Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 236 Dare to say that he understands Buddhism even if he doesn't know Dawei Tianlong?

Chapter 236 Dare to say that he understands Buddhism even if he doesn't know Dawei Tianlong?

"The mountain cherry blossoms are so beautiful. Although there are cherry blossom trees in the city, the natural environment is more beautiful~"

Mao Lilan held on to the wooden railing beside the mountain road, and the gentle spring breeze blew on her face, which made her admire in a good mood.

"That's right, it's just a pity that there are few people watching with you, it's not romantic enough, is it?" Suzuki Sonoko clasped his hands on his chest, and joked in an exaggerated tone.

"It's disgusting, Yuanzi, really, you're in love every day, and you still have time to come and bully me?" Mao Lilan said angrily.

Suzuki Sonoko muttered in a low voice: "I can't bully him, so I have to bully you. This guy is really hard to deal with. Why is he so physically strong..."

"What did you say? Yuanzi?" Mao Lilan didn't hear clearly and asked suspiciously.

"Ah, it's okay..." Suzuki Sonoko waved his hands quickly.

"Look this way." Hanyu Qingan's voice suddenly sounded, and the two of them subconsciously turned around.


"Yes, that's it. Hanyu-kun is a quick learner. This kind of ordinary photography is very easy. Unlike my usual commissions, many times I have to secretly take pictures and find a suitable angle, but how can there be so many moving around?" If you change the angle in space, you will get a headache every time..."

Mori Kogoro was guiding, and couldn't help complaining.

"Ah! You didn't tell me when you took the picture! We are not ready!" Suzuki Sonoko said dissatisfiedly, "Show me what you look like in the picture!"

Hanyu Kiyoan is a novice in taking pictures, and there was another sudden attack just now, which made Sonoko and Xiaolan feel relieved, and they snatched the camera from him together to check.

"!!!" Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan turned pale with shock, "How did you do it! We two beauties were photographed like this by you!"

"It should be fine..."

Hanyu Kiyoan looked innocent, and Mori Kogoro beside him also chimed in: "It's the first time, it's normal to be unskilled. I think it was the same when I took pictures of Xiaolan's mother for the first time."

"I very much suspect that Aunt Miles' departure is related to the first photo your father mentioned..." Suzuki Sonoko complained, "Seeing this photo taken by Mr. Qing'an, I almost want to go home."

Merlin was speechless.

"It's a good shot, don't take another shot next time, you are still suitable to host a funeral." Suzuki Sonoko persuaded Hanyu Qing'an earnestly.

Hanyu Qingan: "..."

It was getting late, and Yuzu, who was brought by Conan to have fun nearby, also came back. After taking pictures together, everyone prepared to go down the mountain.

Mori Kogoro drove Hanyu Kiyosuke's car on the rugged mountain road, the trees on both sides were shadowy, and the sun turned into dark clouds in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly there was a "bang", which startled everyone, and Kogoro Moori hurriedly stopped to check.

"The car has a flat tire..."

"Qing'an-kun, do you think Uncle Kogoro has a grudge against the car? Why does the car break down every time he goes out?" Suzuki Sonoko complained to Hanyu Qing'an in a low voice.

Hanyu Qingan replied in a low voice: "Do you still remember what I said when we first met?"

Suzuki Sonoko was taken aback, thought for a while, and said strangely: "That's right, I didn't introduce myself at that time, you knew my name, and you called me by my name, I forgot to ask you all the time."

What Qingan Hanyu wanted to talk about was Kogoro Mori's killing of the president, and the restraint on the car is probably the same now, but Sonoko would have thought of that.

" know, I'm not an ordinary person, so I have a spiritual sense far beyond that ordinary people don't have. Think about it, do you often have a sense of instant vision, that is, you suddenly feel that a certain place you visited for the first time Was there, or was someone seen, something happened?"

Suzuki Sonoko clapped his hands, "Yes, yes, this kind of thing often happens. We usually say that this is the memory of the previous life."

Qing'an Hanyu nodded, "That's right, and as an onmyoji, I have a stronger sense of spirituality than ordinary people. When encountering certain scenes, the memory of the past life flashback will be clearer, so... I knew you in the previous life , garden."

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help covering her mouth, is this talking about love?Could it be that my own complaints yesterday enlightened Mr. Qing'an?Know how to coax yourself?
"It really doesn't work, so we have to go down the mountain." Kogoro Mouri was still scratching his hair worryingly.

Mao Lilan was shocked, "It's still [-] or [-] miles away from the mountain, and it's going to rain soon, how can it be possible to walk down the mountain?"

Kogoro Maoli broke the jar and said, "Then I have to stay in the car tonight."

Mao Lilan is not interested in rebutting, how can four adults, two children, and a car live here!
The Hanyu family didn't panic in the slightest, they could go back to the garden at any time, and Yuzu happily followed Conan in the grass.

Sonoko Suzuki is immersed in her own filter, her mind is full of the romance of the past life, fantasizing about the love story of two people in the past life - it is the kind of very poignant love, that's why she needs to make up for the regrets in this life.

Hanyu Qing'an was leisurely looking at the scenery. This trip was to find a tengu token, so there must be a place to stay tonight, and he was not in a hurry to bring out the matter of the courtyard.

After a while, Conan came back from the woods and grass beside the road, followed by the little tail of pomelo, with leaves on his head, his little face was full of excitement.

"Uncle Maori, there is a monastery over there, we can stay there at night!"

At the crucial moment, Conan was still reliable, and Mao Lilan followed Conan to look around, and found a mountain temple, and from a distance, the scale was not small.

"Father, you are not even as good as a primary school student."

Mori Kogoro, who was seriously injured by his daughter's words, was very heartbroken. In his sadness, he gave Conan two punches in the head, and then he felt better.

A group of people abandoned the car and walked, but the rain couldn't hold it back halfway, and when they reached the gate of the temple, everything except the pomelo that Hanyu Qingan had hidden in his clothes was already soaked by the rain.

"Conan, let me tell you to hide in my arms? You see that the grapefruit is fine, but you are getting wet." Mao Lilan looked at the wet Conan and said.

Conan said in his heart that he would be very happy, but isn't it because Onmyoji is here? Conan doesn't need to lose face, so doesn't Kudo Shinichi also want to lose face?
"Shanni Temple?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at the plaque and read, "Why do you people who practice like to build temples in this kind of wilderness?"

Hanyu Qing'an replied casually: "This is called the Paradise of the Cave, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and it has its own aura."

A few people were chatting, a bald old man suddenly appeared in a coir raincoat.

"What are you guys trying to do here?!" The old monk said aggressively, "I think you are from a newspaper or TV station, right? Go back quickly! This is not a place where worldly people like you should come! "

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became dissatisfied. She crossed her waist and raised her eyebrows: "You mean us worldly people? I think you are worldly."

The old monk was furious, "I am a monk, how can you use words like secular to humiliate me?"

"Otherwise? Do you know Buddhism? Do you know Dawei Tianlong? If not, then you are just an ordinary person. How can you be considered a monk? What's wrong with you in the world?" Suzuki Sonoko asked aggressively.

Hanyu Qing'an almost couldn't help but cover his face. This was when Sonoko asked him what special abilities the practitioners of other families had.

(End of this chapter)

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