Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 225 Hanyu Qing'an is indeed possessed by an old ghost, right? !

Chapter 225 Hanyu Qing'an is indeed possessed by an old ghost, right? !

No matter what Director Baima thinks, Hanyu Qingan still has to pay attention to the words of his future father-in-law, and he does have some concerns.

Some issues need to be considered clearly, and some preparations must be made thoroughly. You can't just rush to fight when your head is hot.

To fight is to fight, Yamata no Orochi has scales, and the scales are the only source of the soul, but the fight must be in place at one time, to show enough strength and shock enough.

Then it must be mysterious and powerful enough from the beginning of the appearance. Now the best appearance is naturally to be directly teleported to the sky above the sea area where Yamata no Orochi is, and then fight the ghost king in front of the federal garrison.

If the federal garrison refuses to leave, or tries to attack him, then even they and the Ghost King will fight together. Anyway, whether it is Qinglong's passive or Snow Maiden's blizzard, they are all group skills, so there is no need to worry about it.

But the first thing to prepare here is how to maintain a good image by stably suspending in the air after teleportation.

Now I have three flying shikigami in my hand, two are used to carry the sedan chair, and one is used to fight the ghost king, which is somewhat petty.When the three shikigami carried the sedan chair, it looked weird again.

It's better to gather four shikigami to carry a larger sedan chair, which is similar to the emperor's imperial chariot. It is better to have a place for a few more shikigami to stand outside the car.

Anyway, how gorgeous and mysterious it is.

After the fight, they can't be confused about who did it, and they have to try their best to know their own strength, such as summoning the ghost king, space teleportation (pseudo), God's Domain and other most deterrent abilities.

Those suspected of possessing nuclear weapons are terrorist militants, and those who truly possess nuclear weapons are called the pillars of world peace!

If the Federation didn't realize that it does have the deterrent power of nuclear weapons, I'm afraid it will have to go to the White House to show off its ability to come and go freely, and maybe call a ghost king to come out on the spot, so that they can correct their attitude.

That would be too troublesome, and Hanyu Kiyosuke didn't want to get involved in politics.

After thinking it over, Hanyu Kiyoan roughly figured out what to do, he nodded slightly, approved Suzuki Shiro's words, and then said: "Since you said so, I will wait for the moment."

Shiro Suzuki smiled even wider. He also knew that Hanyu Sei'an in the state of Onmyoji was not the same as usual, and he was somewhat worried that his future son-in-law would not give him any face.

"Preparing the residence for the new ghost king will trouble you a lot."

Suzuki Shiro nodded, "Don't worry, it's absolutely fine to hand over the construction to the Suzuki Foundation."

Director Hakuba and Toru Amuro both heaved a sigh of relief inwardly, if Hanyu Kiyosuke really made a fuss regardless, he would be in serious trouble.

They also couldn't help thinking to themselves, if Hanyu Qing'an had been eliminated from the beginning when he was not yet so strong, wouldn't there be so many troubles?

But it's just a thought. On the one hand, many people have benefited from the blessing—although it's going to be suspended now, even if Hanyu Qing'an can't be controlled by them and become the country's secret weapon, it's not a loss.

On the other hand, no one can say how strong Hanyu Qing'an was at the beginning. Some people doubted his speed of improvement very early on, and they tended to hide part of his strength on purpose, and then revealed it little by little.

As for the reason for doing this...

Who knows, maybe there is an enemy on the mysterious side, so he deliberately hides his existence?This is in line with his unwillingness to be publicized, and it is reasonable to prevent enemies from coming to him.

It may also be purely the bad taste of the strong, deliberately attracting people to the bait, and then playing with the other party.

Of course, the most reasonable guess...Both Director Hakuba and Toru Amuro quickly thought of it. Just like the previous guess, there are too many doubts about Hanyu Kiyosuke's amnesia, and the difference in his personality and habits before and after amnesia is actually not small.

Although Hanyu Qing'an's parents and relatives are gone, his former classmates, friends and teachers are still there, and they are very impressed with such an acquaintance who inherited the special occupation of the family's funeral agency!
Naturally, the Metropolitan Police Department had investigated these people a long time ago and found suspicious points, but it is not too strange to have a big change in personality after amnesia, so no one paid much attention to it at first.

But now the two of them couldn't help thinking, is the Hanyu Qingan in front of them really the same person?
Could it be that an old ghost from hundreds of years ago possessed himself and occupied the original body of Hanyu Kiyoan?His abilities are still there, but because of the change of body, it takes a little time to recover, so the progress of practice is so fast.

And look at the divine domain in front of you!

The thick cherry blossom tree in the middle of the courtyard could not have grown like this in hundreds of years, and everything in the courtyard is not only old-fashioned, but if you look carefully, you will find that even the materials used are not from recent years.

If this is the realm of the gods opened up by the old ghost hundreds of years ago, then everything makes sense. it possible...this old the legendary Abe Seimei who can drive shikigami in the Heian era? ! !
Director Hakuba and Amuro looked at each other imperceptibly, and looked at Hanyu Qingan... the clothes on his body in unison as if in tacit understanding.

This outfit...this really a bit like Seimei Abe...

Various information about Abe Seimei emerged in the heads of the two of them. Among them, a piece of information that was originally not that important suddenly became connected with the current speculation.

Abe Seimei, his father is generally considered to be Abe Masaki, a lower-ranking nobleman of the daizen doctor, and there are many legends about his mother. The most common one is that his mother is a white fox named Kuzuha.

The two of them looked at Hanyu Seian's face in the state of Onmyoji, silently compared it with his usual facial features, and found that there were subtle changes.

Before, I simply thought that he became indifferent in the state of Onmyoji, but now it seems that not only his temperament has changed, but even the shape of his eyes is a bit closer to a fox, and the corners of his eyes are slightly upturned.

This detail instantly increased the credibility of the two's guesses by a large amount, and finally found a reasonable explanation for why I couldn't understand anything from the "Book of Changes".

Abe Seimei is an old ghost hundreds of years ago, and he is also the most talented figure in onmyoji in Japanese history. It is really normal that they can't learn onmyoji with Abe Seimei's method.

Hanyu Qingan didn't know what messed up the two of them were thinking, so he also brought them a piece of sushi and tea.

One is his own employees, which can be regarded as employee benefits, and the other, although he looks like a bad guest now, is at least the first wave of guests in the new house. Apart from basic etiquette, entertaining him can be regarded as a good start.

It doesn't matter whether you are superstitious or not before, but now not only have you traveled to another world, but you also have a cheat, and you have become an onmyoji, so you have to believe in some superstitious things.

However, after the reception, you can serve tea to see off the guests. Considering that Director Hakuba is not young, it will be very difficult to walk down from the shrine. Hanyu Kiyosu thoughtfully sent him directly back to the headquarters building of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Well, teleport it away directly, and put it on the roof of the Metropolitan Police Department building...

(End of this chapter)

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