Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

"You carry this with you." Hanyu Qingan took out a charm, "Maybe you will have a chance to try fighting the King of Ghosts after a while."

Kyogoku was really surprised, "Is it really possible? Didn't it mean that the sea area where the octopus sea monster is located is blocked by the Federation?"

Hanyu Qing'an smiled, "The ghost king is not the only one, and their blockade is useless to me, as long as you carry this spell, I will come to you and help you to the ghost king."

"There are three thousand ways of Taoism, and different paths lead to the same goal. In my opinion, you can be regarded as the No. 1 martial arts in the world. It is really rare to be able to maintain such an enterprising spirit."

"The long journey of practice is already very boring. Meeting is fate, and helping fellow travelers is nothing, so you don't have to take it too seriously."

Kyogoku is really a little embarrassed, I just hurt another employee because of a misunderstanding today, and Miss Suzuki's matter, I'm afraid I would have become an enemy if I changed someone else.

I didn't expect this President Hanyu to be so kind, he is really a man with a big heart!


The open-minded man went back to the room contentedly, the so-called... It is reasonable to make a lot of tool people, but it is a fool's mind to make a lot of enemies.

Since the warrior on the other side is likely to restrain himself, the crispy summoner, why not just turn him into our teammate?

With one less potential threat and one more booster, there might be miraculous effects at any time.

Moreover, the opponent wants to fight the ghost king to gain combat experience, and he wants to get the spoils and leisure time. Isn't this a win-win situation?

"Yuzu is asleep?"

Hanyu Qingan looked at the little figure huddled under the quilt, and asked Suzuki Sonoko who was comparing various swimsuits in the mirror.

"Well, how do you look at this one? I think it meets your domineering requirements. It won't be very revealing, and it looks better."

Suzuki Sonoko was holding a sky blue swimsuit with a skirt in her hand, she was measuring herself in the mirror, and then she turned sideways so that Hanyu Kiyoan could see clearly.

"I think it's very good. It's very suitable for going to the beach tomorrow. In addition... this set feels good, and it's very suitable for wearing in the hot springs tonight." Hanyu Qing'an picked up the set with the least fabric from the ground and said.

"..." Suzuki Sonoko glanced at him sideways, folded his arms and said, "It seems that you are still a bad dragon, you are still hard to change, the princess will not be able to educate you tonight!"

"my pleasure."

Hanyu Qing'an smiled and stepped forward to carry the man on his shoulders. Amid coquettish laughter, the two disappeared into the room.


The next day was sunny and clear.

Hanyu Qingan and his party finally enjoyed the enthusiasm of Izu Beach.

To say that the weather is really strange enough, yesterday was a bit cool in the evening of spring, but today the sun is so hot that the mouth is dry.

Hanyu Qing'an sipped the cold drink in his hand, and lay leisurely on the beach chair under the umbrella, looking at Suzuki Sonoko and Mori Ran who finally arrived late.

In the middle of the two sides, Yuzu is playing sand with Conan not far from him.

"Brother Conan, what's wrong with you?"

Yuzu's voice woke up Conan, who quickly explained: "There is nothing, I'm just a little thirsty."

Hanyu Qingan glanced at him, quite sure that he was lying, obviously fascinated by his sister Xiaolan's swimsuit.

"The sun is so poisonous today, luckily I have prepared sunscreen." Sonoko Suzuki said deliberately loudly while fanning with her hands.

"That's right, I thought it was useless." Mao Lilan didn't notice anything strange.

Suzuki Sonoko passed by Yuzu and patted her on the head, then, carrying sunscreen with her hands behind her back, she walked up to Hanyu Kiyoan, bent down and looked at him without saying a word.

She didn't speak, neither did Hanyu Qing'an, just admiring the beautiful scenery above her head confidently.

Suzuki Sonoko waited for a long time, and finally couldn't help becoming irritable, "How long do you want me to wait? You can't take the initiative!"

Hanyu Qingan immediately got off the reclining chair, "Okay, I understand, now apply sunscreen to the princess."


Suzuki Sonoko finally snorted in satisfaction, lay down on the carpet, and unbuttoned her back, revealing her smooth and white back.

Hanyu Qingan is very curious about how this is done. There is not even a single blemish on the skin. No matter how many times you look at it, it feels like a work of art. Is this a special law of this world, or a special law for purely rich people? ?

Pour the creamy sunscreen on her back, and then slowly spread it evenly with the palm of your hand. Soon, Sonoko Suzuki squinted his eyes comfortably.

Mao Lilan was already stunned, but she couldn't help but blushed just looking at it from the sidelines, and the image of Xinyi applying sunscreen on herself unconsciously appeared in her mind.

It's a pity that Shinichi is not here, this big idiot really won't seize the opportunity...

"Conan, come and help me apply sunscreen." Mao Lilan originally planned to apply sunscreen with Yuanzi, but she didn't expect this best friend with thick eyebrows and big eyes to betray her early, and even showed her affection in front of her, which is really disgusting.

"Ah? Oh, okay." Conan was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement without hesitation. After agreeing, he couldn't help his heart beating faster, his mouth was dry, and his throat was throbbing.

When Conan was in a daze, Mao Lilan had already laid down, and urged: "Conan, hurry up, don't be dazed, we will go to the sea to play in a while."

"Ah, hi!" Conan hurriedly began to apply Mao Lilan. After a while, he felt a heat in his nasal cavity. Conan, who had the experience yesterday, reacted immediately and quickly covered his nose.

"I'll go to the bathroom first, sister Xiaolan!" Conan fled in despair.

Mao Lilan who was left there was very speechless, the child couldn't leave the bathroom for a moment...

Mao Lilan, who was lying on the ground, complained, suddenly thought that she seemed unable to get up now, and the sunscreen was only half applied.

Just when he saw Yuzi playing with the sand, he called out, "Yuzi~Come here and do my sister a favor."

"Huh? Okay~" Yuzu agreed crisply, and came over in a hurry.

"Help my sister apply sunscreen, just spread it evenly on the back."

Yuzu looked at the sand in her hands, tilted her head and thought for a while, "Youzi go wash your hands first, and I'll be right back."

After talking, Yuzu also ran away.

Mao Lilan: ...

Looking in the direction of Hanyu Kiyoan and Suzuki Sonoko, those two guys were still sticky there, very devoted, and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​asking Sonoko to help.

After lying on the ground for a while, neither of the two little guys came back. Just as Mao Lilan was about to stand up directly with her swimsuit clutching her chest, a shadow suddenly fell on the ground in front of her.

"Conan, you bastard, you ran away suddenly without saying a word, please help me apply sunscreen on my back."

Heiying didn't respond, and squatted down, stretching his hands towards Mao Lilan's back...

(End of this chapter)

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