Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 238 Bring the Suspect Big Tengu to Court!

Chapter 238 Bring the Suspect Big Tengu to Court!

Conan's voice not only called Hanyu Qing'an, but also called Kanen and Shunen who led the way. The former said angrily: "This place is not open to the public, please don't run around!"

Mao Lilan quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'll take him away right away." Turning her head, she angrily grabbed Conan's ear.

"Really, your ass is not good, just so disobedient, I think your mother is right, if you don't educate you well, you won't be obedient!"

On the night when Conan was sent back to Mori's house by Kudo Yukiko, Mori Lan found the wound on Conan's buttocks. At that time, she thought that Conan's mother was violent to him, so Conan "cluttered for Xiaolan's sister".

Mao Lilan felt distressed immediately, and almost called the police. After Conan and Kudo Yukiko explained for a long time, Mao Lilan gave up dubiously.

Conan shuddered after hearing Mori Ran's threat, and hurriedly covered his buttocks. Compared with Mori Ran, Yukiko Kudo's spanking can only be regarded as caressing.

Yuzu, who had already woken up, thought she was playing some kind of game, so she imitated Conan and covered her buttocks.

"I just found what Brother Hanyu needs, that is..." Conan pointed to the floating light ball in this warehouse-like room.

"That's..." Kuan Nian looked at the weird white light ball, thinking of something bad, his face was very ugly.

Xiu Nian's lips were trembling, and he muttered something, but his voice was so low that even he himself might not be able to hear what he was muttering.

Hanyu Qingan stretched out his hand, and the light ball flew into his hand, and then put it away.

"What is that?" Kuan Nian couldn't help asking.

Hanyu Qing'an glanced at him, and replied with a slight smile: "Your abbot said that there are foggy tengu haunts here, and that was the imprint left by the tengu haunts just now."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Xiu Nian shouted hysterically as if she had been stimulated by something, and she couldn't accept it. Her short stature became frighteningly insane.

"The Wutiangou is just a deceptive legend! It is absolutely impossible to exist!"

Conan saw something was wrong, and asked Kuan Nian at the right time: "What's wrong with him, has something happened here? It has something to do with Wutiangou?"

Kuan Nian was also stressed immediately, clenched his fists, lowered his head and gritted his teeth in denial: "It's nothing, it's just a ghost legend!"

Conan did not give up, and seduced him with the identity of Kogoro Mori: "My uncle is a famous detective, Kogoro Mori, if you have a case, he can help you."

"Moori Kogoro!!!" Xiu Nian made a sharp cracking sound like a cock whose throat had been strangled, "Are you the famous detective who is called Sleeping Kogoro?"

Kuan Nian also looked at Mori Kogoro expectantly.

It is rare to be so popular, and Mori Kogoro suddenly felt elated. He smiled up to the sky, almost showing his stomach, and proudly flicked a handful of bangs on his forehead, "Yes, I am a famous detective. Maori Kogoro!"

"If you have any difficult cases, just tell them, and let me, a famous detective, help you solve the difficult problems."

Kuan Nian immediately stopped concealing, and talked about the incident that has been pressing in his heart. It turned out that a monk named Zhong Nian died here two years ago. This is the room where everyone is staying now. It is like a warehouse with a high ceiling. Reflection room - of course Mingmian called it the practice room.

The amazing thing about this case is that Zhong Nian's body was hung on the beam, and the beam was so high, no one knew how he hung it in the empty reflection room.

And when he was discovered, there was a big hole in the corner of the confinement room. The police who came to handle the case made a conclusion after investigation that it couldn't be done by manpower—mainly because of lack of time.

"Because of these strange places, the abbot said that it was done by Wutengu. Only Wutengu can punch a big hole in the wall with such strength. Only the flying Wutengu can hang Zhongnian's body on the high ground on the roof beam."

After Kannian finished speaking, he looked at Mori Kogoro expectantly, "But to be honest, it's hard for not only me, but also other people in the temple to believe such a thing."

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but said: "Aren't you practicing Buddhism? Since you believe in the existence of Buddha, why don't you believe in the existence of Wutiangu? Isn't it strange?"

Kuan Nian felt that the girl's question was really nonsense, but he still explained it for the sake of her being a fellow traveler of Mori Kogoro.

"Although we are monks, we have also received modern education. Engaging in this kind of occupation is only a means of making a living. If we say whether we believe in Buddha..."

He shook his head with a wry smile, "I can't tell, I can only be sure that I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but maybe I haven't."

In fact, it is an attitude that would rather be believed, but there is nothing to say.

Stared at by Kuan Nian and Xiu Nian, Mao Li Kogoro looked contemplative, and after a while...

"President Hanyu, do you think Kiritengu did it?" Mori Kogoro asked winkingly.

Kuan Nian and Xiu Nian were dumbfounded. Is this the famous sleeping Kogoro on TV?When I opened my mouth, I asked if it was possible that a monster committed the crime?
The two became confused about this magical reality, they are the members of the sect!It stands to reason that they should call monsters, detectives insist on science, why is this the other way around?

Uncomfortable being stared at by the suspicious eyes of the two, Mori Kogoro forced himself to explain: "Hey, although I am a detective, I can only solve ordinary cases. If it is really a monster, I must hire a professional." people."

"It just so happens that in this regard, President Hanyu is the most professional professional in Japan, no, in the whole world."

Kannen and Xiu Nian suddenly thought of what Hanyu Qingan said just now when he put away the light ball, this is the imprint left by Wutengu, that strange light ball, is it really left by Wutengu?But... how could there really be a monster like Fog Tengu?
"What the hell are you doing! Why did you bring guests here?" the abbot shouted angrily when he appeared outside the door.

"Abbot, this is Mr. Mori Kogoro, a famous detective. If he was here, what happened two years ago would be..."

"Didn't I say that you are not allowed to talk about that matter again?!" The abbot was also stressed, and his emotions were particularly agitated, "That thing was done by Wu Tiangou, no one is allowed to discuss it anymore, get out of here!"

Seeing the abbot's reaction, Xiu Nian suddenly understood, and a look of resentment appeared in her eyes.

Hanyu Qing'an suddenly chuckled, "This abbot's guess cannot be said to be completely unreasonable. Indeed, since Tengu has the ability to do it, it is suspicious..."

(End of this chapter)

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