Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 235

Chapter 235
After dinner, Hanyu's family drove to Suzuki's house. Because there was such a convenient portable garden, Hanyu Kiyosuke and Suzuki Sonoko discussed putting some items in it, mainly clothes, so they needed to go back to their mother's house to get more.

"Ah, isn't this Sonoko? It's been a long time. I didn't say anything before I came. I'm ready." As soon as he entered, Suzuki Sonoko was warmly received by his mother.

Facing Tomoko Suzuki's yin and yang, Sonoko Suzuki gritted his teeth, "I can't go home yet? Even if you are my mother, this is too much!"

Tomoko Suzuki waved his hand, and said politely: "Of course, I don't welcome you. And Hanyu-kun, come and walk around if you have time. Even if Sonoko doesn't come back, it doesn't matter if you bring Yuzu yourself."

"I might as well be a little happier."

Suzuki Sonoko was so angry that her eyelids twitched, she didn't know who was her own!

"Yuzu, come here, let auntie hug~" Tomoko Suzuki waved to Yuzu kindly.

Although she was not very familiar with her, Yuzu knew that this was Sister Sonoko's mother, so she walked over obediently and cooperated very well.

Someone brought the child, Suzuki Sonoko dragged Hanyu Qingan back to the room, and began to move.

After entering the room and going straight to the cloakroom, Sonoko Suzuki began to rummage around non-stop, "Take this one away, this one is also good, when did you buy this dress? It's actually too small..."

It was the first time for Hanyu Qingan to enter Sono's cloakroom, and he looked around very curiously. The spacious room, with rows of clothes hanging there, looked like a shopping mall.

He is not very interested in ordinary clothes, he only thinks that there are so many styles, and he has not seen any repetitions, but he is very interested in some accessories.

"You actually have these beautiful things, why haven't you seen them wear them?" Hanyu Qing'an picked up a few lace underwear and asked.

"What?" Suzuki Sonoko looked up from the other side, and when he saw the thing in his hand, he immediately said angrily, "Don't move!"

"Aren't I doing you a favor, so many clothes you plan to spend all night?" Hanyu Qing'an opened a portal casually, first picked up what he liked and took some into the courtyard.

The little paper man was thrown in by him early on, and he was in charge of tidying up, while the two of them just threw it in.

"I thought you only had stripes and solid colors. What are you hiding these things for?"

Suzuki Sonoko snorted proudly, "You must keep a little freshness, otherwise you won't look forward to it."

Hanyu Qingan was speechless, it really made sense, when I was a child, my family was not allowed to play games, it was really fun to play, and when no one was watching, I would never experience that kind of fun again.


"You can't think like this. You have to enjoy the best things in your best years. How can you wait for everything later? There will be fun in the future, even if we are both old and gray-haired, sitting together in the courtyard Isn’t enjoying the cool air a joy in life?”

Suzuki Sonoko didn't believe his nonsense, carrying a lot of clothes, stuffed a suitcase, kicked into the portal, and said with his waist: "Don't you bless you? We two will still be old one day ?”

Hanyu Qingan has no temper, but persistence is a good quality, "The freshness and excitement of first love, and the friendship after marriage, each has its own advantages, why think so much and live so tired?"

"It's not like you, Sonoko, shouldn't you be a girl who lavishes her youthful vigor without any scruples?"

Suzuki Sonoko scoffed at this, but she also acquiesced in his actions. The backless sweater has not been knitted yet, so it is fine to use these first.

"Huh? You still have silk gloves?" Hanyu Qingan felt the touch of silk gloves as if he had discovered a new world, and said without hesitation, "You have to take this away."

"What do you bring that thing with you?" Sonoko Suzuki asked strangely, "It's for matching dresses, and it's for attending receptions and banquets. What's the use of just holding a pair of gloves?"

Hanyu Qing'an said meaningfully: "Of course it is useful, and this pair of gloves is the most useful in this set."

Before Suzuki Sonoko could react, Hanyu Qingan found something good again, "There are so many stockings, why do you usually only wear cotton socks?"

Suzuki Sonoko explained: "You need to wear leather shoes to go to school. Cotton socks are more suitable, and silk stockings are not breathable."

"I've never seen you wear it."

"I dress up well every day, and I look different every day, and I don't see you complimenting me, so why should I wear it for you to see?" Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help complaining.

Ever since he praised her for wearing the priestess costume, she has been dressing up for a long time every time she goes out, and it turns out that this guy didn't seem to see her at all.

Hanyu Qingan looked at her amusedly, like a child begging for praise, "It's mainly because I habitually praise Yuzu in a coaxing tone. If I praise you like that, I'm afraid you will think I'm fooling you like a child."

Suzuki Sonoko muttered, "Isn't it a compliment to be a child, and it's not unacceptable..."

Hanyu Qing'an was dumbfounded, "Kid Sonoko dressed up very cutely and beautifully today. Of course, it would be even better if he could wear this."

As he spoke, he shook the black stockings in his hand.

Suzuki Sonoko gave him a blank look, "You still have energy? Didn't you feel tired enough from the afternoon shower?"

Hanyu Qing'an, who sneaked into the courtyard and replenished with sushi and tea, naturally did not hesitate, "I carried you out of the bathroom in the afternoon, and you were as limp as if you had no bones at that time, isn't it already decided who will win? "

Suzuki Sonoko was heartless, and clearly said on the Internet that there were only exhausted cows and no plowed land, so why did he always lose first?She said in disbelief:

"If you dare, continue at night, I don't believe you can continue."

Hanyu Qingan said to himself: "No problem, I allow you to use various means of equipment, such as... silk gloves."



The next day, the Hanyu family, who stayed at Suzuki's house for one night, returned to the funeral home. Because the Mori family's car broke down, they used Hanyu Kiyosuke's car to go out this time.

So today Amuro Toru can only take the subway, but he went to the countryside with Oki Yu's mother and daughter, so he can use Oki Yu's car.

"How's the recruitment going?" Hanyu Kiyoan took the time to ask before departure.

"This..." Toru Amuro was very embarrassed, "The salary you offer is not very high, so if you want to recruit all the employees at once, it will be a little difficult."

Hanyu Qing'an knew it well, a monthly salary of [-] yen was far from high, and he could only choose cheap rent if he used it all to rent a house in Tokyo. If the conditions were a little bit better, he went to the fringes of Tokyo.

Funeral agencies offer this kind of salary, not to mention in Tokyo, but it is also ridiculously low in other places. The funeral home hires people to carry the corpse, and it costs 600 yuan a night, which is still paid daily. This is three million yen.

Hanyu Qingan thought for a while, and said, "Last time I said to screen out the federal people, now you add them, is this enough?"

Toru Amuro said quietly: "The Federal... only one, and she's a woman."

"..." Hanyu Qing'an was also a little speechless, the Federation was a bit inactive, "It's not that you are required to unify the low-end market of the funeral industry immediately, but just set up a framework first, try to explore, and then slowly adjust and recruit people. "

"Not surprisingly, there will be more applicants after a while..."

Amuro Toru's eyes froze, it seems that the president is really determined to do a big job, alas... so tired.

(End of this chapter)

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