Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 258 Surprise

Chapter 258 Surprise
Suddenly, Soi Ying's hand was caught, and he was startled. When he looked up, he saw it was a woman.

"Don't mind your own business!"

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to strike up a conversation, but he just happened to encounter such a good thing as applying sunscreen. The man in the floral shirt saw that it was only a woman who interrupted him, and suddenly flew into a rage.

When Mao Lilan heard something wrong, she quickly covered her chest and turned around, only to realize that it was not Conan who had returned, but a strange man.

Also, the woman in the swimsuit who stopped the man... is Umezawa-san?

Mao Lilan almost didn't recognize her. She only saw Akemi Miyano in a lady's black suit, and she had never seen her in other clothes. She didn't expect her figure to be so good...

"Huh? I'm still a mute, oh, bad luck!"

Hanyu Kiyoan and Suzuki Sonoko who were not far away were originally very focused on the important work of sun protection at the seaside, and they couldn't help being attracted at this time.

Suzuki Sonoko said hastily: "Go and help... Oh, it looks like it's not necessary."

Indeed, there was no need, because at this time Akai Shuichi and Kamel had already stood behind the man.

Akai Shuichi said in a serious tone: "This gentleman seems to be suffering from heat stroke, Kamel, let's help him relieve the heat."

"Okay." Kamel snapped his knuckles, nodded in a muffled voice, and clamped the man under his armpit with a very oppressive and strong arm, ignoring the other's struggle, and forcibly dragged him away up.

"Go ahead, Manager Amuro and others are nearby, nothing will happen." Akai Shuichi turned around and left after speaking.

Miyano Akemi looked at Akai Shuichi's back and became more convinced of her judgment. This person is not Kusuda Rikumichi!

I have been wearing a professional suit all the time, but today I suddenly changed into a swimsuit. People I met on the road would look at me more or less. Even Kamel looked at me strangely, but this "Kusuda Ludao" did not have the slightest...

Too deliberate!

Who is this person?A member of the Black Organization can be replaced without anyone noticing, without being discovered by Bourbon.

Miyano Akemi frowned slightly, feeling that there might be many secrets involved.

If someone from the organization replaced Ludao Kusuda, the organization might not be as monolithic as he imagined.

If it is other forces...

Miyano Akemi turned her head to look at Hanyu Qing'an, wondering if she should find an opportunity to remind the president, but on second thought, the president probably didn't need to remind him, if he really wanted to say it, he reminded Bourbon instead.

Judging from the treatment conditions of the president's last recruitment, he knew that the employees had problems, but he didn't care. It should be due to his own considerations, or it might be the self-confidence of the strong.

With the ability of the president, everything that happened in private should not be hidden from his eyes, just like the identity of himself and his sister.

"Aunt Umezawa?" Yuzu ran back after washing her hands, looked at Akemi Miyano in a swimsuit in front of her, tilted her head for a long time, and then tentatively called out.

Miyano Akemi came back to her senses, smiled, and touched Yuzu's head. This familiar look made Yuzu immediately laugh too.

"Ah, Yuzu is going to help Xiaolan's sister oil!"


Time passed quickly, and it was night in a blink of an eye. The festival was very lively and the fireworks were beautiful. Even Toru Amuro and the others in the crowd, who had been tense and vigilant, couldn't help but look up for a while, as if to relax.

Yuzu ran around on the beach with a lighted fairy wand, laughing non-stop. Hanyu Kiyosuke watched the fireworks for a while, then turned to look at Suzuki Sonoko's profile.

"Why do you keep staring at me instead of watching the fireworks?" Suzuki Sonoko asked strangely, "Each firework blooms only once, how rare."

Sonoko Suzuki has fallen into the filter of her brain again. She always feels that every firework is unique, and it is only for this time in her life. How touching~
Hanyu Qingan stared into her eyes, and said without turning his eyes: "Without this firework, there will be another one, but there will be no next you. Meeting you is the most rare thing in my life, and... You also have fireworks in your eyes, don't waste either."

These words really came from the bottom of his heart. In his previous life, he could never have imagined that there would be an encounter in this life. Fireworks had it in two lifetimes, but this kind of encounter was difficult to replicate.

Suzuki Sonoko froze for a moment, then her eyes flickered, and the fireworks reflected in her eyes seemed to ripple. She leaned over, wrapped her hands around Hanyu Kiyoan's neck, and asked, "Really?"

Hanyu Qing'an nodded seriously, "Well, now I just feel like I'm dreaming, I'm afraid I'll wake up from this dream."

What is the most difficult thing to calm down is nothing more than waking up from a good dream.

Suzuki Sonoko could tell from Hanyu Qingan's eyes that what he was saying was the truth. She didn't know why Hanyu Qingan thought so, but...that's not important anymore.

"Don't worry, I will always be with you, if it is really a dream, then don't wake up, stay here with me..."

Suzuki Sonoko stood on tiptoe and kissed her proactively.

half an hour.

"What, dreams can't be so real, right? Don't worry now, right?" The two were so close that each other could feel their breathing and heartbeat.

"Hmm... It still feels a little unreal, let's try again." Hanyu Kiyoan licked his lips, thinking about it.

Suzuki Sonoko wrinkled her nose, "It's only strange if I believe you!"

"Really, this time you put your tongue..."

"Bah! The grapefruit is still there! What nonsense!"

Hanyu Qingan lowered his head and found that Yuzu was looking at him eagerly, "What's wrong? Don't you want to play?"

Yuzu raised the bare wooden stick in his hand, "No more~"

Hanyu Qingan quickly lit another one and handed it to her, "Okay, let's go play."

After fooling Yuzu away, Hanyu Qingan turned his head to look at Sonoko, "Let's continue."

Suzuki Sonoko didn't refuse either, the atmosphere was just right tonight, she was already thinking about taking advantage of the situation, and giving her the first time tonight...

"President, I have your call. It's Director Baima." Toru Amuro suddenly appeared, "He said you couldn't get through, so he came to me."

Hanyu Qingan asked strangely: "Is there any urgent matter?"

Toru Amuro reminded: "You forgot, today is the time for the agreed press conference, and I need your help to show the miracle."

It is true that this happened, and I did agree, is it today?Hanyu Qingan took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, 99+ missed call records.

Just read all of them, and then look at the date... It's really today, this damn date, the two consecutive days are not consecutive.

"Okay, I see." Hanyu Qingan got up and said to Suzuki Sonoko, "You wait for me here for a while, and I will finish it soon."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the festival that had ended, and the crowd gradually dispersed, and also got up, "Forget it, I'll take Yuzu back to the hostel first, and it's almost time for her to go to bed, so you can come back directly after you finish."

After finishing speaking, he blinked again, "Maybe there will be surprises waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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