Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 224 Portable Space

Chapter 224 Portable Space
Director Baima was worried for a while, thinking secretly, what the onmyoji said just now is most likely to be true, the vortex just now, and the courtyard that popped up all of a sudden, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the legendary paradise, fairy house and so on Some like.

If you take modern words, it is a different dimension space.

If Hanyu Qingan hides here and closes the incoming vortex, the nuclear bomb may really be powerless, but he can calmly throw the Oni King to Tokyo or the center of New York.

Director Baima felt pain in his temples, probably because he was old, and his body was not thin, so his blood pressure could easily rise.

It was also the first time for Hanyu Qingan to come in, and he was looking at his garden at this time. He had already learned about the functions from the reminders before, and the most important ones were roughly like this.

The first is the problem of access. It does not mean that the entrance is bound to the torii outside and cannot be moved, so that one must enter and exit from there.

On the one hand, it can be unbound once it is bound, on the other hand, the main function of the torii outside is actually for the outside world, that is, for ordinary people to enter and exit the courtyard.

According to Hanyu Qingan himself, he can return here from any place with the target he wants, just like returning to the city.

If you want to go out, you can go through the torii gate outside, or use a function similar to teleportation, select the place you want to go on the map, and directly open the whirlpool door to pass through.

Next is the issue of defense. The vortex at the entrance and exit of the courtyard can be opened and closed freely according to Hanyu Qingan's thoughts. As long as it is closed, it is impossible for outsiders to enter.

As long as you hide here, even if it is the end of the world outside, you will still not be affected, and you don’t have to worry about food and drinking water. The buildings here are very magical, and the cooking house will automatically produce sushi with the function of restoring physical strength, and Tea for restorative functions.

In addition, there is still land here that can be cultivated, and it is born out of thin air, and a steady stream of stream water can be taken.

The functions of the courtyard are far more than that, but the rest of the functions need to be unlocked with medals, and the medals are obtained by fighting Nian Beast, which is why Qingan Hanyu insisted on keeping Nian Beast at the shrine. The reason why it is used as a guardian of the mountain.

Medals can expand the area of ​​the courtyard, unlock the functions of the courtyard, change the skin of the courtyard, etc. The role is obviously much more important than gold coins and the scales of Yamata no Orochi. This is not just a matter of emotion and negotiation.

Hanyu Qingan took out some sushi and tea from the restaurant, put them on the stone table under the huge cherry blossom tree in the courtyard, and asked Suzuki Shiro to taste them.

"It's really a beautiful cherry blossom. This tree is quite old." Suzuki Shiro held up the teacup with a smile, and he also had a new understanding of Hanyu Qing'an's ability, and he was even more impressed by his second daughter's precise vision.

"The president said it was God's Domain, but I think it is not an exaggeration to call it God's Kingdom. Only gods can possess such a secret realm that exists in the void?"

Toru Amuro sighed in amazement, but in his words, he inadvertently eliminated the big troubles of the country within the country before.

If we only regard the secret land opened up by Hanyu Qingan as the Kingdom of God, without arguing about the real land outside, then the conflict will not be so acute.

The gods belong to the gods, and the common people belong to the common people.

Director Baima immediately agreed knowingly: "It is indeed a miracle of the gods. There is no place more like the kingdom of God than here. I don't know if I believe in Master Hanyu now, can I not go to the underworld after death, but go to the kingdom of God? Come?"

Hanyu Qing'an glanced at him in surprise, the old fox recovered quite quickly, but he seemed to be bowing his head, it was right to beat him every now and then, otherwise some people really don't have a long memory.

Suzuki Shiro didn't interrupt, just watched with a smile, while Toru Amuro glanced at him in the dark, wondering if the helmsman of the Suzuki family was planning something. Chairman Suzuki has no other intentions.

Toru Amuro was taken aback. Could it be that he wanted to follow the example of the old Vatican and really build a kingdom of God with territory in Japan?Wasn't the president's words just a moment of anger, but premeditated? !
But this kind of thing should not be feasible, right?There is too much resistance. If it is a normal country, maybe it is still possible. Japan has a federation on it...

Toru Amuro couldn't see through Suzuki Shiro's thoughts, but he was not qualified to intervene in matters related to the top chaebol in the country, so he could only keep it in his heart for the time being.

Director Baima saw that Hanyu Qing'an was only drinking tea and ignored him at all, so he could only speak again, "It's all my fault. I came up with such a plan without considering Zhou Xiang. I'm very sorry."

As he said that, he bowed deeply, and even asked Tu Xiazuo to make an apology without hesitation at all. Tuxia Zuo is just a kind of etiquette, which is different from kowtow, Director Baima has nothing to lose face.

But Hanyu Qingan didn't accept this trick, the folding fan in his hand blocked his movements, "Needless to say, I've already made my decision."

"First of all, I will not go back on what I promised. The promise to help you perform miracles and let God Inari and the three monsters descend is still valid."

"But the blessing will be suspended for a while. When I plan to resume it, I will notify you. As for the Federation..."

Director Baima's heart sank immediately. If the interruption of the blessing is a warning, it is already very serious. These people are somewhat dependent on this business, and even addicted to the feeling of having a young body.

He didn't even know how to explain it to those people when he went back, and there was the most important issue - Federation.

Director Baima winked at Shiro Suzuki again, and if you don't speak again, your good son-in-law will go head-to-head with the Federation!

Suzuki Shiro really couldn't continue to let the situation get out of control, he said with a smile: "Hanyu-kun, I shouldn't say too much about your choice, but... I hope you can think more about Sonoko and Yuzu."

"I naturally believe that you have enough strength to defeat the federal garrison, but it is always good if you can be more confident. There is no need to rush for a while. You are still young and your practice is progressing so fast. Time is not a problem for you. "

Director Hakuba saw that Hanyu Qingan's face softened a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief, but before he gave Suzuki Shiro a grateful look, he listened to the latter continue.

"As for the Yamata no Orochi, I don't know how useful it is to you. If you are not particularly anxious, it is not a big problem to put it in the hands of the federal people first. Anyway, the king of ghosts cannot move, and they can't move it away. .”

"When you are absolutely sure, go and get it back."

Director Baima's eyes are full of disbelief, sure enough, the chaebols are unreliable!It's obviously a group, but you have the Nian beast on this side, so you don't want the Yamata no Orochi on the other side, right?

(End of this chapter)

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