Ke Xue mourner

Chapter 265

Chapter 265
Fudo Kyosuke took a deep breath, relaxed the stiff muscles on his face, and tried to look kind. The patient in front of him was obviously relaxed and did not need his help, so he could proceed to the next step of formal treatment.

After the atmosphere is relaxed and the patient relaxes, he should show a sincere attitude, guide the patient to confide the pain in his heart, and use a focused and serious attitude to make the patient feel that he is valued.

This is not only a work routine, but also very useful for treatment. In many cases, the backlog of psychological problems is due to the lack of a qualified listener, and some patients with minor problems will feel better after talking to them.

This method of playing the audience is like a screen, which can directly cure some patients with minor problems.

In the process of listening, there must be some interaction, showing empathy, standing by the side of the patient, helping him vent his emotions as much as possible, and giving him a sense of identity, so as to prevent the patient from becoming extreme and thinking that the whole world does not understand him .

After the patient's mood has stabilized and the person has calmed down again, then start targeted treatment. From the confession just now, find the key to the problem, and then get twice the result with half the effort.

Although this method is not a secret method, it has always been very useful, even today... A word from Toru Amuro silenced Fudo Kyosuke.

"I am engaged in funeral work, can you understand the depression of our work?"

Fudo Kyosuke wanted to say yes, but is not a universal point that is convenient for empathy. If you insist on saying yes, it will be considered insincere.

If the patient believes that the doctor is insincere, then he will be full of defenses and the treatment will be difficult to be effective.

Therefore, he had to use another way to break the situation.

"This kind of work is indeed very easy to make people feel depressed and fearful. Facing the silent dead every day will be a test of nerves, right? If it were me, I'm afraid I can't last for a few days. It's amazing that you can do this job .”

Compliment the other party in a contrasting way, so that the other party can gain a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, and then feel comfortable and excited, making it easier to open up.

Although Fudo Kyosuke is a technical streamer, his acting skills are still good. He thinks he is impeccable.

However, how could Toru Amuro follow his words, "It's okay, the dead don't lie or harm people. In contrast, the living are the scariest, right? Dr. Fudo?"

Fudo Kyosuke was stunned for a moment, remembered something, unconsciously his face became gloomy, and subconsciously nodded in agreement: "Indeed, the dead will not harm others, the heart of the living is the most vicious..."

Amuro narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing that he was not in the right mood, and took advantage of the situation to continue: "Our funeral home is quite special, and most of the commissions we have received so far are the deceased in criminal homicide cases."

"So, I'm also very clear about the details of the case. The case that impressed me the most was the first commission I received with our president. It was a story of humiliation and revenge..."

Tohru Amuro talked about the case of President Jumu, and told the story of the murderer who killed President Okiyu who used dirty means in order to avenge his friend who was forced to death.

Fudo Kyosuke listened very attentively, and when he heard that the murderer at the time was targeted by President Oki Yuki because of his own talent, he immediately empathized, it was exactly like himself!
When he heard that in order to steal the fruits of labor of his friend and his friend at that time, Oki Yu secretly used improper means to push their start-up company to the brink of bankruptcy. He clenched his fists.

In the end, when Ren used a trick to kill Oki by the president, his expression immediately relaxed, and a faint smile even appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Toru Amuro has been observing the expression of Kyosuke Fudo, but he didn't suspect anything because of it. After all, these days, people who feel that they are outstanding talents are being squeezed out and framed by others, so this is a person who is very easy to empathize with. point.

The 30-year-old cardiologist in front of me has transferred from surgery to the cardiology department. This kind of almost irrelevant department must have suffered a lot in the workplace.

Therefore, everything was in Amuro Toru's plan. Seeing that the time was almost up, he stopped talking, and then said to Fudo Kyosuke:

"Ah, I'm sorry, I can't stop once I start talking, it seems that it's time, and my colleagues are waiting behind me, so I'll leave first."

Fudo Kyosuke suddenly came back to his senses, and he was fascinated by what he was listening to. He got up a little out of composure, "Well, why don't I extend it for another half an hour, and there will be no extra money."

Toru Amuro quickly declined his kindness, "That's unnecessary, by the way, can I trouble you to issue a mental health certificate for me?"

"This..." Fudo Kyosuke hesitated for a moment, but thinking about the other party's performance just now, it really didn't seem like there was any serious psychological problem, so he nodded, "Okay."

Toru Amuro heaved a sigh of relief, with this thing, he should be able to shut the president's mouth, right?
"Thank you doctor." Toru Amuro took the mental health certificate with a smile and left the consultation room, calling the next one to come in.

Fudo Kyosuke quickly took a deep breath, patted his face, and pulled himself together. Just now, his performance was too unprofessional. He was so absorbed in listening to the story that he didn't give the patient the consultation he should do at all.

I can't be so unconscious anymore.

tuk tuk tuk~
"Please come in."

Kamel pushed open the door and walked in, and stood in front of the table. The feeling of oppression came to his face, which made Fudo Kyosuke stunned for a while.

"Please sit down." Came back to his senses, Fudo Kyosuke said quickly.

"From Mr. Amuro just now, I have learned about your work. Life and death are indeed the most touching things. It must be very uncomfortable for you to face the scene of life and death every day, right?"

Kyosuke Futo changed direction and began to talk about human emotions.

Kamel replied in a muffled voice, "It's okay."

Fudo Kyosuke and Kamel stared at each other for a long time, but the latter didn't say anything, so he could only ask: "Excuse me... there are regulations in your industry. Do you have to control your expression when you are working?"

Kamel didn't know that Qingan Hanyu had specifically screened because of this problem when he was recruiting. He thought about it carefully, and didn't remember mentioning it on purpose, but no one was still smiling in front of the family of the deceased. , so shook his head.


Fudo Kyosuke looked at the dull big man in front of him, a little bit at a loss what to say, is this squeezing toothpaste?

"We are just chatting, and there are no outsiders here, you can relax a little, for example, have a smile?"

Kamel smiled honestly, Futo Kyosuke suddenly felt chills down his spine, and finally realized that a smile cannot solve all problems, and it may also be the problem itself...

(End of this chapter)

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