Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 229 Your son Conan lacks love

Chapter 229 Your son Conan lacks love

As soon as they stepped out of the portal, the three of Hanyu Qing'an appeared on the roof of their own building. Suzuki Sonoko whispered in Yuzu's ear with some concern, and Yuzu with itchy ears let out a silver bell-like laugh , I thought it was some kind of game.

"It's getting late, let's go downstairs for dinner first." Hanyu Qing'an said.

Although I ate sushi and drank tea, to be honest, although these two things have amazing effects, the taste is too simple. Even after tasting some grapefruit, I am not so interested.

Sonoko Suzuki is quite interested, because these two things not only have miraculous effects, but also have relatively balanced nutrition, which can fill the stomach without gaining weight, which is great.

"It's not necessary. I'm not hungry anyway. If you eat too much, you will grow meat." Suzuki Sonoko didn't want to go, "And Yuzu's appetite has increased recently. I feel that if I don't care about it, it may not be good for her. You see, she obviously It’s much heavier than when I first arrived.”

Sonoko Suzuki weighed the grapefruit.

But Qingan Hanyu has a different opinion, "Yuzu is at the age when she grows up, and a child will grow taller in the blink of an eye, and then she will lose weight. When you first saw her before, she was a little malnourished, but now it's just right."

"Besides, she is gradually becoming more active now. She is more and more active and consumes more and more energy. Besides, although she is greedy, she doesn't actually eat too much."

"As for you..." Hanyu Qingan landed on Suzuki Sonoko's upper body in advance, making the latter unable to resist turning sideways, "You should eat more, I can hold your waist with two hands."

Suzuki Sonoko asked dissatisfied: "Don't you like thin girls?"

Hanyu Qingan shook his head, "You are too skinny, it's better to be plumper and healthier. Compared with thinness, I think softness is the most attractive part of a girl, not a hard skeleton."

Suzuki Sonoko always felt that what he said seemed wrong, and then looked down at his chest thoughtfully...

"Okay, let's go." Hanyu Qingan couldn't help but dragged the two of them downstairs.

As soon as I arrived downstairs, I met the Maori family next door standing in front of a green car, and Sonoko Suzuki said hello.

"Xiaolan~ Are you going out to play? This is the car you rented?" She still remembered what Hanyu Qingan said before, so she asked to see if they had any travel plans recently.

After going to Dracula's villa the day before yesterday, the new car of the Mori family was scrapped and was towed away by the repair shop, so the next time I went out, I had to continue to rent a car.

Mao Lilan shook his head and pointed to the car, "No, it's Conan's mother who came to pick him up."

Suzuki Sonoko and Hanyu Seiyasu looked into the car in surprise, and saw Conan sitting in the passenger seat with an ugly face, and a fat middle-aged woman in the driver's seat.

Seeing Hanyu Qingan appearing, Conan seemed to see a savior, and shouted expectantly: "Brother Hanyu, save me, this person is not my mother!"

Hanyu Qingan also didn't think so, although he didn't have a deep impression, but it seemed that there was indeed an episode where someone pretended to be Conan's mother, and he completely forgot what happened afterwards.

But about Kudo Shinichi's parents, Sonoko told him a lot, she admired Kudo Yukiko very much, and she felt envious of "other parents" in her words.

She always said that the three of them grew up together, and Xinyi's mother was the gentlest and most beautiful, and she also said that her mother was so grumpy, and Xiaolan's mother was also cold, but she had the attributes of a queen, which made her Very envious.

Looking at the fat aunt in front of him, Hanyu Qingan knew that it couldn't be the gentle and beautiful Aunt Yukiko that Sonoko was talking about.

However, he was not in a hurry, and silently activated [Spell·Destroyer] in his heart to identify the opponent's hostility.

Nothing happened.

That being the case, the person in front of him is not in danger. Conan, the unlucky boy, being frightened will help him stay awake. Thinking of this, Hanyu Qingan said:


The fat aunt who claimed to be Conan's mother was also looking at Hanyu Kiyoan curiously, and her eyes were still scanning back and forth between him and Suzuki Sonoko, as if she had discovered something interesting.

Hearing Hanyu Qingan speak, she got out of the car, took out her business card and handed it over.

"My name is Fumyo Edogawa, and I'm the mother of the child Conan. Conan is a bit naughty, so I must have disturbed you a lot during this time, right?"

Before Qingan Hanyu could speak, Sonoko Suzuki nodded in agreement, "That's right, this kid is too naughty, you have to take good care of him, and even a gentle person like Xiaolan was so angry that he repeatedly kicked him." I don’t know how many telegraph poles were broken…”

Seeing that Sonoko Suzuki said without any scruples, Mao Lilan quickly covered her mouth, and pulled her aside with a smirk.

"Don't say such things in front of others, it will be embarrassing, and what do you mean by kicking down so many telephone poles, it makes me look like a violent woman."

Suzuki Sonoko said nonchalantly: "But if that kid Conan doesn't educate him well, God knows what kind of ghost he will turn into in the future. It's for his benefit to speak out."

"That's right..." Mao Lilan murmured, not knowing what to do best for a moment.

"And the fact that you kicked down the electric pole is also true... Well, don't, ah, help! Lord Qing'an, save me!"

Before Suzuki Sonoko finished speaking, she realized the violent means of the violent woman in her mouth.

Hanyu Qingan shook his head secretly, naturally ignoring the fight between the two, and said to Edogawa Fumyo:
"I'm sorry, Yuanzi is more outspoken and has no bad intentions. The child Conan may be lacking in love because his parents are not around, so he hopes to be noticed by the people around him, so he is more naughty."

"You'd better take him to see a psychiatrist. The child is still young, and there is still time to correct it. In addition, his body seems to be a little abnormal. The frequency of going to the bathroom is much higher than that of his peers. You should pay more attention to this. "

Conan was dumbfounded, what is he talking about here?Discussing my upbringing with a kidnapper posing as my mother?Also, what is lack of love?

Fumyo Edogawa also looked back at Conan with a look of surprise. It was the first time she knew that her son had these problems. Mental problems were fine. She could guess the reason, but physical problems... really shouldn't be underestimated!
"I also have children in my family, so I pay more attention to this aspect. I hope you don't mind if I added a few words." Hanyu Qing'an said very politely to the kidnapper in front of him.

Fumyo Edogawa smiled and replied: "If not, I would like to thank you for your reminder. My child's father and I are indeed very busy, and we don't pay enough attention to him. Instead, I would like to trouble you for your help."

"By the way, I still don't know what you do?"

Hanyu Qingan took out a business card from his pocket, he hadn't used it for a long time, but he was used to bringing two with him when he went out.

"Hayu Kiyoan, currently runs a funeral parlor, if necessary, you can call the above number."

Fumyo Edogawa looked at the business card in his hand in a daze, funeral home?there is a need?
Looking up at Hanyu Qing'an's amiable and sunny demeanor, she never expected that she would be doing this job. Over Hanyu Qing'an's shoulder, she saw the signboard of Hanyu Yin Yang Funeral Service, and she was dumbfounded.

 [The order of the chapters has been adjusted. If you haven’t seen the first two chapters, you can flip forward. Excuse me~]

(End of this chapter)

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