Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 259 Extraordinary Press Conference

Chapter 259 Extraordinary Press Conference

Kyogoku was sitting behind the counter, reflecting on yesterday's battle, repeatedly rehearsing in his mind how to deal with that difficult technique and attack, but there was no good way for a while.

It can't be avoided, but can only be resisted. The flying spell attack is not a big problem, but the chain that binds people must wait for it to completely bind itself before breaking free, otherwise it will be endless.

This greatly limited his performance. As long as the opponent continued to use this technique, he could only watch helplessly as the rhythm of the attack was interrupted again and again.

Under distress, Kyogoku turned on the TV and relaxed for a while, but...

"The last time we released relevant information on various media channels, but according to the survey, the public's acceptance rate is not high, and most people think it is a variety show or a promotional release of a certain movie. "

"In fact, we released the video in the principle of respecting the public's right to know, but at that time we did not have more intuitive and strong evidence to convey accurate information to the public more clearly, so we did not continue for a while. publicity."

"Recently, we have also received a lot of inquiries. For example, the octopus sea monster that appeared in the waters of Hawaii, why is the treasure ship entrenched in Japanese style?"

"Since there are such monsters, do the superhuman powers in the legends exist? Monsters, gods, priests, witches, yin masters, magicians...etc, do these really exist?"

"In the face of these issues, we have been carefully studying and investigating the relevant situation with a cautious attitude."

"Modern education has been popularized for a long time, and many citizens have long regarded these as pure legends. If we do not have enough intuitive, clear, clear, and indisputable evidence, we cannot rashly speculate Let me know."

"That was extremely irresponsible."

"Fortunately, after the silent efforts of more than three million civil servants across the country, the relevant investigation has finally made significant progress..."

The spokesperson suddenly became emotional, "It's not some indirect evidence or research report, but a direct discovery, some existences with extraordinary power that still exist in Japan!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic. For a while, the media under the speaking stage went crazy, lost their previous calm and politeness, and shouted all kinds of questions loudly.

In front of the TV, Kyogoku really felt a little bit embarrassed. He didn't believe it at first, but...he had seen the most indisputable evidence last night.

The feeling of finally escaping from the ice has never been forgotten.

"Hmph, these waste bureaucrats are talking nonsense again." An old man shook his head and patted the counter, "Open me a room."

"Husband..." The old lady next to him tugged at his sleeve, motioning him to say less.

While watching TV, Kyogoku dexterously helped the old couple with the check-in procedures.

"Young people don't look at these things. None of these politicians are good people. Old man, I have lived for such a long time, and I have never seen them do any good deeds!"

"It doesn't make any difference if these people are gone. Anyway, there are town councils, and residents' self-government is the real cornerstone of our country. Moreover, when there is a major earthquake, the first relief is the Jidao organization. These people are useless... ..."

Regardless of the old lady's dissuasion, the old man scolded him, and babbled about what he had experienced to the young man Kyogoku.

Without exception, in his mouth, the Japanese government is basically a representative of waste, and it is of no use except to apologize.

Although it is a bit extreme, it is not unreasonable. The unique resident self-government system is what Japan relies on to survive several crises.

For the low-level residents, it doesn't matter who is the prime minister, and many people don't care. The election of the president of the town association is much more important than the election of the prime minister.

Seeing him getting more and more troublesome, the old lady couldn't help it, "People are saying that gods exist, and this is the bullshit you are talking about? Is there anything wrong with the existence of gods enshrined in the shrine?"

The old man was choked immediately, his face was a little ugly, he groaned for a long time, snorted, and stopped talking. He wanted to go directly to the room, but the old lady stopped and stared at the TV.

"Next, the few practitioners with extraordinary power that we have found this time will come to let everyone know this world again."

On the podium, three people came up, a priestess, a monk, and a priest, all wearing unique costumes, and they all looked very professional in both appearance and attire.

The first one who came to the front was the monk. The old monk had kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and he was very in line with the appearance of an eminent monk that people expected. He was carefully selected to be in charge of the opening of the extraordinary power conference.

"Amitabha, the poor monk Yuanfa, the abbot of the small mountain temple." The old monk was very modest and gave people a good impression.

"People who become monks dare not speak nonsense, the poor monk does not possess any extraordinary power..."

There was a commotion in the audience, isn't this just a joke?You don't have extraordinary power, what are you doing here?
The old monk gasped, and waited for a little silence before continuing: "It's just a coincidence that I met a creature with Buddha nature."

"It was probably not long after the poor monk became the abbot. The previous abbot, the poor monk's master, passed away. At that time, there was only the poor monk left in the whole temple..."

The old monk didn't know whether it was made up or it was true, anyway, what he said was very similar to the same thing, and his eloquence was so good that even the old man who had just had a quarrel was fascinated by it.

The story is very simple. It is probably that in this flashy world, a young monk who guards the temple alone and has a pure mind accidentally discovered a sealed cave on the back mountain of the temple. He opened it curiously and saw only a mottled wooden fish and A string of ancient number beads.

Out of curiosity, he brought them back. Who would have thought that when he was chanting scriptures in the temple at dusk, these two objects turned into monsters...

After panicking, he discovered that these two monsters had no intention of hurting anyone, but were full of Buddha nature. The one-eyed monk transformed from the wooden fish, and the human figure from the number beads all exuded Buddha's light.

He was shocked when he saw it, and after searching through the records in the temple, he learned that these two items were bathed in Buddha's light all the year round, chanting scriptures and nourishing them, and gained spiritual wisdom.

And he is far more Buddha-nature than this monk, so he has always respected them as seniors.

"Everyone, please wait a moment, I will invite them to come out and meet everyone."

The old monk took out a wooden fish and a string of counting beads from his sleeve, sat cross-legged on the ground, chanted sutras and moved the counting beads, while knocking on the wooden fish...

(End of this chapter)

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