Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 230 You Xizi: Quickly Check His Son's Phone Records

Chapter 230 You Xizi: Quickly Check His Son's Phone Records

Onmyoji not only can't count on it, but also took the opportunity to blackmail himself, making Conan completely dispel the idea of ​​asking Hanyu Qing'an for help.

Even if I was really kidnapped today, I don't need you to rescue me!snort!

Conan fastened his seat belt angrily, and shouted dissatisfiedly: "I said, fat lady, can you drive faster!"

Fumyo Edogawa's face darkened, he turned his head and glared at Conan sharply, and said goodbye to Seiya Hanyu embarrassedly.

With the welcome of the Mori family and the Hanyu family, Conan was taken away by the kidnappers.

Fumyo Edogawa held his breath, gritted his teeth and said: "He is really an ignorant child, he has no manners at all, it seems that he really needs to be educated."

Conan snorted coldly, "You, a kidnapper pretending to be someone else's parent, also know education?"

Fumyo Edogawa's eyelids twitched, and he threatened viciously: "Oh, I don't understand, but the whip in the trunk is very understandable."

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, and the image of himself being hung up and whipped involuntarily appeared in his mind. The kidnapper would not soften his heart just because he was a child.

He looked at the approaching intersection in front of him, seized the moment when Fumyo Edogawa had to pay attention to the front, quickly turned around and raised his watch to aim at the opponent's neck, and then...

The gun was aimed at his own head.

"Heh, kid, do you think I didn't investigate clearly before abducting you?" Edogawa calmly crossed the intersection, turned into a sparsely populated path, and stopped the car.

"Edogawa Conan, now seven years old, a student in class B of the first year of Teidan Elementary School."

"But this is just your disguise. In fact, your father is Yusaku Kudo, a world-renowned novelist, and your mother is Yukiko Kudo, a well-known actress who won a grand prize at the age of 19 and settled in Japan. Am I right? "

"Shinichi Kudo!"

Conan's pupils dilated immediately, doubting the relationship between the person in front of him and the organization in black, and immediately regretting that he shouldn't be angry with the onmyoji just now.

There was no other way, so Conan had no choice but to bite the bullet and pretended to be powerful: "You even know all this, so do you know the real identity of that person named Qingan Hanyu?"

Fumyo Edogawa was taken aback, and took out his business card from his pocket, "The president of Hanyu Yinyang Funeral Service? The man you asked for help just now? Why, do you think he will come to save you from my gun?"

Conan looked at the disdainful sneer on her face, and sneered too, "It seems that your investigation is not very good. You don't even know his true face, so you dare to come and abduct me."

"At first I thought you were from that mysterious organization, but now it seems that you are just an idiot who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Fumyo Edogawa didn't expect to be exposed like this, but more importantly, he was so angry by Conan's tone.

Dare to call yourself a fool?This is not a good education, how to feel good!

She took out a handkerchief from her pocket, ignored Conan's struggle and resistance, and forced him to faint.

"This brat, I'm so mad!" Fumyo Edogawa dialed the phone and complained, "Get ready, I'll take someone there right away."


Half an hour later, Fumyo Edogawa, that is, Yukiko Kudo, and Yusaku Kudo looked at Conan's mobile phone together. The password in it naturally couldn't trouble the two of them. Isn't it easy to have Dr. Ari as a traitor?
"Honey, take a look at this, this brat has become enlightened, he can flirt with girls!"

Kudo Yukiko looked at the mail records of her son and Mao Lilan, and turned through them from beginning to end with great interest. Her pig knew how to push cabbage, and her pride was beyond words.

"Ah~ Such a coquettish tone, such a hazy feeling of youth, it's really beautiful~" Kudo Yukiko smiled auntishly.

Kudo Yusaku is not good at talking about this kind of thing. There is always a tacit understanding between father and son but there is not much communication. He said helplessly: "He is about to wake up, let's talk about the work after getting ready."

"Ah, it's even mentioned here that Xiaoxin is going to write a mystery novel. Let me look for it..." Kudo Yukiko exclaimed, "I found it! There is indeed a draft of the novel in the phone. Do you want to see your husband?"

There is no rush to mention this Kudo Yusaku, he couldn't help but said: "Then let me see..."

The two of them got together and looked at the draft of Kudo Shinichi's novel on the phone. The first edition was basically finished. Originally, Conan planned to send it to Mao Lilan for reading, but he didn't expect his parents to read it first.

"That's great, Shinichi looks like he's going to inherit your career." Yukiko Kudo said suddenly after being proud.

"This brat dared to call me a fat aunt, and said that I was an idiot who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. I was really mad at me! No, I have to educate him well."

After talking about Kudo Yukiko putting on the disguise mask and going to the kitchen to educate the children, Kudo Yusaku read the draft of Conan's novel carefully, then shook his head, a little disappointed.

"It's still too far away, even Xiaolan's detective case book is not as good as it is, oh..."

"Ah—" A scream came from the kitchen, it was Conan's voice, followed by continuous screams of pain.

Yusaku Kudo put on the mask and walked to the door of the kitchen, only to see Yukiko lashing Conan's butt mercilessly with a short whip.

He cooperated and said in a cold voice: "I advise you to confess honestly. Regarding the information about that Onmyoji, the organization has no patience to wait any longer."

"Since you claim to be the savior of Japan, a famous high school student detective, you must have a lot of information about Onmyoji, right?"

Conan was shocked while feeling the burning sensation on his buttocks, so it was like this?Sure enough, they were still members of the organization, so they were actually discovered by Toru Amuro?

wrong!It's Kusuda Rikudo!No wonder he acted suddenly that day, it seems that the organization really has no patience to wait any longer!

Oops, misjudgment...

Conan's heart sank to the bottom, and then he confessed: "I see, you can ask anything you want to know."

Unexpectedly, the fat woman in front of her said, "Don't worry, he is a famous high school student detective. How could he give in so easily? I think it's probably because he intends to delay time, think of some way to escape, or sow discord."

"It's better to let him suffer more first, so that I can be more honest."

Kudo Yusaku was silent for a while, "It makes sense, then you continue, I will check the emails in his mobile phone, and restore all the deleted ones, to see how many people know his true identity, and then... Get rid of it!"

"?!!" Conan was instantly dumbfounded. Not only would he continue to suffer physically, but would he also be executed in public?View email history?

wait!If he wants to know his identity clearly, will Xiao Lan be in danger?
Conan tried to comfort himself, it should be fine, Hanyu Kiyoan is next door, but Dr. Ari and Haibara...


"Heh, you dare to be distracted by the whip, doesn't that mean you don't take me seriously?" Yukiko Kudo said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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