Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 264 Undercover vs Psychiatrist

Chapter 264 Undercover vs Psychiatrist
Early the next morning, Hanyu Kiyoan took a group of employees to see a psychiatrist. Toru Amuro handed him a stack of printed resumes for new employees, and while slowly starting the car, he asked:
"I called the nearby Mihua Pharmacist Field Hospital's Psychology Department yesterday to make an appointment for a consultation. Today I am seeing a doctor named Fudo Kyosuke. It is said that this doctor is very good."

"Well, you can do as you see fit." Hanyu Qingan flipped through the resumes and checked them one by one.

Toru Amuro saw that Hanyu Kiyoan didn't ask any further questions, and felt relieved. Fudo Kyosuke's reputation is good, but he was chosen not because of his high level, but because this psychiatrist came from surgery, and he can be regarded as a half-way monk. up.

All the employees of the funeral home can't see the light, where can they see a psychiatrist.

"There are a little less female employees..." Hanyu Qingan said.

Amuro said heartily, whether it is working undercover or in this line of work, there are not many women in the first place.

"Arrange the recruitment process as soon as possible. After the work is done, I will conduct the final review of the interview. After confirming that these people are not hostile, I can arrange work."

Hanyu Qing'an said, "Women can relax the conditions appropriately. There are still a lot of witches at the shrine, and some of them will go there at that time."

"The ones left by the funeral home can allow them to engage in clerical work, such as business, personnel, finance, etc., so that they don't need to have a strong psychological quality to face the corpse."

Toru Amuro wrote down one by one.

"In addition, I plan to separate the Hanyu Yinyang Funeral Service and the Hanyu Shrine. In the future, the funeral service will be responsible for the low-end funeral business, which is characterized by being affordable and transparent, and the shrine will be responsible for the high-end funeral service. I will preside over it myself."

"After the shikigami statues are placed in the shrine, there should still be a vacant room, which can be considered open to customers to store ashes tablets or even... god tablets." Hanyu Qingan thought of the Lihua Shrine and said casually.

Amuro Toru's eyes moved, and he remembered the nicknames that someone in the company had given to this president - the gods of the gods, the gods of the gods.

"Huh? Already here?" Hanyu Kiyosuke saw the car stop, and through the window, he saw the words Mihua Yakushino Hospital.

Originally, I wanted to talk about the follow-up work arrangements for Umezawa and Amuro, but now that I have arrived at the hospital, I can only talk about it when I get back.

Hanyu Qing'an led this group of unkind employees, and the patients and nurses in the hospital caught the attention of the patients as soon as they got out of the car, and they all began to guess that this was the team leader of a nearby jiudao organization or Ruotou came to see the doctor.

It's not a strange thing for a member of the Jidao Organization to see a doctor, but it's usually seen in the surgery department, and the psychotherapy department... It's really rare. They have been beaten and killed a lot, and they have encountered psychological problems?

Amuro reported the appointment information, and the nurse at the front desk who was in a nympho hurriedly looked down, "Mr. Amuro, there are seven of them, right?"

"Huh? Seven?" Hanyu Qing'an looked at his group suspiciously, seven people, wouldn't that count him?
Before he could say anything, Toru Amuro nodded in response, "That's right."

The little nurse held the pad with the patient's information form on it, and led a few people to the door of Fudo Kyosuke's department, then looked at Toru Amuro with a slightly flushed face:

"Please briefly tell us your personal information and situation first, so that it will be convenient for the doctor to consult you later."

Although Toru Amuro is a little strange, this kind of thing should be recorded at the front desk, but there is no special regulation. Maybe it's because the psychotherapy department is different?

"Toru Amuro, male, 29 years old, the current address is ** apartment, 38-[-], Mihuacho [-]-chome, Mihua City, Tokyo, and the contact number is @#¥%&..."

The little nurse's heart was pounding as she took notes and took notes, and then asked, "Excuse me, why did you see a psychiatrist?"

Toru Amuro turned his head and glanced at Kiyoan Hanyu, "Our president is more concerned about the physical and mental health of employees, so he arranged for us to conduct an inspection to avoid psychological problems due to work reasons."

"Reason for work? Psychological problems?" The little nurse stopped the pen in her hand and looked up at Toru Amuro curiously.

Amuro revealed a warm smile, which fascinated the little nurse. He only heard him say: "That's right, we are employees of the funeral home, the company responsible for the funeral ceremony."

As soon as this remark came out, Toru Amuro, who was originally handsome and gentle in the eyes of the little nurse, and also a little bit evil, instantly cast a gloomy aura.

This is not as good as the Jidao organization...

The little nurse's expression became a little stiff, and then she put away those extravagant thoughts and made a down-to-earth record, but there was always a kind of look in the eyes of Toru Amuro - Qing Benmei, who is a thief - Feel.

Toru Amuro couldn't see through the little nurse's mind, but he didn't have time to think about it. Soon it was his turn to enter the consultation room. Fudo Kyosuke was on the phone and motioned him to sit down first.

Toru Amuro sat down across the table, observing each other habitually.

Fudo Kyosuke is a young and handsome looking doctor, tall and tall, with slightly curly hair and moles at the corners of his eyes. He looks very elegant and gentlemanly.

But... Toru Amuro found something strange.

After Fudo Kyosuke finished making the call, he sat down, showed a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, picked up the basic file recorded by the little nurse, glanced at it, and said very kindly:
"Don't be too cautious, just treat it as a normal chat. Do you have any topics of interest?"

At the beginning of psychological counseling, the atmosphere must be eased first, and the patient should relax. Only after he relaxes will he let go of his vigilance and speak out his true thoughts. Otherwise, the problems will be hidden in the bottom of his heart, and it will be difficult for doctors to find the crux of the problem.

Toru Amuro nodded, and asked, "Is Dr. Fudoto left-handed?"

"..." Fudo Kyosuke's expression froze instantly, he shrank his left hand uncomfortably, and tried to maintain a smile and said, "No, I'm right-handed."

Amuro Toru, as if he didn't realize it, stared straight at his left hand and said, "A right-handed person probably wouldn't use his left hand to press the buttons when making a phone call."

Fudo Kyosuke's eyelids twitched, and his heart was inexplicably angry, but he was a professional and could not lose his composure in front of patients, so he tried to reply in a calm tone:

"I was left-handed as a child and I corrected it when I learned to write, so it's a little different from someone who was right-handed from the start."

Toru Amuro smiled, and didn't speak any more, but the expression on his face, the noncommittal look, clearly showed disbelief.

Fudo Kyosuke looked at him like this, very suspicious that he was here to make trouble.

The truth is almost the same. Although the psychiatrist in front of him is a half-way monk, Toru Amuro can't easily let him take the lead in the conversation, lest he get caught in some psychological tricks and accidentally leak key information.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Toru Amuro wanted to disrupt the opponent's rhythm.

(End of this chapter)

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