Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 231 Excuse me, you continue

Chapter 231 Excuse me, you continue
Conan, who was beaten up, was stunned and thrown to the ground again, the heavy eyelids were beyond the pain of the buttocks.

In sight, the member of the organization, the fat kidnapper, left the kitchen in a happy mood.

During this period, Hanyu's family had eaten delicious meals and returned home to rest.

After Hanyu Qingan checked the homework of the little paper people, he criticized and praised them one by one, especially the few little paper people who had awakened their special hobbies. Their progress was so fast that they could already write several Chinese characters completely.

On the other side, Suzuki Sonoko, who was watching TV with Yuzu, was full of thoughts. She suddenly thought of what happened when Yuzu was stuck in the room last time.

At that time, Yuzu asked them if they were having a baby. At that time, Suzuki Sonoko and Hanyu Qingan thought that the child was too smart and too sensitive, and worried that they would not want her after they had their own child.

Now it seems that what Yuzu really wanted to ask at that time was probably the question of breastfeeding!
This little greedy cat!My mind is full of food.

The more Suzuki Sonoko thought about it, the more disturbed she became, she stretched out her hand and rubbed the grapefruit vigorously, listening to the childish "baa baa", it was revenge for her embarrassing situation just now.

"I'll go to the courtyard to take care of some things, and I'll be back in a while. If you and Yuzi are sleepy, take a nap first."

"Well, let's go."

Suzuki Sonoko waved her hand in distaste on the surface, but in fact she was very guilty. Although the two met frankly many times, and they often rubbed each other's ears, but she is a female high school student, and she was chased by children to breastfeed. This kind of thing is really embarrassing .

Hanyu Qing'an saw the guilty conscience in her eyes, and while thinking about how to get her to confess honestly to conceal his affairs at night, he stepped into the portal.

Naturally, the purpose of entering the courtyard is to see how Conan is doing, whether he has escaped or not, how he has accepted the lesson, and by the way, to appreciate the distressed appearance of the other party.

Open the map, the world is in front of you.

Since he had the map attached to the garden, Hanyu Kiyoan has been able to pinpoint the position of each spell, and no longer needs to be strengthened by radio waves.

However, such things as blessings still require a new version of the guardian. After all, it is not clear whether the customer is ready to accept the blessings, and the news must be received first.

"Here..." Hanyu Qingan soon found Conan's location on the map, but he didn't rush there, but studied the function of the map.

There is a mark of the ghost king on the map, and a mark of the spell bearer, but because of the large number of the latter, it is necessary to zoom in to see who it is.

Some of the most conspicuous marks are that there is no indication of the carrier, and the piled up spells seem to be hoarded and stored in large quantities.

One uncarried spell piled up in the Metropolitan Police Department, one in a certain research institute, one in the wealthy area, one in Suzuki's house, and so on.

Due to the large number of spells issued, even if they are consumed very quickly, there is still a large amount of inventory, which leads to dense marks on the map.

Hanyu Qing'an couldn't read them one by one for a while, so his attention quickly shifted to the third special mark.

A mark that looks like a tengu.

Hanyu Qingan looked at this mark and fell into deep thought. Is this thing reminding himself where he can get the token of Ootengu?
If you say this, does it mean that there is a case going to happen there, so that means that the Maori family will go out recently?

This reasoning fits perfectly and logically, Hanyu Qingan decided to ask him after saving Conan for a while.

Recently, because of the ghost king's affairs, it is not convenient to accept the funeral commission, and because of some conflicts with Director Baima, the blessing business has also stopped. It is a good time for a relaxing trip.

After thinking about it, he first switched to the Onmyoji state, and then selected Conan's mark, opened the portal, and shuttled through.

As soon as he stepped out of the portal, Hanyu Qingan saw Conan passed out on the ground, his buttocks turned upwards, and Conan was exposed, with a high and swollen buttocks, which shocked him.

Could it be that I guessed wrong?This time is the real prisoner, but he is not hostile to himself?

And it looks like a pervert, it seems like he likes Zhengtai or sadism, but I haven't heard of such cases in Conan?

If Conan had really encountered this kind of thing, he should have gone crazy in his previous life. Even if he didn't read it much, he should be forced to know the news.

Suspicious in his heart, Hanyu Qing'an first put a few layers of buffs on himself - [Charm·Life] for damage reduction, [Word Spirit·Star] for damage increase, after thinking about it, he added another [Word Spirit·Shou ], and then pushed open the kitchen door.

The sight that caught his eyes was beyond his expectation again. He saw a man and a woman looking at their mobile phones together and discussing intensely.

"Look at this paragraph, Xinyi is such an idiot, and Xiaolan's tone is so obvious, yet he still said such words in a stupid way. Do you want other girls to confess their love first? I really don't live up to it."

"It's not surprising that boys will wake up later. You don't have to worry about him, do you?"

"What you said, you were not like this back then. You were enlightened very early, and some time ago in the Federation, when you went back to the hotel one night, you still had lipstick marks on your collar! It shows how good you are at this kind of thing , Shinichi really didn't inherit your talent at all in this regard!"

As they were talking, the two were about to quarrel, and Hanyu Qingan had no choice but to remind him, "Are the two parents of Kudo Shinichi?"

Hearing Hanyu Qing'an's voice, the two of them were startled, and only then did they notice that there was someone more in the room.

It should be said that the two people's usual vigilance is not so bad, but just now one focused on his son's love, and the other was caught with a sore foot, they were a little too focused.

The Kudou couple immediately quieted down and looked at Hanyu Kiyoan vigilantly. Yukiko Kudo, who was still good at disguise, immediately recognized the identity of the person in front of him.

"Mr. Hanyu?"

"It's me." Hanyu Qingan nodded, looking at the two people in front of him.

After the Kudo couple lost their son, they took off their disguise. Even if they were still wearing unfit clothes, Yukiko Kudo's appearance was outstanding. Yusaku Kudo, who played cosplay and wore a cape, was also very chic and handsome.

But it doesn't seem to be like Yuanzi said, one is gentle and a gentleman, but one is acting coquettish and losing his temper, and the other seems to be suspected of living indiscreetly.

It seems that no matter what kind of person they are, they all have two faces, Hanyu Qingan thought to himself.

"Are you here to save Conan?" Yukiko Kudo guessed the reason for Hanyu Qing'an's appearance, and said with some embarrassment.

"It's really troublesome for you. We are just joking with this child and educating him by the way. Conan is the youngest son born to my husband and I in the Federation. He was entrusted to Dr. Ali before. I don't know how he ran away. Went to Mori's house."

Looking at Kudo Yukiko who was talking nonsense with him in a serious manner, Hanyu Kiyoan was noncommittal.

"It's okay, since it's not really kidnapping, I'm relieved, then I'll go back first, you guys continue to educate."

After speaking, Hanyu Qingan opened a portal casually, and left while the two were dumbfounded.

"Husband, he disappeared out of thin air, right? I don't have dazzled eyes, do I?"

Yusaku Kudo frowned and replied: "He seems to have opened something like a space door, no wonder we didn't hear any movement when he came."

(End of this chapter)

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