Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 239 Confronting Daitengu

Chapter 239 Confronting Daitengu
The abbot's expression was slightly relaxed, but he looked at Hanyu Qing'an suspiciously, wondering why this person suddenly spoke up to support him.

"So, I think it is completely possible to follow the normal process of solving the case and call the Tengu to confront them." Hanyu Qing'an looked at the few people with a smile, "What do you think?"

The abbot squinted his eyes, unable to figure out what medicine was sold in Hanyu Qingan's gourd, and said cautiously: "Where is it so easy to find monsters like Wutengu, and how can humans confront monsters? Monsters can't be unreasonable, only kill."

Conan, who was on the side, had already understood it, and interrupted with a smile while holding his head: "Maybe, what if tendogs can communicate? After all, they are also intelligent creatures."

Qing'an Hanyu patted his big head, and approved: "That's right, there is no one who stipulates that monsters cannot reason. It is what modern civilized people should do to persuade talents with reason. You should not treat monsters just because they are aliens." Any crime can be placed on others at will."

The abbot's eyebrows were frowned, what kind of nonsense is this young man talking about, doesn't he know if there is a dog or not?
However, the young man in front of him suddenly turned cold, and when he looked down again, the other person's attire also changed instantly.

I saw Hanyu Qingan waved the paper fan in his hand, and ordered in his mouth: "Come out, big tengu!"

A spell shattered into spots of light before everyone could see it clearly, and turned into a mysterious summoning formation. A shikigami with wings on his back, surrounded by white feathers, and a terrifying mask appeared to everyone from the summoning formation of faint blue light. before.

"The big tengu joins!"

Hanyu Qing'an waved his hand and threw the token, and after it sank into Otengu's body, there was a burst of light and shadow fluctuations, and Otengu's figure solidified.

"Okay, I've called the suspected tengu for you. I haven't heard of such a monster as Wutengu. You must have named it yourself, but from your description, it should refer to the big tengu."

"Now you can confront him face to face, of course, if you deliberately planted the monster... it is not good-tempered."

Outside the door, dark clouds covered the sky, there was a burst of lightning and thunder, Hanyu Kiyoan's chilling words made the abbot's throat tremble with difficulty.

Compared with the old monk who frightened people with the illusory ghost legends, Hanyu Qingan even called out the monster itself, and the authenticity is beyond doubt.

The big tengu's deep eyes came out from behind the ferocious mask, staring at the old monk's scalp numb, he kept talking about the tengu, but he couldn't believe it when he saw it.

Hanyu Qingan looked up at the roof, "You said that the big tengu flew up and hung people on the beams, right?"

With a thought in his mind, the big tengu spread its wings, fluttered a few times and slowly rose into the air, running towards the beam.

The old monk seemed to be strangled by the neck, panting for breath, the wind from the big tengu hit him on the face, and he felt like a knife cut in a trance.

"It seems that there is really no difficulty for the big tengu to fly to the beam, so let's try to see if it can fly to the beam with a person? This will confirm whether the big tengu is as the abbot said, It has the ability to hang people on the beams."

Hanyu Qing'an said quietly, and then looked at the old monk, "Since the abbot said that the big tengu committed the murder, it's fairest for you to test it, I guess you won't mind?"

The old monk's mouth was parched, but he couldn't speak. After being a monk for decades, for the first time, he sincerely prayed like a Buddha in his heart.

Under the command of Hanyu Qing'an, the big tengu flew straight towards the old monk like a sharp arrow from mid-air. Seeing the big tengu getting closer, the old monk's legs went limp, and he fell to his knees on the spot, trembling and wailing :

"Buddha, help me! Monsters are killing people!"

While howling, the old monk ran out rolling and crawling. The rain outside had stopped, but the dark clouds showed no signs of dissipating. The old monk was crawling forward on the wet floor, and the big tengu was firmly behind him. stay close.

The crowd followed out of the reflection room and followed along the way, witnessing this rare scene of a confrontation between a shemale and a monster.

I saw that the old monk was already hugging the wooden fence and was about to fall into the waterfall. Obviously, he fell into a disadvantage in this fair and open confrontation.

The old man cried incoherently:

"I did it, I killed people, please let me go, I didn't mean to slander you, Lord Tengu, as long as you let me go, I will immediately change the Buddhist temple into a shrine dedicated to Tengu..."

Xiu Nian on the side burst into tears, "I knew it, I knew it, my brother didn't commit suicide, nor was he killed by Wu Tiangou..."

Kuan Nian was shocked when he heard the words, "You... show you... don't tell me you are loyal..."

"That's right, I'm Zhong Nian's younger brother." Xiu Nian took off her eyes, wiped away her tears, and her face became resolute, "I came here to become a monk just to find out the truth about my brother's death."

After speaking, he was so angry that he wanted to step forward and push the old monk down.

"Word Spirit Binding!"

Hanyu Qing'an's voice sounded, and four chains soaked with yin energy emerged out of thin air, wrapped around the old monk's body, and bound him.

With the chains fixed, Xiu Nian naturally couldn't push the old monk down, and finally woke up at this moment, the old monk had already pleaded guilty, so naturally there would be legal punishment, there was no need for him to put himself in.

He came back to his senses and knelt down towards Hanyu Qing'an, kowtowed in thanks and said, "My lord, I really appreciate it. If you hadn't come here today, I must have committed the crime of murder in order to avenge my brother."

Kuan Nian murmured blankly: "Xiu Nian..."

Under the deterrence of the big tengu, the old monk told the story of the murder in detail. It turned out that the reason why he was able to do such a bizarre method was to use the waterfall outside the confinement room.

He introduced the water from the waterfall through the small window above the confinement room, filled the whole room, and used a kayak to hang Zhong Nian's body on the beam.

The room is full of water, and the pressure at the bottom is astonishing, so it only takes a little damage to the wall, and the water dragon will rush out...

Soon, Police Officer Mu Mu received a call to the police. He also handled the case two years ago. Needless to say, the background of the case is that it is difficult to go up the mountain on a rainy night, and he will not arrive until tomorrow.

Mu Nian and Tun Nian only found out about this when they were asking everyone to have dinner. The two of them were like falling into a dream. It was inexplicable why so many things happened during the cooking time?
The four young monks had their own concerns, but Hanyu Qing'an was in a good mood. With the big tengu in his hands, he could finally fly with the wind in a more dignified manner.

"Xiao Lan, do you have any other travel plans recently?" Hanyu Qing'an asked expectantly.

Mao Lilan laughed dryly and shook her head. She had just encountered these accidents today, so she was still in the mood to continue going out to play.

"That's it..." Hanyu Qing'an was rather regretful. To say that today's cherry blossoms are really beautiful, if there is no case in this temple, the scenery is actually quite good.


Recommended monthly ticket

 Makoto Kyogoku will appear tomorrow \\\('ω')////
(End of this chapter)

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