Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 233 Yukiko: Husband, I want to...

Chapter 233 Yukiko: Husband, I want to...

"Is she talking about you? Xinyi, it looks like you haven't shown up, Xiaolan is very sad."

Kudo Yukiko was already standing behind Conan at some point, the sudden sound made Conan tremble and almost threw the phone out.

"Can you stop peeking! Leave me some privacy, please!" Conan shouted in despair.

Kudo Yukiko looked sad, "You were not like this when you were young. At that time, you wanted to hide in your mother's arms every day, and you would tell my mother everything. I remember when you were in kindergarten, you told me more than once. Girl thing..."

"How is it possible!" Conan looked like you were lying.

Kudo Yukiko said categorically: "But this is the truth. At that time, you told me that there was a crying girl in the Sakura class who always shed tears, which made you helpless. You should remember that? The little girl is Xiaolan."

Hearing what she said, Conan couldn't help being shaken. Indeed, Xiaolan loved to cry when she was a child. She didn't start learning karate at that time, and she would only cry silently when she was bullied. He and Sonoko have always protected Xiaolan.

Since when did Xiao Lan become a violent woman?

"At that time, you also said that once Xiaolan cried, you had no choice but to coax her. Although you tried to show an impatient expression on your face when you said it, I could see it clearly, mom. You enjoy protecting yourself like That feeling of a girl."

"???" The more Conan listened, the more something went wrong. This is definitely slander!Can he think so much at that time?

"Stop making up nonsense, if you do this again, I will leave." Conan hid vigilantly in another corner of the room, and then took the time to reply.

[Kudo Shinichi: That kid Conan should miss you too, right?Maybe he will go back. 】

[Mao Lilan: Will everyone who leaves come back? 】

[Kudo Shinichi: ... Yes, those who leave will also miss the past. 】

"Are you really my son? I shouldn't admit my mistake, right?" Yukiko Kudo popped up again with a surprised expression, "Can my son say such love words?!"

Conan blushed, "Don't worry about it! I hate it!"

"Hahaha——" Kudo Yukiko covered her mouth and laughed, her son's appearance was so funny.

Yusaku Kudo saw that Conan was really going to get angry, and said, "Okay, let's talk..."

"Don't talk about novels!" Conan was almost stressed by these two people.

"..." Yusaku Kudo was a little speechless, but he still said patiently, "I mean, let's talk about Onmyoji. Is there really such a thing as Onmyoji? Judging from your tone, you should know a lot of information, right?"

Conan finally didn't overreact so much, but still kept a distance, put the two of them in sight to prevent the phone from being peeked at again, and then replied to the email while saying:

"What do you want to know? Onmyoji is real, onmyoji is real, and there are shikigami. There are monsters and gods and other extraordinary powers in this world. Science is fine, but materialism is a big problem."

Yusaku Kudo and Yukiko looked at each other, and they became serious, "Have you witnessed and verified it with your own eyes?"

Conan nodded, "That's right, I have witnessed the resurrection of the dead, summoning shikigami, the legendary green dragon, the paper figurine technique of Onmyoji, a technique to bind enemies, and very real illusions, all of which It's all confirmed."

"In addition, I have also personally experienced a kind of blessing technique, which can restore vitality and make people have the state of youth."

"Back to youth!" Kudo Yukiko exclaimed, not calm at all, and said very eagerly, "Really? How can I ask that onmyoji to perform the blessing technique?"

Conan looked at his mother and looked at his father, trying to see the tacit helplessness in each other's eyes, but saw the same expectation in the end.


Conan was completely speechless, "500 million yen for a spell, please ask President Hanyu to activate the spell, the spell will be consumed and the vitality will be restored, up to ten spells can be used at the same time."

"Of course, as far as I know, it's okay to have more spells, but the effect of ten spells has reached the upper limit. I heard from President Hanyu that ten spells are enough for a dying old man to return to his peak physical condition."

Kudo Yukiko turned to look at Kudo Yusaku, "Honey, I want to..."

Kudo Yusaku nodded happily, "No problem, it's not expensive."

Conan snorted and said leisurely, "The effect can only last for 24 hours."


"..." Yusaku Kudo coughed twice, "Well, you know about our family's savings, it's okay once in a while, if you use it every day..."

Kudo Yukiko was dissatisfied and said: "Then why don't you go to the reception a few times and write more novels? If not, I'll try to see if I can make my debut again. If I can really regain my youthful state, I can definitely become a big star who is popular all over the world." ~"

Regarding his mother's narcissism, Conan curled his lips and reminded: "Even if you want to experience it every day, there is a limit. Only with a special guard can you enjoy the blessing technique, which is a membership system."

"What's the problem with this? Since you have experienced it, you must have it, right?" Kudo Yukiko smiled and took out something from his pocket.

"That's it, right? Before, I wondered why you had this kind of thing hanging around your neck. I thought it was a gift from Xiaolan, that's why you are so precious."

"So this is the membership card of that Onmyoji."

Conan looked at the guard in her hand, checked her body for a while, and sure enough, all the little things he was carrying were taken away.

"Even if you have this kind of guard, you can't get blessings every day. Didn't you see the date marked on it? That means it can only be used on the corresponding day."

"If you want to use it every day, you need to collect all the membership cards for the seventh day."

Kudo Yukiko pouted unhappily, and crossed her arms, completely unaware of being a mother, thinking of herself as a girl.

"I don't care, both of you father and son think of a way, I can do nothing else, but no woman can refuse such a thing as being young!"

Yusaku Kudo and Conan looked at each other and smiled wryly. The former quickly changed the topic, "From what you said just now, this onmyoji has many magical onmyoji techniques, and some of them sound like they are very large-scale techniques, which should be easy to be deceived." Discover it."

"Then the officials didn't try to get in touch?"

While replying to the email on his mobile phone, Conan replied: "Of course, Director Hakuba of the Metropolitan Police Department comes to see President Hanyu from time to time. There, at least the black organizations don’t dare to do anything there blatantly.”

Kudo Yusaku noticed the hidden meaning in Conan's words, "Don't dare to be blatant, you mean...that mysterious organization is also eyeing Onmyoji?"

 I saw a video of a meeting of Japanese parliamentarians. It is no different from college students in class. More than half of them are sleeping and fishing≧≦

(End of this chapter)

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