Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 240 Traveling to Izu

Chapter 240 Traveling to Izu
In the middle of the night, listening to the roar of the waterfall outside, Suzuki Sonoko didn't fall asleep for a long time, tossed and turned for a long time, turned over and sat up, leaned next to Hanyu Kiyoan, touched the darkness, looked at his sleeping face, and wrapped the strands of hair in his flicking on the lips.

However, Kiyoshi Hanyu slept soundly, showing no sign of waking up at all, Sonoko Suzuki pouted, gave up this boring game, and put his hand into the former's clothes instead.

Thick and hot chest, angular abs, and then... being grabbed by the wrist.

"You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing?" Hanyu Qing'an asked sleepily.

Suzuki Sonoko said confidently: "I can't sleep, you stay with me."

"..." Qingan Hanyu pulled her into his arms helplessly, and hugged her tightly, "Be obedient and go to sleep."

However, Suzuki Sonoko didn't give in at all, and poked restlessly on him with his fingers, making it itchy.


A slap was slapped on the buttocks, Suzuki Sonoko let out a suppressed low cry, and finally calmed down a little.

Well, it's been less than a minute...

Hanyu Qing'an lost his temper after being tossed about, and his drowsiness was completely gone, "I don't think I'll help you improve your memory tonight, people like you won't understand how serious the consequences of playing with fire are!"

Picking up Suzuki Sonoko lazily, and then leaning on his shoulders, he opened a portal and went straight to the hot spring in the courtyard.

Suzuki Sonoko finally panicked. He basically spent the past two days in this hot spring. Every time he came out, his legs were so weak that his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

"I was wrong, please let me go, Yuzu will be afraid if she is there alone."

However, she can decide when to start, and it's up to her when to end.

Hanyu Qing'an sneered and said, "There is a little paper man looking after you, and how much combat power do you think you have? How much time can you waste? I can't teach you in front of Yuzu, can I?"

Although this is true, it still took a lot of time in the end. After all, when the battle ends is not determined by the weak side.

In the hot spring, when Hanyu Kiyosu felt refreshed and felt drowsy again, Suzuki Sonoko had already fallen asleep lying on his chest.

"..." Hanyu Qingan helplessly dried her body, carried her back to the monastery, and was just about to put Suzuki Sonoko back under the bed, when Yuzu wetted the bed.

Probably because the room was next to the waterfall, the sound of splashing water all night, and the uninterrupted sneak attacks on this little guy without any martial arts, caused Yuzu, who hadn't wet the bed for a long time, to suffer a complete defeat.

Hanyu Qingan sighed, if this is a normal person, his body would not be able to handle it long ago, fortunately he is not...


The next day, a group of people returned home in the police car of Police Officer Meguro and others.

"Yuanzi, I don't have enough ingredients at home. I'm going to the supermarket to do some shopping. Do you want to go with me?" As soon as she returned to the downstairs of the office, Mao Lilan began to worry about housework before entering the door.

"Ah, good." Suzuki Sonoko nodded, letting Hanyu Kiyoan and Yuzu go home first.

Last night's hard work did not cause Suzuki Sonoko to have dark circles or anything, but his expression was still a bit dazed at the moment, and he always felt like a dream, lacking in reality.

"What's wrong with you? You're absent-minded." Mao Lilan asked while pushing the cart.

"Ah, it's okay." Suzuki Sonoko shook his head, came back to his senses, and stopped studying why his combat effectiveness was so poor.

"Did you notice when the words came in? You can draw a prize if you spend [-] yen today."

"Huh? Is that so?" Mao Lilan's eyes widened suddenly, and then he began to turn over his small cart and count, "Let me see..."

After a while, Mao Lilan figured it out, and murmured: "It's still close, I'll go shopping and make up some more."

After she finally made up enough, the two started queuing up in front of the cash register.

"By the way, what kind of award is it?" Mao Lilan remembered to ask.

Suzuki Sonoko winked and laughed and said, "Izu travel coupon~"

Mao Lilan hesitated immediately, "Is it too late for me to put the things back now? I haven't even entered the house yet, so I want to go out again?"

Seeing her hesitation, Suzuki Sonoko urged: "Just go with me, Izu Beach, there is a festival recently, you can watch fireworks, and..."

With a little blush on her face, she leaned close to Mao Lilan's ear and whispered: "You can wear a swimsuit at the beach, and Mr. Qing'an has never seen me in a swimsuit."

Mao Lilan looked weird, you are already living in someone's house, and you still need to go to the beach to change your swimsuit?
But she is also a girl, and she can understand the romance of the sea. Wearing a swimsuit at the beach is indeed different from that at home.

"What kind of swimsuit did you prepare?" Mao Lilan asked curiously.

Suzuki Sonoko looked distressed, "I haven't thought about it yet... In short, you have to draw the lottery ticket first."

"Guests, please put the goods here." The cashier smiled politely.

Regarding the attitude of the two of them regarding the grand prize as something in their pockets during the conversation, they only complained secretly in their hearts, and they were really confident enough.

A few minutes later, a bell rang.

"Congratulations to this guest, I have won the Izu Travel Coupon Grand Prize~"

The cashier stared at the lottery table outside the window dumbfounded, and he really won!


The next day, on the train heading to Izu, a group of black-clothed men occupied a small area with a depressing aura, making passers-by have to step up and not even look sideways, for fear of provoking these dangerous elements.

During this trip to Izu, as a conscientious funeral home owner, Hanyu Kiyoan naturally organized a staff trip by the way.

Now he has achieved his original goal—financial freedom, so enjoying life is replacing work as the main theme of life, and naturally he should be more tolerant to employees.

But... Hanyu Qingan looked at the expressionless faces—to put it bluntly, they were all dead faces—he felt that he really didn't fit in with this relaxing trip.

"Everyone relax a bit, let go of work and everything else, this time it's pure relaxation, don't stretch yourself so tight, people will break down like this."

After Hanyu Qing'an finished persuading him, he saw stiff smiling faces. From the reactions of nearby passengers, we can know that the current appearance is even more frightening.


Qingan Hanyu suddenly remembered the time at the bowling alley before, and he forgot that this group of employees is probably like this, and it cannot be changed overnight.

By the way, so to speak, the psychiatrist has to be ready to arrange it.

"Xiao Lan, are you a little disappointed?" Suzuki Sonoko, surrounded by men in black, touched Mao Lilan with his arm.

"What? Why am I disappointed?" Mao Lilan asked strangely.

Suzuki Sonoko winked and said: "Of course no handsome guy came to strike up a conversation with you. Every time I went out before, didn't many people come to strike up a conversation with you?"

"Really?" Conan suddenly became nervous, why didn't he know about this? !


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(End of this chapter)

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