Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 256 Tool Man+1

Chapter 256 Tool Man+1
Mori Kogoro mentioned Kyogoku Ma, Hanyu Kiyosuke remembered it, and almost forgot about the big ice cube, it's time to check the situation.

"Do you need help to soothe Detective Mori?" Hanyu Qingan asked before leaving.

Mao Lilan nodded gratefully, "Great, I'll trouble you, otherwise, he doesn't know what to do tonight."

This time, with the experience from last time, naturally it won't rain in the house anymore, Mao Lilan brutally dragged Mori Kogoro to the outdoor balcony.

"Conan, come too. The tear from the sky didn't cure your stomachache just now. It seems that you have a lot of problems."

Hanyu Qingan suddenly lifted Conan out and threw him on the balcony beside Kogoro Mori. Seeing that Conan was not struggling desperately, he was almost certain in his heart.

From the looks of it, it really didn't grow any bigger just now, it was really deformed...

After closing the balcony door, there was another burst of rain in the air that had just stopped raining. Conan and Mori Kogoro were drenched together, and the latter woke up in a daze.

"Why am I here? I'm not drinking... cough, avenging my disciple?"

"Sister Xiaolan asked Brother Hanyu to help you sober up and drink..." Conan explained.

"..." Mori Kogoro looked melancholy after hearing this, and said with emotion, "Drinking is for the feeling of being drunk, if you can't get drunk, why do you still drink, Xiaolan, really..."

"You seem to have a lot of opinions!" Mao Lilan clenched her fists and slammed open the balcony door, smiling and speaking in a bad tone.

"No... not at all." Mori Kogoro got up and looked out pompously, "Ah, it's already so dark, it's time to go to bed, don't you have to get up early tomorrow to watch the sunrise by the sea? Go to bed soon Bar."



"Have you dealt with it?"

After leaving the Mori family's room, Hanyu Seiyasu came to Kamel and Akai Shuichi's room with his stomach full. As soon as he entered the door, he saw three wet employees with feathers on their bodies.

"It's already melted, and he can move, that's..." Kamel scratched his head, "It doesn't look very mental."

Just as he was talking, the bathroom door opened. Kyogoku really covered his head with a towel, and his face was invisible, but his voice was a little listless, "I'm done washing, I'm really sorry for you."

"Since the problem is solved, you guys should clean it up and change your clothes. I'll talk to him alone." Hanyu Kiyoan said, and then took Kyogoku to the balcony.

Miyano Akemi got up and left silently, planning to go back to her room to change clothes. Kamel glanced at Akai Shuichi suspiciously, who was staring at Miyano Akemi's back.

But he didn't say anything, he just thought that Akai Shuichi was suspicious of Miyano Akemi, after all, he reminded himself specially last time.

"Uh...then I'm going to wash it first?" Kamel implied who was staying and was in charge of observing the president.

"Well, you go first, I'm not in a hurry." Akai Shuichi replied, and then turned to look at the balcony. Through the door, the voice of the conversation outside was intermittent and unreal.

But outside the dark room is bright, he can't get close to the door to listen, it's too easy to be discovered, and now his situation is still very dangerous, and he can't do too many actions until he understands those problems.

on the balcony.

"When you were frozen, you were conscious, right?" Hanyu Qingan breathed in the fresh air after the rain, and felt that his mind was much clearer.

"Yes, but I can't make any movements, I can't move my eyes, the sound of my heartbeat, the sound of collision and friction between ice cubes and other objects, fills my brain, and the feeling of not being able to control my body is terrible."

Kyogoku's tone seemed to tremble with fear, and Hanyu Kiyoan didn't expect that Yukino's ice seal would have the effect of confinement, and he felt that it might have really frightened him.

"However, I feel it..." Kyogoku raised his head suddenly, and exposed his eyes from under the towel. There was no timidity in his eyes, but even more fanatical excitement.

Not a trill of fear, but excitement.

"I will be able to break through the bottleneck soon, and I hope to have the opportunity to compete with President Hanyu again!"

"..." Hanyu Qing'an looked dumbfounded, all martial arts practitioners are masochists?One by one, the more miserable the beating, the happier they were.

Maybe... this is the necessary talent to become a martial arts expert?

"So... before I asked you to put away your hostility so that I could help you break the ice, you didn't care at all?" Hanyu Qingan asked.

Makoto Kyogoku immediately changed from a fanatical martial arts practitioner to a dull and simple man, scratching his head and saying embarrassedly: "At that time, I felt that being frozen and restricting my movements was a good stressful state. It should be able to force out my potential and succeed. Break through the bottleneck, and break through the ice..."

"I'm very sorry for causing you trouble." After Samsan explained, Kyogoku bowed.

Hanyu Qingan waved his hand speechlessly, and since he had asked clearly, he turned around and planned to leave, but Kyogoku asked again: "That... the thing about the sea monster mentioned earlier..."

Hanyu Qing'an had already forgotten about this, he had told people about this matter several times, and he didn't need to use his brain, he just opened his mouth and repeated what he said about the King of Ghosts before.

"You don't want to fight the King of Ghosts, do you?" After finishing speaking, Hanyu Qingan couldn't help asking when he remembered the scene where this guy was trying to fight Qinglong.

Kyogoku nodded happily, "That's right, when I saw that octopus sea monster on TV before, I wanted to fight it to break through the bottleneck, but I didn't expect to encounter it before I got there." It's President Hanyu."

"..." It was hard for Hanyu Qingan to understand this martial idiot's enthusiasm for fighting, but he seemed to be a very good assistant (tool man) to himself.

There will be more and more ghost kings, Hanyu Qingan is very clear, at the beginning, he may still play every day because of the fun, but once the freshness is over, it will become a mechanical repetitive work, and it would be good if someone can do it for him of.

This is also why Hanyu Qingan threw the Oni King to the Metropolitan Police Department in the first place. The purpose was to let people do power training. It doesn't matter if they intercept some of them in the middle.

When I turn around and fully open the business of exchanging gold coins and scales for spells, the loot that is useless to others will eventually flow back to my own hands.

How can being a store owner be as good as being a hard worker?
And when you want to fight, or when you need gold coins and scales urgently, you can just go and fight yourself, without any delay.

It's a good plan, but obviously no one is a fool and wants to dominate, which is why the last conflict happened.

At this time, with Kyogoku Shin, a very potential tool person, the official representative of the Metropolitan Police Department will not be unique.

The wages paid by the boss to employees are not based on labor output, but irreplaceable.Jingji really can beat the King of Ghosts by himself, but the Metropolitan Police Department is a waste, and they probably won't have the face to say anything in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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