words and deeds.

Behind the torii is the approach. People pass through the torii and step on the approach. There are stone lanterns standing on both sides of the approach. There are various kinds of stone lanterns, which are almost not repeated. They are used to illuminate and exorcise evil spirits. They can also allow believers to engrave their names on the pillars or bases. Come to worship.

In addition to the stone lanterns, there are some pedestals for the statues on both sides of the approach. In the later period, the shikigami statues will also be placed here. The gods and monsters that believers have worshiped below can only be envoys and guards here. Shrine, this style instantly raised.

Continue to walk a few steps, then turn around, the stairs just up are gone, and the torii gate behind it seems to stand out of thin air, stationed at the end of the world, as if it is really completely isolated from the secular world.

After walking for a while, there are stairs again. When you go up, you can see the worship hall where visitors visit. In addition to the worship hall, there are hand water houses scattered around it for cleaning hands. There are buildings such as the conferment office of the guardian gods, and the shrine affairs office that handles shrine affairs.

After bypassing the worship hall, there is also a coin hall, which is used to worship coins and silk, also called the middle hall.

After passing through the nave, another flight of stairs appeared. Director Baima was a little out of breath, but he was still clenching his teeth.

A torii gate was set up on the top of the steps, surrounded by jade walls, to remind visitors that the main hall is above and stop.

After going up, it is finally the highest level of this shrine. In the middle is the main hall, which is directly opposite the torii gate behind it, surrounded by buildings such as the Kagura Hall, Dance Hall, Treasure Hall, and Mikoshi Hall.

Along the way, Hanyu Qingan stood in the middle of the main hall and complained secretly like an emperor going to court.

Turning your head to look outside the hall, the torii gate facing it is designed the same as the previous one, you can’t see the building below, the torii gate is directly in the middle of the sky, and the line of sight passes through the open space in front of the hall, beyond the torii gate, into the sky.

With such a vast field of vision, it feels like living above the nine heavens, overlooking all living beings.

That's right, the power I have now is far stronger than many legendary gods, so I can call myself a god and treat ordinary people as ordinary people.

The words used to fool others before, standing here only feel that this is the case, it is just true.

Hanyu Qing'an was startled suddenly, feeling inexplicably panicked, always feeling that in the next second he was about to fly up and become an emotionless god, or a stone.

It seems that I can't stay here for a long time, otherwise I am afraid that I will really lose my humanity and get lost in my own foolish words.

"What are you dazed about?"

Suzuki Sonoko patted him on the back, Hanyu Seiyasu turned around, and found that Sonoko's expression was no different from his usual shopping, and he didn't have the consciousness of a shrine maiden serving the gods at all.

The complicated mood just calmed down, as if he had regained his anchor point in this world. What good is being a god in this deserted shrine? Compared with the interesting life, it is not worth talking about.

Hanyu Qing'an said: "I was thinking that this place can be used as a place to take off. When there is a funeral commission, the two of us will sit in a sedan chair and let the shikigami fly from here to the destination. What do you think?"

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up, she had seen a lot of buildings and landscapes, although this shrine was a little surprised, but she was just surprised, Qing An-kun's proposal was really great.

Under the moonlight, she was wearing a maiden's clothes, sitting next to Qing'an who was dressed in an onmyoji's clothes, with Shikigami opening the way, facing the gentle evening wind, slowly flying through the air, that feeling...

This time it was Suzuki Sonoko's turn to be in a daze, Hanyu Qingan smiled, and left the main hall contentedly, he hadn't finished watching it yet.

When I was at the foot of the mountain, the top of the mountain was not too big, but after I came up, I realized that it was actually too big. The top floor was wider than the base of the building below.

Of course, the reason why the top floor can be built so large is that only part of it is built on top of the 24th floor below, and the other part is built directly on the mountain along the mountain.

Hanyu Qingan followed Suzuki Shiro, walked around the various halls, and found that this place is exactly as he said. In fact, the construction has been basically completed, and it is no problem to put it into use immediately. Most of the unfinished parts are the following. A shrine dedicated to shikigami.

(End of this chapter)

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