Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 234 Rabbits are So Cute...

Chapter 234 Rabbits are So Cute...

Toru Amuro, a member of the black organization that was being discussed by the Kudo family, just drove back to the funeral home. He was the first to leave Hanyu Shrine, but he was the last to arrive.

After the car was parked, he went into the second floor of the funeral home. As the No. [-] person in the funeral home, he naturally had the key, and even Hanyu Kiyoan gave him the key to the safe.

His recent work for the funeral agency includes sending the ashes and diamonds of the president of the funeral home to the countryside, recruiting new employees, and building a low-end business framework for the funeral agency.

In addition, there are intelligence missions organized by the black organization to help newcomers join the funeral home, and they must also pay attention to the situation of Kusuda Ludao.

The public security side also needs to obtain information, and the two sides have to pay attention to the differences in intelligence, and even help the Metropolitan Police Department to ease the conflict with the president.

Looking up at the ceiling, upstairs is the president, Toru Amuro thought about the root cause of his busyness, and continued to work hard with a dull expression.


Hanyu Qingan, who was seen by Amuro as the culprit, returned from the courtyard. Yuzu was no longer in the living room. He must have gone to take a nap. Suzuki Sonoko sat on the sofa alone and watched TV.

"There are still people waiting for me, it's really touching." Hanyu Qingan sat next to Suzuki Sonoko, but the latter carefully moved away a little.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?" Hanyu Qing'an asked inexplicably, why did he get angry after not seeing him for so long?

Suzuki Sonoko smiled, and reached out to show him to look at the pockets on both sides of his coat, "Look, isn't the rabbit cute?"

Hanyu Qingan was dumbfounded, it turned out to be a rabbit raised by grapefruit, a fluffy little ball, tucked in his pocket, really cute.

However, looking at the chest exposed by Sonoko's open top, and the tight underwear perfectly outlining the lines, he nodded in approval.

"Well, all four are quite cute."

"Four?" Suzuki Sonoko was taken aback, "Where are four rabbits?"

As if he didn't hear it, Hanyu Qingan poked the real gray rabbit with his hand, but said: "It's soft and fluffy, it's really cute, but I still think the white and smooth one feels better."

Suzuki Sonoko came to her senses immediately, her cheeks flushed, she bit her lower lip and said viciously: "You are so unruly in broad daylight, it seems that if you don't teach you a good lesson, you won't know how to restrain yourself!"

Hanyu Qingan looked expectant, "You mean you can be serious at night?"

Suzuki Sonoko sneered, "Do you think you can last until night? Come on, take a shower with me, I want to see how long you can last!"

Suzuki Sonoko put down the rabbit, and took the surprised Hanyu Kiyoan to the bathroom.

They never expected that after a short time, the offensive and defensive momentum of the two would bottom out, and the active side would become the passive side in a blink of an eye.

"What are you and Yuzu hiding from me?"

Looking at Hanyu Qingan who was doing what Yuzu was most looking forward to, Suzuki Sonoko said in embarrassment and embarrassment: "In this situation, how can you still have time to ask questions? Really."

What he said made sense, Hanyu Qingan recognized it very much, and became focused again.



In the evening, the Hanyu family, who had nothing to do, went to the Mori’s next door to have a meal. In the words of Suzuki Sonoko, Xiaolan must be very sad when Conan left, and we just went to comfort her.

If she happens to cook Conan's meal, we can help eat it so it doesn't go to waste.

Hanyu Qing'an and Yuzu thought it was true, but they couldn't come empty-handed, so they brought some sushi as a gift.

Yuzu didn't know what was going on, she seemed to be very close to Mori Kogoro, as soon as she entered Mori's house, she took the initiative to run to the Mori detective who was drinking beer to celebrate Conan's departure, and said expectantly:
"Uncle Maori~ Where is the turtle?"

"Huh? Turtle?"

Mori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, and then got up to help her find the tortoise. Recently, the tortoise likes to crawl around, and he struggled to find it for a while, and finally found it under the sofa.

"What are you going to do?" Mori Kogoro asked curiously.

Yuzu said innocently: "Dad told Yuzi the story of the tortoise and the hare race, and wanted them to compare them~"

"A race between the tortoise and the hare?" Kogoro Mouri was stunned. Is this a race between the skateboard tortoise and the prosthetic rabbit?Although he doesn't know what cyberpunk is, it sounds weird.

On the other side, Suzuki Sonoko is learning to cook with Mao Lilan. Although her sister can also cook, in terms of taste, Mao Lilan is better.

"By the way, do you have any travel plans recently?" Sonoko Suzuki asked for the second time in a day, "Mr. Qing'an is relatively free recently, and he happens to have time to go out and play."

Mao Lilan tilted her head and thought for a while, "There is indeed a plan. I mentioned it to my father and Conan before, saying that the cherry blossoms are about to bloom, and I want to find a place with a good view."

Suzuki Sonoko looked towards Hanyu Qing'an, saw him nodding, and said, "Then let's go together? I also want to go out to play recently."

"Okay." Mao Lilan didn't doubt that he was there, and nodded happily. Anyway, the two of them often went out to play together since they were young, "It's just that Conan is gone..."

Conan, who was talking as if he was dead, just came back at this time. He knocked on the door of Mori's house, and Hanyu Qingan, who was the only one who was idle, got up and opened it for him.

The figures of Fumyo Edogawa and Conan appeared in front of everyone.

"Conan?" Mao Lilan quickly put down the work in hand, ran to the door, and asked in a strange way, "Why are you back? Did you forget something?"

Fumyo Edogawa said, "It's like this. I thought I could stay for a long time when I came back this time, but I didn't expect to encounter something and have to leave soon."

"So... I'm very sorry, can I trouble you to continue to help take care of this child for a while?"

"It's because his father and I didn't do well enough. Compared with us, this child is closer to you. After leaving for a while, he cried and clamored to come back and wanted his sister Xiaolan."

Mao Lilan looked at Conan with a moved face, but he didn't expect the child to be so dependent on him.

Conan's face was blank. If it was before, he would argue a few words, what is crying for sister Xiaolan, but now...hehe...

This little fact is nothing compared to the fact that your phone is checked.

After hearing the bad news, Mori Kogoro immediately became unhappy, and he quickly said:
"Isn't that good? It's better for the child to be with his parents when he's still so young, and my daughter is only in high school, so she doesn't know anything about educating children. You see, after Conan stayed for such a short time, he was discovered by Hanyu-kun so much." question……"

"I will pay the child support." Fumyo Edogawa did not wait for Mori Kogoro to finish, and decisively took out an envelope from his pocket, "Although it's not much, only 1000 million yen, but I'll leave it to you."

"Not too much..."

Mori Kogoro, whose vision has been raised by Hanyu Qingan, is not too shaken this time. Yuzu only comes here occasionally for a meal, stays for a while, and gives so many 300 million. You don’t know how many years you have to raise yourself , just give 1000 million, or a brat like Conan, this is not...


"Deal." Seeing how familiar Conan was, Mori Kogoro finally couldn't bear to refuse.

Yukiko Kudo also felt a little distressed. She didn't care much about money at first, but now that money can buy her youth, she has to plan carefully.

If you spend an extra 1000 million, you will lose two days of youthful experience!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but add a little more strength to the hand she pressed on Conan's head...

(End of this chapter)

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