Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 227 How can the Suzuki family run a loss-making business?

Chapter 227 How can the Suzuki family run a loss-making business?
Onmyoji Garden.

After sending off Director Hakuba, Hanyu Kiyoan switched back to the daily mode, and said to Toru Amuro, "You still have work to do? Amuro, then don't wait for me anymore, you can drive back by yourself first."


Amuro nodded stiffly with a smile, and left through the torii entrance he came in. He also wanted to experience the teleportation, and maybe he could collect some information.

"Uncle Suzuki, you can visit as you like first, and I'll bring in Sonoko and Yuzu." After Hanyu Kiyosuke and Suzuki Shiro said, they waved to summon a whirlpool door, and then walked in.

Left alone in this mysterious place, Suzuki Shiro adjusted his glasses, held his teacup, and looked around with a deep thought.

"The Kingdom of God..."


"What kingdom of God?" Sonoko Suzuki asked angrily, just now Qing'an Hanyu suddenly appeared from behind her, startling her.

"When did you come back? Where are my father and the others?"

Hanyu Qingan sat across from Suzuki Sonoko, stretched out his hand to pull Yuzu into his arms, rubbed her chubby face, and replied: "Director Hakuba and Amuro have left, your father is visiting our new house."

"What new house?" Suzuki Sonoko looked puzzled, "Isn't this the place where we will live in the future? Also, what is our new house?"

Hanyu Qingan said with a smile: "Of course it is ours. The reason why your father built this shrine so luxuriously is to give it to you as a dowry. Otherwise, it would cost so much money to build a shrine in the wild mountains, Isn't it a loss?"

Suzuki Sonoko was taken aback by him, frowned and said strangely: "The shrine is a dowry? How could the shrine lose money? Didn't he build this shrine to develop the surrounding real estate?"

This time it was Hanyu Qing'an's turn to be stunned, "Development of real estate? Could it be that your family not only owns this hill, but also bought all the nearby land?"

Suzuki Sonoko nodded as a matter of course, "Of course, with the shrine, the price of the surrounding land will skyrocket, so I must buy it from the very beginning."

Hanyu Qing’an is not very understandable. In the barren mountains and wild mountains, if the suspension bridge villa below is converted into a welcoming hotel, it’s okay, but to develop real estate here...

Just building a few villas for the rich to use on vacation will never pay back the cost. Even if your own shrine may be more attractive than those fake ones outside, the road has already been opened. Even if you live in the urban area, you can come here. It's not too much trouble, why bother to buy a house nearby?
Moreover, the blessing business is also remote. If you only rely on your own name and expect all the rich people to buy houses for face, you will definitely lose money.

But this is because Hanyu Kiyoan, a non-indigenous person, does not have a deep understanding of the local area. He has not been here long enough. He only knows that the Japanese believe in things like shrines, but it is not clear how these things are related to their daily lives. How close and inseparable.

Sonoko Suzuki explained: "Civil self-government depends on town associations, and spiritual support depends on shrines. We are not like the federal people. First people live together, and then build churches."

"Japan has always had shrines first, and then people live together. Have you forgotten even this?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Hanyu Qingan with some worry, this amnesia is too serious, and she needs to start with the common sense that her girlfriend knows from childhood.

"From the blessing of the newborn child, to the coming-of-age ceremony, and even..." Suzuki Sonoko blushed, "We need the help of the shrine to complete the wedding ceremony and so on."

"Not only are these important moments in life, but we also come to the shrine to make a wish, pay homage to New Year's Eve, various festivals, and even set off fireworks."

"It can be said that if there is no shrine in the place where the Japanese live, the Japanese can't even live a basic life. Although it is a bit remote here, it is not too far from the urban area of ​​Tokyo. Now there is this unique scale shrine."

"As long as it is developed, it will soon attract many people to come and settle down. When the time comes, the town association will be formed, and this place will be as prosperous as Mihua Town."

After listening to Suzuki Sonoko's explanation, Hanyu Kiyoan finally had a clearer understanding of his future father-in-law.

"Ah, by the way, I've kept your father inside for half a day. If you don't go and see, I don't know if he will be frightened."

Hanyu Kiyoan finally remembered, got up and hugged Yuzu in one hand, and Sonoko Suzuki in the other, summoned the portal, and brought one big and one small into his portable courtyard.

"This is..." Suzuki Sonoko was stunned, why did she change places in the blink of an eye, she didn't see the portal clearly just now, and was dragged in by Hanyu Qingan in a daze.

"The sun is gone..." Youzi raised her head, pointing to the sky, with a surprised expression on her little face.

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko was shocked when he heard this, and looked up, and it was gone!

"This is our future residence. It is not in the real world, but in a space created between the Yin and Yang worlds, so there is no sun or moon."

Hanyu Qingan naturally thought of this explanation on the basis of his previous settings for this world.

"Between Yin and Yang..." Suzuki Shiro was standing under the cherry tree admiring the flowers. Hearing this, he suddenly had doubts. In the underworld."

"Will this space be threatened by the ghost king in the future?"

Hanyu Qing'an didn't expect that this would connect him together, but it was still easy for Yuan to pass, "I can perceive the ghost king's breakthrough of the seal in advance, so I can guide them to break the seal in a place far away from here."

"In addition, ancient onmyojis were able to seal the ghost king because they took advantage of this interlayer space." Qingan Hanyu suddenly found that this explanation was very reasonable, and continued.

"The ghost king is a regular means to release the stagnant yin energy in the underworld, but breaking the boundary requires a lot of energy, and the energy used by the ghost king is naturally yin qi."

"In ancient times, some extremely talented onmyojis used this rule to guide the ghost king to break through into this interlayer space. In this way, most of the yin energy in the ghost king's body was consumed, and he was unable to continue to break through to the sun realm."

"This kind of mezzanine space, as well as the two worlds of Yin and Yang, are not in one-to-one correspondence in terms of spatial positions, nor are they fixed, so I can use this space as a transit to appear anywhere in the outside world at any time. Director Baima sent it back to the Metropolitan Police Department building."

"Similarly, I was able to guide the ghost king to the position where the Yang world descends, and I also took advantage of this spatial characteristic."

"So that's the case." Suzuki Shiro nodded suddenly.

"Okay, don't talk about these boring things, show me quickly~" Suzuki Sonoko couldn't hold back his excited expression, and ran away with Hanyu Qingan, ignoring his father who was watching beside him.

Suzuki Shiro didn't mind at all, and was even happy to see the result, especially when Hanyu Kiyoan didn't show any impatience on his face when he found out that his daughter was acting like a spoiled child, and there was a smile on his face, he was greatly relieved.

At least his "god" son-in-law didn't have a big change of heart because of the huge power. Suzuki Shiro cared more about this than director Baima and others cared about the national federation.

(End of this chapter)

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