Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 242 3 Black War Kyogoku

Chapter 242 Three Blacks Fight Kyogoku (Fog)
Faced with Kyogoku's true invitation, Kamel was one of the first two, full of questions and guesses, and really couldn't figure out where the other party came from. Does this person know himself?
With a thought in his heart, he thought of a possibility. As Mr. Akai mentioned before, the higher-ups might send agents to make connections. Could it be...

He went back to find Akai Shuichi, but the crowd was too crowded and he couldn't find anyone for a while.

He was not sure, but Kamel didn't have time to think about it, so after hesitating for a while, he decided to follow Kyogoku to see what was going on.

The two walked into the bushes by the roadside, away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd, even if there was some movement here, it would not be so noticeable.

"bring it on."

Kyogoku made a start gesture, and without much nonsense, he was about to start the fight directly. He was very satisfied with the tall man in front of him. He was lucky today. He could not only eliminate evil and save people, but also fight well. I hope this extremist is not a fake.

Kamel scratched his head, "I said... What are you looking for me for?"

"Stop talking nonsense, call and talk!"

Kyogoku yelled violently, and flew out with a kick. Kamel quickly raised his arms to block, although he didn't know where the dark-skinned young man in front of him came from, and why he suddenly became the current situation, but he always Can't stand and be beaten?
The difference in size between the two is too large. Kamel didn't pay much attention to it at first, but at the moment he was kicked, his eyes suddenly widened, and his expression became more dignified than ever. This size has this kind of power... this is ... what a monster!
Kamel blocked from left to right, and his heart became more and more horrified. The young man in front of him was far beyond his imagination in terms of strength and speed. He was the only one he had ever seen in his life.

Even Mr. Akai, who is a one-in-a-kind genius, can't let him fall into the disadvantage so quickly. Although his speed is not enough, his ability to fight is first-rate!

Could it be that this young man is also a possessor of extraordinary power?
Thinking of this, Kamel's heart became more excited, it could be said that he had found the second confirmed extraordinary existence!

"Manager Amuro, Kamel is missing, something seems to be wrong." Kazami Yuya was the first to notice something was wrong, and reported to Amuro Toru.

Amuro's eyes froze, his face became serious, and he ordered in a low voice, "You, Umezawa, and Karl continue to be responsible for the security work, and I will take Kusuda to take a look."

"Kusuda?" Kazami Yu was also a little puzzled. Kusuda Rikudao just came back from the hospital yesterday, and everyone traveled to Izu today. What happened last time was quite suspicious, and Kazami Yuya was very wary of him.

"It's not safe to let him stay." Toru Amuro said in a low voice, and then walked through the crowd towards Akai Shuichi.

Akai Hideichi watched Toru Amuro walking towards him without any reaction, just quietly waiting for him to speak.

"An accident happened to Kamel, you follow me to check the situation."

Amuro explained the matter succinctly, and then walked towards the location where Kamel had disappeared as mentioned by Yuya Kazami.

Akai Hideichi followed behind him without saying a word, and the two of them, one behind the other, soon reached the outside of the woods. The noisy environment could make passers-by ignore the sound of fighting in the woods, but it was ineffective for the two of them.

Looking at each other, the two went straight into the woods.

Following the sound of fighting, I found the scene, and I saw Kamel who was beaten one-sidedly with his head in his arms. Judging from the occasional face between his arms, it was really a bit miserable.

In any case, these were his nominal subordinates, and Toru Amuro couldn't turn a blind eye to them, leading Akai Hideichi to separate the two of them.

"What's going on, Kamel, you know exactly what our mission is, so you shouldn't have gotten into trouble?" Toru Amuro stared at Kyogoku, but asked Kamel behind him.

Kamel was also very confused, and didn't understand the situation at all. He thought it might be a federal agent who came to contact him, or a contact person sent by the federal agent. Later, he found out that the other party was probably an extraordinary existence, and then...he was... The stormy attack stunned him.

"The target of your mission is those two girls, right?" Kyogoku also breathed a sigh of relief, and asked in a cold tone.

When mentioning Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan, the two key protection objects, Toru Amuro became more vigilant, and frowned, "Are you here for them?"

Kyogoku re-arranged his stance, and he, who was on the top of the battle, no longer paid attention to the matter itself, and showed a confident smile in high spirits:
"Three against one? It doesn't matter, come as many as you have today, let me see if you can push me to the limit!"

After speaking, he shouted loudly and quickly approached Amuro Toru.

Amuro Toru's eyes were fixed, and he quickly dodged to dodge. Kyogoku's offensive was dodged, and it was too late to stop, but he turned to attack Akai Shuichi who was at the side.

Akai Shuichi didn't give his best at the first time. During the undercover black organization, he was in the same group as Bourbon, who was very familiar with his fighting style. He couldn't use Jeet Kune Do, which he was best at.

Toru Amuro and Hideichi Akai cooperated to fight with Makoto Kyogoku, but they were still at a disadvantage. Toru Amuro couldn't help saying: "Kusuda, don't hold back."

For Akai Shuichi not doing his best, he can naturally see it.

Kyogoku really put too much pressure on the two of them. Although Shuichi Akai was worried about being exposed, he could only do more. Fortunately, Kamel recovered quickly, and he rejoined the battle, so that Shuichi Akai was not caught immediately. Forced to the point of using the real level.

But this is only temporary. Kyogoku became more and more excited as he fought more and more. The bottleneck that had troubled him for a long time finally showed signs of loosening. Although these three people did not know where they came from, although they were villains who attacked girls, they had to It is said that they are rare and highly skilled people.

The battle became more and more smooth, and Jing Jizhen gave a big shout, swept his legs, and forced the three of them to retreat. He used this gap to remind: "I will do my best. If you don't want to die, you'd better show your real skills!" !"

Toru Amuro, Shuichi Akai, and Kamel, who was beaten as a sandbag for a long time, complained secretly. This time, Kamel was not the only one, and the first two also found that something was wrong with Kyogoku.

How can this be the level that normal people can practice?It's simply terrifyingly strong!Inhuman existence!

Toru Amuro no longer held back, and took the lead in launching an attack. He also wanted to find out the true level of Kyogoku and evaluate his extraordinary possibility.

Akai Shuichi also had to get serious, he could feel that this young man with darker complexion than Bourbon was not joking, if he kept his strength with the previous attitude, he might accidentally be punched to death on the spot!
Toru Amuro, who used all his strength, Shuichi Akai, who used all his strength except Jeet Kune Do, and Kamel, a human shield who only needs to be beaten, the three of them fought fiercely with Kyogoku, punching to the flesh, and the air exploded The beeping continued.

Although this is the first cooperation between the three of them, Toru Amuro and Shuichi Akai, who have a tacit understanding, still let Kamel play the role to the extreme.

The four of them beat more and more outrageously. In order not to be seen by outsiders, they all consciously moved to the depths of the woods, but the trees inside were overgrown and the space was limited. When they hit some trees that were not strong enough, they broke in the middle and fell on other trees. arms.

Finally, the loud sound of falling trees and the smoke caused the passers-by to be shocked, and naturally they were noticed by Kazami Yuya and others outside. They quickly changed from loose guards to personal protection, and brought Suzuki Sonoko with him. The two walked back to meet Hanyu Qingan.

If he was really in danger, Hanyu Kiyoan would definitely be safe by his side.

(End of this chapter)

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