Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 243 Come to the door!

Chapter 243 Come to the door!
"What happened?" Hanyu Qingan asked strangely as he saw the three employees coming back with vigilant faces.

"It's not clear. At first, Kamel disappeared, and then Manager Amuro took Kusuda to check the situation. Now..." Kazami Yuya pointed to the grove not far away with a solemn expression.

"That's all we know."

Hanyu Qing'an noticed the situation there just now, and thought it was logging, but he didn't expect it to be related to his own employees. Don't these guys know that it is against the law to cut down trees casually?
Suzuki Sonoko took Yuzu, who was still sleeping soundly, from Hanyu Kiyoan's arms. This child is also big-hearted, and she was able to sleep soundly after being beaten up there.

However, thanks to this characteristic, Hanyu Qing'an has saved a lot of worry, only it is more difficult to put him to sleep, it is not easy to wake up when he is asleep, and he will not make trouble in the middle of the night.

Hanyu Qing'an changed into the onmyoji costume, and led the rest of the group into the woods, but by the time they arrived at the scene of the incident, the battle had already ended.

The three of Toru Amuro fell to the ground miserable with bruised noses and swollen faces. They were all silent and did not groan, as if they were all wandering away and doubting life.

Seeing his employee (little brother) being beaten, Hanyu Qingan, as the boss, naturally couldn't ignore it. He first restored the vitality of the three of them. Although it didn't have the effect of healing and relieving pain, it could at least improve their self-healing ability.

"Who did it?" Hanyu Qingan asked with a frown.

He knew Toru Amuro's skills. When he subdued the bank robbers before, he was so relaxed and comfortable.

Kamel's heavyweight is there, plus Kusuda Rikichi who made up the numbers, three of them beat one, and they were beaten like this, it's just...

Toru Amuro and Shuichi Akai looked at Kamel for the first time. He was the first one to meet Kyogoku. Kamel was beaten the worst, and replied in a muffled voice:
"A dark-skinned young man, I don't know what happened, he stopped me on the road, then called me into the woods, and started beating me without saying a word..."

Kamel was really wronged, and he didn't know how it became like this, but with Bourbon here, he didn't intend to hide his guess about Kyogoku's true identity.

After all, the FBI doesn't have enough manpower here, and it's definitely not as fast as the black organization. It's better to disclose the information and bring the Onmyoji in to disrupt the situation.

"But the president... that person is not quite right, he might be someone from the mysterious side like you, the president."

Amuro Toru and Akai Hideichi also nodded in approval, "It's really not right, that kind of monster-like exaggerated force..."

Hanyu Qing'an fell into deep thought. I, who is cheating, finally met the real mysterious side character?

For the role of Kyogoku Makoto, Hanyu Seiyasu doesn’t remember at all, he doesn’t even remember Hattori Heiji’s name, and he doesn’t know anything about Suzuki Sonoko’s family, let alone the “Kiji Kishi” who has fewer appearances.

"Where did he go? Can we find him?" Hanyu Qing'an continued to ask.

Although he was beaten so hard that he couldn't move, Toru Amuro's ability to observe was not affected. "Judging from his clothes and accent, he should be a nearby resident, not a tourist."

Akai Shuichi continued: "Judging from the dark complexion, it should be sunbathing frequently, maybe a seaside merchant or a lifeguard."

Kamel also said in a muffled voice: "He smells mustard and seafood on his body, which is very messy. It doesn't seem to be contaminated by eating. It may be working in a certain restaurant or hotel."


Seeing these three people cooperating so tacitly to give clues, Hanyu Qingan always felt that something was weird, but now is not the time to think about it.

"Okay, let's go to the hostel to settle down first, and then we can ask the boss if there is such a person nearby. If it is as special as you said, everyone nearby must know it."

The three replenished their vitality and rested for a while, and now they were finally able to stand up, and were supported by Kazami Yuya and others to walk together.

Needless to say, Kazami Yuya was surprised that his boss was beaten so badly by a young man with two helpers, and he believed a little more in what Kamel said that the other party was an extraordinary existence.

Otherwise... I can't be my boss too good, can I?

Tile Lodge.

After Kyogoku finished a match, he felt that his bottleneck was about to break through, but when he was happy, he suddenly remembered that he still didn't know if the target of the three men in black—the two girls—was safe. .

So he left the three who had no power to resist, and ran to confirm the situation.

It's just that he searched along the road leading to the beach for a long time but didn't find the two girls, and of course he didn't find any other men in black.

In desperation, he had no choice but to go back to the hostel to help out. The evening rush hour was coming soon, and people were inseparable from the hostel.

"Welcome, guest...huh?"

Kyogoku looked up behind the counter, eyes wide open, looking at several men in black who came in, and a guy with a cold face who looked like a leader dressed as a priest.

"You guys found this place so quickly..."

Before he finished speaking, Jingji really found that two more girls walked in, and they were the targets that these men in black had just been eyeing!
But he didn't recognize the identities of these two girls, because Suzuki Sonoko's bangs were put down, and Mao Lilan didn't have a deep impression on him, so he didn't think about that at all.

"President, that's him." Kamel pointed to Kyogoku as if to complain.

Hanyu Qing'an nodded, stood up, and looked at Kyogoku, it was indeed dark enough... well, young enough.

As a civilized person, Hanyu Qing'an will not cause trouble indiscriminately, and it is very likely that the other party is a serious and mysterious side character. Although he did not "cheat" under this name, he is still "swaggering". Before understanding the rules of the mysterious side, it is better to be less impulsive.

Hanyu Qingan handed over his business card first, and reported his family name: "Hanuyu Qingan opened a funeral parlor. These are the employees of my funeral parlor. I don't know how they offended you?"

Kyogoku took the business card, glanced at it, then looked at the man in front of him, and replied: "Kyogoku, you asked me why I hit them, don't you know?"

Hanyu Qingan turned his head to look at Kamel and Kusuda Rikudou, and then his eyes fell on Amuro Toru's face. If he said that the first two were deliberately looking for trouble, he still believed a little bit, but he knew that Amuro was his loyal right-hand man. , is not a person who does not know the importance, he will not cause trouble.

"You are really senior Kyogoku!"

Mao Lilan suddenly exclaimed, she thought she had recognized the wrong person just now, Jing Jizhen was wearing an apron, and she looked like an ordinary waiter, which made her a little unbelievable in her own judgment.

"You are..." Kyogoku looked at Mao Lilan suspiciously, and suddenly remembered something.

 Beautiful girl writer, there are beautiful girl stickers in the book~
  ps: I have verified the photo, it is indeed a beautiful girl (I am sure
  In addition, the double monthly pass at the end of this month, you can keep it for now
(End of this chapter)

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